Civil Service Acronym Buster Like Ghost Busters ... except for CS Acronyms!

The Civil Service as an organisation, runs on Acronyms. Anyone new to a Department or area of work might think that their colleagues are speaking a different language.

This site attempts to document all the acronyms used in order to improve everyone's understanding in the workplace.

Acronym not here? Contribute to the list, someone else might know the answer or meaning.
Last Updated : 01-11-2024

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The List
Acronym Meaning Definition Department Team/Area
100PS 100 Parliament Street London office home to HMRC and DCMS. Part of Government Offices Great George Street (GOGGS). Civil Service Wide Office
10DS 10 Downing Street - Data Science A dedicated Data Science team in 10 Downing Street No 10 10DS
10SC 10 South Colonnade Government building in Canary Wharf Civil Service Wide Multiple
1HGR 1 Horse Guards Road London office home to HMT, CO, CCS. Part of Government Offices Great George Street (GOGGS). Civil Service Wide Office
1LS/2LS/3LS 1st, 2nd or 3rd Line Support Used in IT Incident Management - The first line of support provides basic / common assistance; for more complex tasks, there is the second line of support; and for external services or highly technology-specific issues, there is the third line of support. Not Limited to CS IT Support
1VS 1 Victoria Street BEIS HQ BEIS Department Wide
2MS 2 Marsham Street Goverment Offices, Home to Defra, MHCLG and Home Office Civil Service Wide
2SPS 2 St. Peter's Square Government office in Manchester housing several departments. Civil Service Wide
39VS 39 Victoria Street DHSC's London HQ DHSC Department Wide
3GW 3 Glass Wharf Government office in Bristol housing several departments. Building operated by HMRC. Civil Service Wide
5 out of 5 5 data checks Data checks carried out : name, date of birth, gender, postcode, address. Civil Service Wide
5is USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New zealand 5 Anglo SAXON COUNTRIES THAT cooperate closely on security and othermatters FCO
70WH 70 Whitehall Cabinet Office HQ Cabinet Office
A&O Accommodation and Occupancy (also known as AO) An table of data, extracted from the NOMIS database providing a row per prisoner, including basic personal details and their location
A2J Access to Justice MoJ
AA Administrative Assistants in context of PVB
AA (civil service grade) Administrative Assistants Civil Service Wide
AAC Administrative Appeals Court MoJ
AAETO Association of Adult Education and Training Organisations HOLEX is a trading name of the Association of Adult Education and Training Organisations (AAETO). Source: {HOLEX website|} accessed 2019-08-06 DfE
AAN (admissions) Approved Admission Numbers ro DfE
AAN (apprenticeships) Apprenticeship Ambassador Network Launched April 2006 to champion Apprenticeships to employers of all sizes with the aim is to grow the Apprenticeships programme by engaging new employers through business to business promotion.Source: Apprenticeships website as at 2014-07-22 Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2018-01-17 DfE
AAR After Action Review DfE
AAS Aimhigher Associates Scheme The idea of the Aimhigher Associates Scheme is to promote progression by learners from state schools to the full range of higher education provision on offer. Undergraduates from a state school background will provide support and encouragement to learners as they encounter the various transition milestones between Year 9 and Year 13 and they will receive training to help them in this role. DfE
AASSH Association of Anglican Secondary School Heads The Association of Anglican Secondary School Heads (AASSH) provides support and professional development for members, and a forum to discuss and respond to local and national Christian education.Source: The Knowledge 2019-02-06 DfE
AAT Achievement and Attainment Tables DfE
AB Appellate Body The Appellate Body is standing body that hears trade dispute appeals. DBT
ABA Anti-Bullying Alliance Founded in 2002 by the NSPCC and National Children's Bureau, the Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA) brings together organisations into one network to stop bullying and create safe environments for children. Source: {Anti-bullying Alliance|} accessed 2015-06-02 DfE
ABC Acceptable Behaviour Contracts This is a written agreement between the person who has been causing the problems and their local council or police. These contracts are designed to give those involved the chance to acknowledge their actions, and to take responsibility for the impact they've had on others.Source: Directgov website as at 2012-05-08 DfE
ABCD Asset Based Community Development A mechanism for community development through a focus on recognising and mobilising under-valued community assets.
ABE Adult Basic Education Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
ABP Annual Business Plan DLUHC
ABPI Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
AC Accelerated Construction Fund See LAAC DLUHC
AC (analytical) Analytical Community Term used to describe the whole analytical community. DfE
AC (audit) Audit Commission A public corporation set up in 1983 to protect the public purse. It appointed auditors to councils, NHS bodies (excluding NHS foundation trusts), local police bodies and other local public services in England, and oversees their work. The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 made it possible for the Audit Commission to close, in line with Government expectations, on 31 March 2015, 30 years after it was established. Several of the Commission's functions will continue after its closure.Sourc... DfE
ACAB National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux DfE
Acas Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Note: only an initial cap.) Aims to prevent and resolve employment disputes prior to employment tribunals. MoJ
ACC Association of County Councils DfE
ACCAC Qualifications Curriculum and Assessment Authority for Wales Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
ACCT Assessment, care in custody and teamwork self-harm monitoring documentation MoJ
ACE Arts Council England DCMS ALB, investing in arts and culture DCMS Department-wide
ACE (childhood) Adverse Childhood Experiences Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2019-08-15 DfE
ACE (communication) Aiding Communication in Education Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
ACEG Association for Careers and Education Guidance The Association for Careers and Education Guidance (ACEG) is an independent organisation for people involved in the management and delivery of careers education and guidance for young people in the UK. Their key purpose is to promote excellence and innovation in careers education and Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) for all young people. DfE
ACEO Association of Chief Education Officers Association of Chief Education Officers merged with the Society of Education Officers and the Society of Chief Inspectors and Advisers to form the Confederation of Education Service Managers (ConfEd). Source This page was created by the Library. Education Journal issue 63 2002Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
ACERT Advisory Council for the Education of Romany and other Travellers DfE
ACFHE Association of Colleges of Further and Higher Education DfE
ACG Annual Capital Guidelines DfE
ACL Adult and Community Learning Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
ACL Access Control List MoJ
ACLF Adult and Community Learning Fund 1998-2004. Supported community-based learning activities for adults. DfE
ACM Association for College Management DfE
ACME Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education The Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME) is an independent committee, based at the Royal Society and operating under its auspices, that aims to influence Government strategy and policies with a view to improving the outcomes of mathematics teaching and learning in England and so secure a mathematically enabled population. ACME was established in January 2002, by the Royal Society and the Joint Mathematical Council of the UK with the explicit backing of all major mathematics orga... DfE
ACPC Area Child Protection Committee Local Authorities in England and Wales, in exercising their social services functions, were under a requirement to ensure that there was an Area Child Protection Committee (ACPC) covering their area, which brought together representatives of each of the main agencies and professionals responsible for helping to protect children from abuse and neglect. In England, ACPCs were replaced from April 2006 with statutory Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs). In Wales the transition to LSCBs occ... DfE
ACPO Area Child Protection Officer Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
ACPO Association of Chief Police Officers MoJ
ACQ Accountability, Curriculum and Qualifications DfE
ACRA Association of College Registrars and Administrators DfE
ACS Accountable Care Systems System of healthcare provision which is intended to be integrated. In particular, to merge the funding of primary care with that for hospital care NHSx Org Wide
ACS Average Class Size Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
ACSES Annual Civil Service Employment Survey Civil Service Wide
ACSET Advisory Committee on the Supply and Education of Teachers DfE
ACSTT Advisory Council on the Supply and Training of Teachers 1953-1965 DfE
ACT Action for Covid-19 Tools Accelerator ACT brings together the WHO and leading international partners to maximise access of new vaccines, treatments and tests for everyone, as quickly as possible. Industry is an essential partner and will play an important role in the work of the ACT-Accelerator. BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
ACTOR Approved College and Training Organisation Register DfE
ACVT Advisory Committee for Vocational Training Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
AD Active Directory MoJ
ADA Added Days Awarded Days that are added to an offenders release date following an adjudication MoJ
ADA Architecture Design Authority Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
ADB Apprenticeship Delivery Board The Apprenticeship Delivery Board (ADB) will advise on expanding apprenticeships nationally, and will aim to increase the number of apprenticeship places that employers offer in both the public and private sector. The Apprenticeship Delivery Board advises on how best to expand apprenticeships nationally and will play an active part in supporting the delivery of this. Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2018-01-17 DfE
ADCN Apprenticeship Diversity Champions Network The Apprenticeship Diversity Champions Network (ADCN) champions apprenticeships and diversity amongst employers and encourages more people from underrepresented groups, including those with disabilities, women and members of the black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities, to consider apprenticeships. The network supports the government's commitment to increase the proportion of apprenticeship starts by people from BAME backgrounds by 20% by 2020.Source: {GOV.UK| DfE
ADCS Association of Directors of Childrens Services The Association of Directors of Children's Services Ltd (ADCS) is the national leadership association in England for statutory directors of children's services and their senior management teams.Source: {ADCS website|} accessed 2015-06-02 DfE
ADD Attention deficit disorder DfE
ADD Analysis and Data Division DLUHC
ADF Azure Data Factory Not Limited to CS DDaT
ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a group of behavioural symptoms that include inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Attention deficit disorder (ADD) is a type of ADHD.Source: {NHS|} accessed 2015-06-02 DfE
ADI Application Desktop Integrator Spreadsheet containing total disbursement of a prison, sent from business hub to regional accounts team.#moneyToPrisoners MoJ
ADII Architecture, Data, Information, Innovation Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
Admin 4 database An Excel file that has Police Station & Mags Court schemes on MoJ
ADP Azure Data Platform Not Limited to CS DDaT
ADP Advocate Defence Payments One of our projects for the Legal Aid Agency. where advocates (solicitors) can submit invoices for work done for legal aid work.Used to be known as CBO/Crime Billing Online MoJ
ADR Alternative dispute resolution MoJ
ADR Architectural design record MoJ
ADR Alternative dispute resolution Method to solve a dispute with the help of a third party. HMCTS
ADR UK Administrative Data Research UK ADR UK (Administrative Data Research UK) is a partnership transforming the way researchers access the UK's wealth of public sector data, to enable better informed policy decisions that improve people's lives.Source: ADR UK website accessed 2021-03-30 DfE
ADS Advice Direct Scotland Not Limited to CS
AE (civil service grade) Assistant Economists Civil Service Wide
AE (education) Adult education DfE
AEB (board) Associated Examining Board Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
AEB (budget) Adult education budget DfE
AEC Association of Education Committees Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
AED All Education Dataset Refers to the pooling of all post MoG (2016) holdings of FE, HE and Schools data. Distinct from linked NPD by not restricting age and that it is the educational element underpinning LEO.Source: Data Directorate 2019-08-01 DfE
AEF Aggregate External Finance Source: Department for Education and Employment and Office for Standards in Education., (1999). Departmental Report: The Government's Expenditure Plans 1999-00 to 2001-02 Cm 4202. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN: 0101421923] DfE
AELP Association of Employment and Learning Providers The Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP) is the national trade association representing providers involved in skills and employment delivery, responding to the needs of employers, learners and the local communities. One voice, making a difference. AELP members deliver the majority of Apprenticeships, Traineeships, English and maths in the workplace and programmes for the unemployed including the Work Programme.Source: {AELP|} accessed 2017-02-16 DfE
AEN Additional Educational Needs Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
AEP Association of Educational Psychologists DfE
AEP Accelerated Encryption Processing MoJ
AET Autism Education Trust The Autism Education Trust helps to ensure that autistic children and young people receive an education that enables them to fulfil their aspirations and engage in society as active citizens.Source: {Autism Education Trust|} accessed 2020-08-19 DfE
AF Admissions Forum Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
AFET Anne Frank Educational Trust DfE
AFF Alternative Funding Formula Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
AFK Away From Keyboard MoJ
AfL Assessment for Learning Aimed to support schools in developing their assessment of pupils, to enhance learning and improve the rate of pupil progression. DfE
AFNCCF Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families DfE
AFPC Apply for Pension Credit
AFRD (departmental organisational unit) Accountability and Flexible Resource Division Year(s) active (where known): ?-2019 DfE
AGB Architecture governance board Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
AGBIS Association of Governing Bodies of Independent Schools In the early 1940s the governing bodies of boys' and girls' public schools formed two associations. Their objects were to advance education in the independent sector by discussing matters of policy and practice, giving advice to schools in membership, considering their relationships with the wider educational community, and taking action as necessary in the interests of their members.Source: {AGBIS website|} accessed 2019-06-04 DfE
AGCAS Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services AGCAS is the expert membership organisation for higher education student career development and graduate employment professionals. Through our members, we support the best possible career outcomes from higher education for individuals, institutions, society and the economy.Source: {AGCAS website|} accessed 2019-06-04 DfE
AGE Apprenticeship Grant for Employers The Apprenticeship Grant for Employers (AGE) ran from January-March 2010. It was intended to encourage employers, especially SMEs, to take on young people aged 16 and 17 as apprentices, by offering a £2,500 grant for each new recruit. It achieved its aim of securing 5,000 additional Apprenticeship places for the target group in the timescale. Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
AGFS Advocate Gradual Fees Scheme Fee scheme available to Barristers who work on Crown Court cases MoJ
AGIT Action for Governors Information and Training Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
AGO Attorney General's Office MoJ
AHDC Aiming High for Disabled Children Aiming High for Disabled Children (AHDC), announced in 2007, was the transformation programme for services for disabled children and their families in England from 2008-2011. DfE
AHOD All Hands On Deck Urgent action required by all team/organisation members regardless of role/grade
AHP Affordable Homes Programme The Affordable Homes Programme (AHP) 2021-2026 will be worth £11.5bn and will fund up to 180,000 homes “should economic conditions allow”. DLUHC
AHRB Arts and Humanities Research Board Source: Department for Education and Employment and Office for Standards in Education., (1999). Departmental Report: The Government's Expenditure Plans 1999-00 to 2001-02 Cm 4202. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN: 0101421923] DfE
AHRC Arts and Humanities Research Council The AHRC is a non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, along with the other UK Research Councils. The AHRC is governed by its Council, which is responsible for its overall strategic direction, and we are incorporated by Royal Charter.Source: {AHRC|} accessed 2016-07-20 DfE
AHT Adopted Housing Target DLUHC
AHUA Association of Heads of University Administration DfE
AICE Advanced International Certificate of Education Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) is an academic 2-year program (similar to an A Level) taken between the age of 16 and 18 where students concentrate on two or three subjects while maintaining an incorporated international focus. Successful exam scores in 5 subjects after the 2-year period awards a group certificate, with designated marks of pass, merit or distinction.Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Not Limited to CS
AIS Acceptance Into Service MoJ
AJTC Administrative Justice Tribunals Council MoJ
AL Annual Leave Civil Service Wide
AL (civil service grade) Assistant Librarian Civil Service Wide
ALA Association of London Authorities DfE
ALB Arm's length body Non-departmental bodies, executive agencies or non-ministerial departments in government Civil Service Wide
ALBSU Adult Literacy and Basic Skills Unit The Adult Literacy and Basic Skills Unit (formerly the Adult Literacy Unit and Adult Literacy Resource Agency) was a government-funded unit of NIACE, which remained in London when NIACE moved to Leicester. It became independent in 1990 as the Basic Skills Agency. In 2007, NIACE and the BSA merged together as one organisation.Source: {Learning and Work Institute website|} accessed 2019-06-14 DfE
ALF Average Level of Funding Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
Alfresco A document management system. Used by the courts MoJ
ALG Adult Learning Grants Rolled out in 2006-07/unknown. Provided a weekly maintenance allowance for adults on low incomes studying for a wide range of qualifications, including BTECs, NVQs, GSCEs and A-levels.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2015-06-02 DfE
ALI Adult Learning Inspectorate The Adult Learning Inspectorate (ALI) was a non-departmental public body established under the Learning and Skills Act 2000. It became part of Ofsted in April 2007. In December 2005 the Government announced the merger of the Adult Learning Inspectorate with Ofsted, the children's social care remit of the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI), and other organisations concerned with child protection. DfE
ALIS A Level Information Service Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-04 DfE
ALL Advanced Learner Loans You can apply for an Advanced Learner Loan to help with the costs of a course at a college or training provider in England. Loan eligibility doesn't depend on your income and there are no credit checks.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2016-07-19 DfE
ALP Agent-led process A process with manual steps for an agent (staff) user to complete – usually in a PDF – in lieu of a digital service DWP Operations / digital
ALP Association of Learning Providers DfE
ALR Adult Learner Responsive One of three demand-led funding models used to calculate funding by the LSC, the Adult Learner Responsive model covers learners on eligible provision who are aged 19 or over on the 31st august of the funding year in which they start a specific episode of learning.Source: {The National Archives|} accessed 2019-06-12 DfE
ALRU Adult Literacy Resource Unit The Adult Literacy and Basic Skills Unit (formerly the Adult Literacy Unit and Adult Literacy Resource Agency) was a government-funded unit of NIACE, which remained in London when NIACE moved to Leicester. It became independent in 1990 as the Basic Skills Agency. In 2007, NIACE and the BSA merged together as one organisation.Source: {Learning and Work Institute website|} accessed 2019-06-14 DfE
ALS Action Learning Set Civil Service Wide
ALS (learning) Additional learning support DfE
ALS (literacy) Additional Literacy Support DfE
ALT Association for Learning Technology The Association for Learning Technology (ALT) represents individual and organisational members from all sectors and parts of the UK. Our membership includes practitioners, researchers and policy makers with an interest in Learning Technology. Our community grows more diverse as Learning Technology has become recognised as a fundamental part of learning, teaching and assessment. Our charitable objective is "to advance education through increasing, exploring and disseminating knowledge in the f... DfE
AM Activity Manager Cabinet Office Fast Stream
AMA (accelerated) Accelerated Modern Apprenticeships DfE
AMA (advanced) Advanced Modern Apprenticeships DfE
AMA (authorities) Association of Metropolitan Authorities Merged with the Association of County Councils and the Association of District Councils to form the Local Government Association.Source: {NBS website (supported by the RIBA)|} accessed 2019-06-04 DfE
AMC Advanced Market Commitment BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
AMCS A Modern Civil Service The new vision for the civil service, replacing A Brilliant Civil Service Civil Service Wide
AME Annually Managed Expenditure See RAME DLUHC
AME Annually Managed Expenditure The element of public expenditure for which multi-year spending limits are not appropriate, and which is instead subject to annual review.Source: Department for Education and Skills., (2003). Departmental Report 2003 Cm 5902. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN: 0101590229]Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 Civil Service Wide
AMG Annual Maintenance Grant Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
AMGB Account Management Governance Board DfE
AMI Amazon Machine Image
AMSD (departmental organisational unit) Academies and Maintained Schools Directorate Year(s) active (where known): 2018- DfE
AMSG (departmental organisational unit) Academies and Maintained Schools Group Year(s) active (where known): 2017-2018 DfE
AMSP Advanced Mathematics Support Programme The Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP) is a government-funded initiative, managed by MEI, which aims to increase participation in AS/A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics, and Core Maths, and improve the teaching of these level 3 maths qualifications accessed: 2021-03-01 DfE
AMSUK Association of Muslim Schools UK DfE
Any published data has to meet the requirements of the Data Protection Act so for example the Department does not publish data that could identify an individual. However analysis of the individual pupil records from PLASC DfE
AO Administrative Officer Grade with in the UK Civil Service Civil Service Wide
AO Accounting Officer The personal accountability of the Accounting Officer forms the foundation of Parliament's ability to hold the Executive to account for public spending. Ministers are answerable to Parliament for policy decisions and the actions of the departments and their executive agencies. The Accounting Officer, normally the Permanent Secretary in the department, is personally responsible for the regularity and propriety of expenditure, robust evaluation of different mechanisms for delivering policy obje... Civil Service Wide
AO Accommodation and Occupancy (also known as A&O)
AO (adjudication) Adjudication Officers Source: Department for Education and Employment and Office for Standards in Education., (1998). Departmental Report: The Government's Expenditure Plans for 1998-99 Cm 3910. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN 0101391021] DfE
AO (awarding) Awarding organisations DfE
AO (initial teacher training) Assessment only (route to qualified teacher status) If you're an experienced teacher with a degree, you can achieve qualified teacher status (QTS) without having to do any further training. Assessment Only allows you to demonstrate that you already meet all of the standards for QTS. To achieve QTS via the AO route, you'll need to present detailed evidence that you meet the standards. Your teaching will be assessed in a school by an accredited and approved AO provider. DfE
AO/AA Administrative Office/Administrative Assistant A Grade within the Civil Serice Civil Service Wide
AOB Any Other Business
AOB Any Other Business Not Limited to CS
AoC Association of Colleges The AoC was responsible for administering the Beacon awards.Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-04 DfE
AOD Application Overview Document DfE
AOF Animal Origin Free BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
AONB Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty DLUHC
AOP All Other Pupils DfE
AP Alternative provision Education outside of school, when it is arranged by LAs or schools, is called alternative provision. It can range from pupil referral units (PRUs) and further education colleges to voluntary or private sector projects.Source: DfE website as at 2012-05-08 DfE
AP Approved Premises
AP (associate) Associate Pool DfE
APA Asset Protection Agency APA
APA Advanced Purchase Agreement BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
APA (Ofsted) Annual Performance Assessment (Ofsted) Annual Performance Assessment (APA) is an annual process undertaken by Ofsted (and, until 2006, by CSCI) to provide a performance rating for each local authority children's services. It also assesses capacity to improve services and identifies strengths and weaknesses, and acts as a risk assessment to focus any future Joint Area Review inspection. The APA performance rating forms the children and young people's services block of the Audit Commission's annual Comprehensive Performance Assessme... DfE
APA (performance) Annual Performance Agreement Source: Department for Education and Employment and Office for Standards in Education., (1998). Departmental Report: The Government's Expenditure Plans for 1998-99 Cm 3910. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN 0101391021] DfE
APAD Appeals against Admissions System used to collect data on people appealing against admissions (school preference etc.) DfE
APCC Association of Police & Crime Commissioners Home Office
APD Approved Parole Date
APEL Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning DfE
APHA Animal and Plant Health Agency An arms length body of Defra Defra
API Application Programming Interface Not Limited to CS Digital
APL Accreditation of prior learning DfE
APP Assessing Pupils Progress Assessing pupils' progress (APP) was a national approach to assessment that equipped teachers to make judgements on pupils' progress. The "Assessing pupils' progress" initiative Survey evaluated the impact of the 'Assessing pupils' progress' initiative on improving outcomes for their pupils. The "Assessing pupils" progress' survey also examined the extent to which assessment was used effectively to support learning and to ensure that the curriculum met pupils' needs.Source: {GOV.UK|https://ww... DfE
APPG All Party Parliamentary Group APPGs are informal cross-party groups that have no official status within Parliament. They are run by and for Members of the Commons and Lords, though many choose to involve individuals and organisations from outside Parliament in their administration and activities. Not Limited to CS
APS Assistant Private Secretary A role in a Private Office. DLUHC
APS (IT) Application Planning Systems DfE
APS (places) Assisted places scheme Scheme to assist academically able children whose families could not otherwise afford the tuition, fees to attend one of the independent secondary, schools in the scheme. Began September 1981, phased ending from 1998. DfE
APS (population) Annual Population Survey ONS
APU (departmental organisational unit) Assessment of Performance Unit The Assessment of Performance Unit (APU) was set up in 1975 within the Department of Education and Science (DES) to promote the development of methods of assessing and monitoring the achievement of students at school, and to seek to identify the incidence of under achievement. The APU commissioned research teams to create instruments and methods of assessment and to conduct surveys in five curriculum areas: language, science, mathematics, foreign languages and design and technology. Between 1... DfE
APVS Assisted Prison Visit Scheme Also known as HWPV (Help With Prison Visits)
APVU Assisted Prison Visits Unit A call centre for prison visits for 8 prisons in the west midlands.
APW Action Planning Workshop Groups set up to look at specific topics, similar to working groups Civil Service Wide
AQA Assessment and Qualifications Alliance Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
AR Annual Report Civil Service Wide
ARA Annual Report and Accounts DfE
ARAC Audit & Risk Assurance Committee Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
ARB Architecture Review Board DfE
ARC Audit and Risk Committee Civil Service Wide
ARD Automatic Release Date
ARDD (departmental organisational unit) Academies and Regional Delivery Division Year(s) active (where known): 2018 DfE
ARNOLD Automated Robot Negating Onerous Logging of Data ARNOLD is the Ministerial and Public Communications Division Artificial Intelligence (AI) robot to speed up correspondence logging in Iris. 2018- DfE
AS (analytical) Analytical Services Source: Department for Education and Employment and Office for Standards in Education., (1998). Departmental Report: The Government's Expenditure Plans for 1998-99 Cm 3910. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN 0101391021] DfE
AS (apprenticeship) Apprenticeship Service A digital interface managing apprenticeship levy payments. Part of ESFA but delivering on behalf of FE policy Director. DfE
AS (civil service grade) Assistant Statisticians DfE
AS (examinations) AS levels AS (Advanced Subsidiary) level qualifications can be studied either as a free standing qualification, or they can be the first half of the full A level. At the end of the AS year, there are two options (depending on the preference of the school or college): take the AS level as the final qualification or continue to the second year and go for the full A level.Source: Directgov website as at 2012-05-08 DfE
ASB (actual) Actual Schools Budget Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-04 DfE
ASB (aggregated) Aggregated Schools Budget Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-04 DfE
ASBO Anti-social behaviour orders DfE
ASC (schools) Annual Schools Census Every school is required to supply information to the Department for Education each January through the Annual Schools Census (ASC), formerly known as Form 7". DfE
ASC (skills) Adult Skills College DfE
ASCEL Association of Senior Childrens and Education Librarians We are the national network of senior managers in Children's Public and Schools Library Services. Our aim is to lead excellence in library services for children and young people and schools so that: every child and young person visiting a public library should be inspired by an exciting environment which makes reading for pleasure irresistible every school has access to a high quality school library service.Source: {ASCEL website|} accessed 2019-06-04 DfE
ASCL Association of School and College Leaders DfE
ASD Application Support Document (IT) DfE
ASE Association for Science Education The Association for Science Education (ASE) is the professional association for teachers of science. It was formed in 1963 by the merger of the Science Master's Association and the Association of Women Science Teachers. ASE can trace its origins back to 1900 with a letter written by four science masters from Eton College proposing a conference for Science Masters in Public Schools. Membership of the Association is now of the order of 15,000, with a broad spread of membership from primary and ... DfE
ASELA Association of South Essex Local Authorities DLUHC
ASF Adoption support fund DfE
ASK Apprenticeship support and knowledge for schools The apprenticeship support and knowledge for schools (ASK) project will deliver apprenticeship and traineeship information to young people in years 10, 11, 12 and 13. This will ensure young people are aware of all the options available to them. The project will work with teachers, careers advisers, parents and governors, alongside other key partners, to support schools and ensure that they meet their statutory duties regarding the provision of impartial Information Advice and Guidance (IAG), ... DfE
ASL Adult Safeguarded Learning DfE
ASP Analyse School Performance service Replaced RAISEonline on 19 July 2017 DfE
ASPIRE Assess – Sentence Plan – Implement – Review – Evaluate This is the core framework of offender management / sentence planning
ASR Approved Supplier Register DfE
Asset Youth Justice Board assessment documentation for young people
AST (departmental organisational unit) Audit Support Team Year(s) active (where known): 2013 DfE
AST (service) Area Service Teams DfE
AST (teachers) Advanced skills teachers A teacher who has passed a national assessment and been appointed to an AST post. The AST grade is designed to strengthen teaching and learning through better leadership, better rewards, better training and better support. DfE
ASTO Adult Skills Training Organisations DfE
ASTV Apprenticeship Service Television DfE
ASYE Assessed and supported year in employment The assessed and supported year in employment (ASYE) is a programme that gives newly qualified social workers extra support during their first year of employment. The programme aims to help them develop their skills, knowledge and professional confidence. Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2016-02-12 DfE
AT Assisted Technology
AT (academies) Academy trusts Academies are publicly funded independent schools that don't have to follow the national curriculum and can set their own term times. They still have to follow the same rules on admissions, special educational needs and exclusions as other state schools. Academies get money direct from the government, not the local council. They're run by an academy trust which employs the staff. Some academies have sponsors such as businesses, universities, other schools, faith groups or voluntary groups. Sp... DfE
AT (attainment) Attainment targets An attainment target identifies the 'knowledge, skills and understanding which pupils of different abilities and maturities are expected to have by the end of each key stage'. DfE
AT (teacher) Advisory Teacher Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-04 DfE
AT (trainee) Administrative Trainee Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-04 DfE
ATA Apprenticeship Training Agencies DfE
ATAS Audit Trails Analysis System DWP
ATIA Architecture, Technology and Information Assurance A former unit inside MOJ ICT
ATL Association of Teachers and Lecturers Association of Teachers and Lecturers was dissolved following a merger with the National Union of Teachers to form a new union known as the National Education Union which was founded on 01 September 2017. 2020-06-29 DfE
ATM Association of Teachers of Mathematics The Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM) is an organisation that encourages the development of mathematics education around the needs of the learner. It regularly responds to Government consultations and initiatives. Links/Further InformationSource: {ATM website|} accessed 2021-03-01Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
ATM At The Moment Not Limited to CS
ATMP Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
ATO (operate) Authority to Operate DfE
ATO (training) Approved Training Organisation Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
ATOS Occupational Services External provider of services to DWP - such as disability assessments DWP
ATP Authority to Pay DWP
ATR (recruitment) Authority to Recruit DfE
ATR (register) Approved Technology Register DfE
ATSTN Advanced Therapies Skills Training Network Project to introduce online training capability and a national network of training centres to provide ATMP training - previously known as CATTS BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
ATW Access To Work DWP
AU Combined Payment DWP
AUA Association of University Administrators The Association of University Administrators (AUA) is an inclusive membership-led professional body for all those interested in advancing their career in higher education. There are over 4,000 AUA members nationally and internationally based in universities and higher education colleges as well as HE related bodies such as Universities UK and the funding councils. There are also growing numbers of members in further education institutions. DfE
AV (apprenticeships) Apprenticeship Vacancies DfE
AVA Audio Visual Aids Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-31 DfE
AVCE Advanced Vocational Certificate of Education Advanced Vocational Certificate of Education (AVCEs) are courses designed to develop the knowledge and skills needed for jobs in a broad field of work - such as hospitality and catering, leisure and tourism, or engineering. They can be taken in many schools and most colleges. Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
AWDL Average Working Days Lost A measure of working days lost to sick or other short notice absence per full-time equivalent employee Civil Service Wide HR
AWPU Age-Weighted Pupil Unit Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-31 DfE
AWR Additional Works Request Additional Works Request MoJ Government Workforce Planning
AWS Amazon Web Services
AY Academic year Broadly September to August, although varies by institution, e.g. Scottish schools start in mid-August. DfE
AYPP Activities for Young People Programme The Activities for Young People Programme for 16-year-olds, also known as the u-project, was aimed at young people in England who were coming to the end of compulsory education (at the end of school year 11), with no real idea of what they wanted to do next. DfE
AZ AstraZeneca BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
BA Bereavement Allowance DWP
BA Benefits Agency DWP
BA Business Analyst Civil Service Wide Digital
BAAF British Association of Adoption and Fostering Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
BAC British Accreditation Council BAC was established in 1984 to provide a comprehensive quality assurance scheme for independent further and higher education in the UK. Our accreditation is recognised the world over by students, agents and government officials as the clearest mark of educational quality in the private sector. Alongside the British Council, whose Accreditation UK scheme serves as the definitive guide to the country's English language centres, we have overseen the inspection of private post-16 education for ov... DfE
BACS Bankers Automated Clearing System Not Limited to CS
BAECE British Association for Early Childhood Education Early Education (British Association for Early Childhood Education) are a national charity supporting early years practitioners with training, resources and professional networks, and campaigning for quality education for the youngest children. They offer support to all early childhood education practitioners, including those in maintained settings, private, voluntary and independent provider and home-based childcare, as well as local authority staff through: publications training and consult... DfE
BAFO Best And Final Offer
BALID British Association for Literacy in Development Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
BAME Black, Asian and minority ethnic Civil Service Wide Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
BARDA Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority A US office part of the Department for Health and Human Services BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
BASIL Basic Skills for Inclusive Learning Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
BAU Business as Usual Not Limited to CS
BB Bereavement Benefit DWP
BBR Building Better Relationships An intervention programme for adult male offenders who have been violent in heterosexual relationships MoJ
BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council BBSRC is one of seven Research Councils that work together as Research Councils UK (RCUK).Source: {BBSRC|} accessed 2016-07-20 DfE
BBT Bio Security, Boarders & Trade Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
BBTP Biosecuirty, Borders and Trade Programme Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
BC Benefit Centre An office where processing of benefits takes place - usually not open to the public DWP
BC Business Case Justifying the cost of doing something by showing the benefits, see HMT Green Book for details. Civil Service Wide Change
BC Business Continuity Civil Service Wide Org Wide
BC (borough) Borough Council Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 Not Limited to CS
BCC British Chambers of Commerce DfE
BCE Business Continuity Event Civil Service Wide
BCMS British Cattle Movement Service We maintain an online database of all bovine animals in Great Britain called the Cattle Tracing System (CTS).
BCP Business Continuity Plan Civil Service Wide
BCR Benefit Cost Ratio A mechanism to determine whether a scheme offers value for money (VFM) DLUHC
BCS Business Control System Civil Service Wide
BCS Basic Custody Screening MoJ
BCST Basic Custody Screening Tool MoJ
BCT Business Continuity Team Civil Service Wide
BD Benefit Directorate DWP
BDA British Dyslexia Association The BDA is the voice of dyslexic people. We aim to influence government and other institutions to promote a dyslexia friendly society, that enables dyslexic people of all ages to reach their full potential.Source: {BDA|} accessed 2017-02-28 Not Limited to CS
BDA Business Design Authority Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
BDAS Business Data Architecture Specification DfE
BDC Benefit Delivery Centre DWP
BDCM Benefit Delivery Centre Manager DWP
BDE Benefit Delivery Expert DWP
BDG Business Development Group
BDM Benefit Delivery Manager DWP
BDM Business Data Models DfE
BDO Benefit Delivery Officer DWP
BDP Benefit Delivery Process DWP
BDRG Benefits Document Retention Guide DWP
BDT Baker Dearing Educational Trust DfE
BEC (branch) Branch Executive Committee Common name for the part of a Trade Union that looks after a part of the civil service. Civil Service Wide Trade Union Side
BEC (British) British Education Council This study accounts for the formation in England of the Business Education Council (BEC) in 1974, and its development and transitions into the Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC) in 1983, and Edexcel Foundation in 1996. The article outlines the background and response to the 1969 report from the Committee on Technician Courses and Examinations (the Haslegrave Report), paying attention to its conceptualisation of the notion of 'technician'. DfE
Becta British Educational Communications and Technology Agency Created in 1998 from the NCET, closed April 2011.Source: {The National Archives|} accessed 2015-05-28 DfE
BEIS Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy A central government department created in July 2016 with a focus on business & energy. Successor to BIS (apart from Higher Education which went to DfE) BEIS
BEL Benefit Enquiry Line DWP
BEM Business Excellence Model Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
BEMAS British Educational Management and Administration Society Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
BERA British Educational Research Association BERA is a membership association and learned society committed to advancing research quality, building research capacity and fostering research engagement. BERA aims to inform the development of policy and practice by promoting the best quality evidence produced by educational research. Since our inception in 1974, BERA has expanded into an internationally renowned association with UK and non-UK based members. We strive to be inclusive of the diversity of educational research and scholarship ... DfE
BERR Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Established 28 June 2007 from the DTI. Dissolved 6 June 2009 and became BIS. DfE
BESA British Educational Suppliers Association BESA, the British Educational Suppliers Association, is the trade association for the UK education suppliers sector. We operate on a not-for-profit basis and are accountable to an Executive Council elected by member companies.Source: {BESA|} accessed 2018-11-26 DfE
BEST Behaviour and Education Support Teams These are multi-agency teams bringing together a complementary mix of professionals from the fields of health, social care and education. The aim of a BEST is to promote emotional well-being, positive behaviour and school attendance, by identifying and supporting those with, or at risk of developing, emotional and behavioural problems.Source: {National Archives| DfE
BET Business Engagement Team
BET Basic Employability Training Basic Employability Training (BET) provides training for Jobcentre Plus clients assessed with literacy and/or numeracy skills below Entry Level. BET aims to improve the employability of such clients through developing Skills for Life as well as the key skills required for sustained open employment.Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
BEU Business Expert User
BExBI Business Expenditure Business Information
BF (UK) Border Force Part of the Home Office that operates at the UK border doing both customs and immigration checks Home Office Borders
BF Brought Forward Refers back to when case files where ordered in filling cabinets by what date that you bring it forward Civil Service Wide
BHC British Hallmarking Council Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
BHD Bullying, Harrassment and Diversity
BHF Brownfield Housing Fund DLUHC
BHLP Budget-Holding Lead Professional The Budget-Holding Lead Professional (BHLP) concept was piloted in 16 Local Authorities (LAs) in England between June 2006 and April 2008. A BHLP was someone who co-ordinated provision when a range of services were needed for a child, and who had access to and leverage over a budget, which allowed them to commission services directly from providers.Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
BI Business Intelligence
BI4BG Better Information for Better Government programme Cabinet Office programme 2017-2020 The government's response to Sir Alex Allan's review of its strategy for managing digital records and archives.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2019-11-08 DfE
BIA BioIndustry Association The BIA Vaccines Manufacturing Taskforce for UK manufacturing capability is led by Ian McCubbin. BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
BIA Business Impact Assessment An assessment template/matrix used by a business owner to determine impact levels of data / systems that they own. Questions like "how many people will be affected if your data is unavailable for a day".
BIAR Business Intelligence ARchive Basically a proprietary zip file used to move Business Intelligence content from one BusinessObjects Enterprise Server to another'
BIC Benefit Integrity Centre – No longer exists – Now CFCD Interventions
BIL Brownfield Infrastructure and Land DLUHC
BIL Business Impact Level DfE
BIL# Business Impact Level [number] Often pronounced "aisle two", "aisle zero" etc.Information has an impact level, not a whole system. eg p-Nomis is IL3 is wrong.specific information about prisoners will have business impact 3 if made publicAll revised with the new Official criteria
BILD British Institute of Learning Disabilities Professor Gerry Simon set up BILD in 1971 because he was convinced there could be better support in the community for people with disabilities. We have been championing the human rights of people with disabilities ever since. We work to develop the skills and culture necessary to understand people's needs and improve their quality of life. Our approach applies a rigorous evidence base, broad expertise and long-standing experience to find and enable both short and long-term solutions that brin... DfE
BIP Business Intelligence Platform
BIP (behaviour) Behaviour Improvement Programme July 2002-2006? Was part of the Street Crime Initiative aimed at improving poor behaviour and attendance in schools in key areas. DfE
BIP (departmental organisational unit) Business Improvement Project [Team] DfE
BIR Business Incident Report
BIS Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Created in June 2009 by the merger of the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform and the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills. Disbanded in July 2016 when Higher Education remit moved to Department for Education and Business remit moved to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. Civil Service Wide
BIS (briefings) Briefing Information System DfE
BIS (government department) Department for Business Innovation and Skills Created in June 2009 by the merger of the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform and the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills. Disbanded in July 2016 when Higher Education remit moved to Department for Education and Business remit moved to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. Civil Service Wide
BL (business) Business Link 1994-2011. Originally a national network of regional advisory services offering advice and support to small firms to help them compete in world markets. From November 2011 the regional services closed and the website became the primary source of information. Now operates as a telephone helpline.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2015-06-02 DfE
BL (library) British Library The UK's legal deposit library responsible for keeping a copy of every book ever published in Britain Civil Service Wide
BLACC Bank Liaison Automation and Customer Contact
BLL Batch Learner Linked DfE
BLS Bank Liaison Section
BLU Batch Learner Unmerge DfE
BMA Budget movement agreement Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-28 DfE
BME Black and Minority Ethnic DfE
BML Batch Merged Learner DfE
BMO Business Management Office Civil Service Wide
BMS Business Management System (DHSC) NHSx Org Wide
BN Basic need (school places) DfE
BNG Biodiversity Net Gain Defra
BNM Becoming New Me General offending programme – thinking skills programme for those with learning disability MoJ
BOC British Overseas Citizen A class of British nationality that qualifies for a British passport but not for right of abode in the UK. Not to be confused with British Nationals (Overseas) or British Overseas Territories Citizens Home Office HMPO
BOLD Better Outcomes through Linked Data MOJ data linking programme
BOP Bring on Potential Education and Learning gained inside are recorded in BOP, which is available ‘through the gate’. Part of ILP (Individual Learning Plan) MoJ
BOPA Body of Persons Approvals This departmental advice is for: - local authorities - amateur performance groups It aims to help local authorities and amateur groups to make greater use of body of persons (BOP) approvals. A BOP approval means an organisation doesn-'t need to obtain individual licences for the children who are participating in a performance.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2016-08-16 DfE
BOTUS Breach of Top Up Supervision Info MoJ
BP Business Partner Civil Service Wide
BPAP Black Pupils Achievement Programme DfE
BPAT Business Planning Aggregation Tool Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-28 DfE
BPDG Border and Protocol Delivery Group Cabinet Office directorate, coordinates cross-department border delivery work Cabinet Office
BPG ??? A digital gateway service that links nDelius to CRC systems(Not sure if this is a typo of SPG?) MoJ
BPRS Best Practice Research Scholarships Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-28 DfE
BPSS Baseline Personnel Security Standard The minimum level of clearance for someone working in the Civil Service. Civil Service Wide Secruity
BPT Business Partner Team
BQS Better quality services An efficiency performance regime that requires local authorities to look constantly at new ways to improve the efficiency, quality and effectiveness of their service delivery.Source: Department for Education and Skills., (2004). Departmental Report 2004 Cm 6202. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN: 0101620225] DfE
BRAC Building Regulations Advisory Council DLUHC
BRB Be Right Back MoJ
BRE Better Regulation Executive (or) Building Research Establishment DLUHC
BRF Brownfield Release Fund DLUHC
BRG (reduction) Bureaucracy Reduction Group 2005-11. The FE and Training Bureaucracy Reduction Group (BRG) worked to tackle bureaucracy and reduce unnecessary administrative burdens within the learning and skills sector. Source: {The National Archives|} accessed 2015-06-02 DfE
BRG (reference) Bureaucracy Reference Group Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
BRM Business Relationship Manager Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
BSA (schools) Boarding Schools Association Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
BSA (science) British Science Association Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
BSA (skills) Basic Skills Agency Merged with NIACE in 2007. DfE
BSA/NHSBSA Business Support Authority DHSC Org Wide
BSAS British Social Attitudes Survey DfE
BSCF Basic Skills Community Fund Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-28 DfE
BSF Building Schools for the Future (2003-2010) BSF was started in 2005 and aimed to renew the secondary school estate in England where needed by 2023. The Government stopped the programme because it has made insufficient progress and impact. BSF was supposed to have built 200 wholly new schools by the end of 2008; and had only rebuilt 35 and refurbished 13. DfE
BSI (school inspectorate) Bridge Schools Inspectorate The Bridge Schools Inspectorate (BSI) had approval from the Secretary of State for Education and began its work in September 2008 to inspect schools belonging to the Christian Schools Trust and the Association of Muslim Schools UK throughout England. BSI provided an opportunity for cooperation between faith groups to establish a specialist faith schools inspectorate which respected their distinctive ethos. Ofsted monitors the work of independent inspectorates, including a sample of reports. DfE
BSL British Sign Language A sign language native to Great Britain Not Limited to CS Org Wide
BSL Building Safety Levy DLUHC
BSO Bankers Standing Order
BSO Basic Skills Observatory Basic Skills Observatory was an online resource for teachers and basic skills practitioners on policy, effective practice and research on literacy, numeracy and language across all phases and sectors from early years to post-16.Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-28 DfE
BSP Bereavement Support Payment
BSP Behaviour support plans Local Authorities were required to publish a Behaviour Support Plan which sets out the arrangements for the education of children with behaviour difficulties. Source: Devon CC website as at 2012-05-08 Further information from The Knowledge: A Behaviour Support Plan is a statement which sets out local arrangements for schools and other service providers for the education of children with behavioural difficulties.Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-28 DfE
BSQI Basic Skills Quality Initiative Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-28 DfE
BSR Building Skills for Recovery Substance misuse programme MoJ
BST Business Support Team Departmental organisational unit Part of Ministerial and Public Communications Division (MPCD) Year(s) active (where known): 2017- DfE
BTEC Business and Technical Education Council BTECs appear in the Qualifications and Credit framework.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2015-06-02 DfE
BTI British Training International Source: Department for Education and Employment and Office for Standards in Education., (1998). Departmental Report: The Government's Expenditure Plans for 1998-99 Cm 3910. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN 0101391021] DfE
BTO Business Transformation Opportunties
BtR Build to Rent DLUHC
BU/SBU (Strategic) Business Unit Generic term for a department, directorate, team, or other subdivision of a larger organisation. Not Limited to CS
BUD Budget HM Treasury
BUS The Contributions Agency was an executive agency of the United Kingdom government. It was set up in 1991 to administer National Insurance and was part of the Department of Social Security. It was absorbed into the Inland Revenue in 1999, when it ceased to be an executive agency. New government energy scheme BEIS Energy Policy
BV Best Value The testing of public services against the private sector to determine which can provide services at the best value for money. DfE
BV Budget Variation
BVPP Best Value Performance Plan Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-28 DfE
BVQ Best Value Quality Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-28 DfE
BVR Best Value Review Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-28 DfE
BVT Best Version of the Truth DfE
BWVC Body Worn Video Camera MoJ
BYC British Youth Council Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-28 DfE
BYOL Bring Your Own (cloud) Licence DfE
C&AG Comptroller and Auditor General Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-11 DfE
C&G City and Guilds DfE
C&P Claims and Payments
C&R Control & Restraint Prison MoJ
C19 COVID-19 Civil Service Wide
C4EO Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children and Young Peoples Services The Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children and Young People's Services (C4EO) provides a range of products and services to support the childrens services sector. C4EO operates as part of the leading children's charity National Children's Bureau (NCB). Source: {C4EO|} accessed 2017-02-28 DfE
CA Contributions Agency The Contributions Agency was an executive agency of the United Kingdom government. It was set up in 1991 to administer National Insurance and was part of the Department of Social Security. It was absorbed into the Inland Revenue in 1999, when it ceased to be an executive agency. HMRC
CA Carer’s Allowance DWP
CA Clerical Assistant
CA Case Admin MoJ
CAA Constant Attendance Allowance
CAA Change Awareness and Adoption team Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
CAB Citizens Advice Bureau Charity, funded largely by central and local government, that provides a one-stop non-specialist advice on many different issues.They have their own triage process on the front desk, which will help you get an appointment - possibly a fortnight away.Some are first-come-first-served, so there are big queues outside each morning. Not Limited to CS
CAB Corporate Acting Body
CAB Conformity Assessment Body
CAB Commercial Assurance Board Civil Service Wide Commercial
CAB (change) Change Advisory Board DfE
CAB (citizens) Citizens Advice Bureau Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-11 DfE
CACS Carer’s Allowance Computer System
CAD (departmental organisational unit) Curriculum and Assessment Division Year(s) active (where known): c1998-? DfE
CAF Call Assessment Framework
CAF Common Assessment Framework for Children and Young People Trialled from 2005-06 a standardised approach to assessing children's and young people's needs for services.Source: {The National Archives|} accessed 2015-05-28 DfE
Cafcass Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service Cafcass represents children in family court cases. We make sure that children's voices are heard and decisions are taken in their best interests.Source: {Cafcass|} accessed 2015-10-27 MoJ
CAFE (departmental organisational unit) Careers and Further Education Directorate Year(s) active (where known): 2018-2019 DfE
CAFISSP Cadet Force and Independent and State School Partnership Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-11 DfE
CAG (departmental organisational unit) Care and Adoption Group Year(s) active (where known): 2013 DfE
CAIT Child Abuse Investigation Team MoJ
CAIT Child Arrangements Information Tool Information resources to help separating couples make arrangements (custody, etc.) for their children. MoJ
CAL Computer Assisted Learning Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-11 DfE
CALC Computer Assisted Learning Programme Committee DfE
CAM Customer Account Management System
CAM Customer Application Management DfE
CAME Capital Annually Managed Expenditure Civil Service Wide
CAMHS Children and adolescent mental health services DfE
CAMlite Customer Account Management lite
can denotes both capability and possibility Formal term from UK Government Orange Book: Management of Risk - Principles and Concepts. MoJ
CAP Code of Appeals Procedure
CAP Career Action Plan Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-11 DfE
CAP Common Access Pass Photo pass identifying you as a Civil Service employee and granting unescorted access to certain government buildings. Civil Service Wide
CAPE Child Abuse and Protection in Education Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-11 DfE
CAPI Children affected by parental imprisonment DfE
CAPS Customer Accounting and Payment System
CARAT Counselling, Assessment, Referral, Advice, Throughcare CARAT workers are intermediaries between drug treatments providers and the prisoners themselves MoJ
CAS Case Allocation System Used after sentencing to assign offender as NPS or CRC MoJ
CAS (career) Careers Advice Service DfE
CAS (credit) Credit Accumulation Service DfE
CASE (education) Campaign for State Education Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-11 DfE
CASE (science and engineering) Campaign for Science and Engineering Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-11 DfE
CAT Central Admin Team
CAT Central Activities Team
CAT (cognitive) Cognitive Ability Tests Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
CAT (consortium) Consortium for Assessment and Training in Schools Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
CATE Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education DfE
CATP Cancellation of Authority to Pay
CATS Case Assessment and Tracking System .NET application written and used by CFO at Daresbury Park in Warrington for managing ESF funded projects MoJ
CATS credits Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (credits) The credit system used by the OU is aligned to the national Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (CATS). The CATS system helps you to move the credits you accumulate from one institution to another. So if you have completed some previous study at another institution, you may be able to count it towards your OU qualification. The Scheme equates one credit (or credit point) with 10 hours of notional learning time (the time, on average, a learner takes to achieve the specified learning outcom... DfE
CATS points Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (points) The credit system used by the OU is aligned to the national Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (CATS). The CATS system helps you to move the credits you accumulate from one institution to another. So if you have completed some previous study at another institution, you may be able to count it towards your OU qualification. The Scheme equates one credit (or credit point) with 10 hours of notional learning time (the time, on average, a learner takes to achieve the specified learning outcom... DfE
CATTS See ATSTN BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
CAU Carer’s Allowance Unit DWP
CAU (departmental organisational unit) Central Analysis Unit Year(s) active (where known): 2019?- DfE
CB Contributory Benefit
CBA Cost Benefit Analysis Not Limited to CS
CBAS Cloud Based Analytical Services The platform provided by BEIS that FE and HE are reliant on to do analysis, pending a DfE wide platform being created.Source: Data Directorate 2019-07-19 DfE
CBDS Common Basic Data Set Common Basic Data Set (CBDS) - is designed to facilitate the electronic transfer of data. It provides an agreed set of information that is held electronically in schools and Local Authorities, and can be transferred in a standard electronic format. Three specifications have been developed, covering pupils, school workforce (teachers, support staff and governors) and schools.Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-02 DfE
CBEVE Central Bureau for Educational Visits and Exchanges Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-02 DfE
CBI Confederation of British Industry The CBI is a not-for-profit membership organisation, founded by Royal Charter on 30 July 1965 when the British Employers Confederation, the Federation of British Industries and the National Association of British Manufacturers joined together to form the Confederation of British Industry.Source: {CBI website|} accessed 2019-04-02 DfE
CBO crime billing online MoJ
CBSFE Commission for Black Staff in Further Education DfE
CC Contact Centre Civil Service Wide
CC Carer’s Credit DWP
CC Case Control
CC County Court A court dealing with civil (not criminal) matters.
CC (capital) Capital Challenger Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
CC (city) City Challenge DfE
CC (colleges) Community colleges DfE
CC (commissioner) Childrens Commissioner DfE
CC (competence) Competence Centre Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
CCA Consumer Credit Act Legislation that protects consumers by setting out how creditors should lend and collect money. HMCTS
CCB Community Charge Benefit Predecessor to Council Tax Benefit (now itself replaced by Council Tax reductions and support). A benefit operated by local councils to reduce the amount of community charge that an individual was required to pay. Local Government (councils)
CCBC County Court Bulk Centre Set up by HM Courts & Tribunals Service specifically to deal with straightforward debt collection work which, in the main, is undefended. In Northampton. MoJ
CCCD Claim for Crown Court Defence Legal Aid Agency project where advocates (solicitors) can submit invoices for work done for legal aid work. Project formerly known as ADPproject formerly known as CBO MoJ
CCD Contact Centre Directorate HMRC
CCE Child criminal exploitation DfE
CCEA Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-02 DfE
CCET Community Consortia for Education and Training Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-02 DfE
CCETSW Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-02 DfE
CCEW Charity Commission of England and Wales Civil Service Wide
CCF Community Champions Fund Aimed to increase the skill levels of individuals to enable them to act as inspirational figures, community entrepreneurs, community mentors and community leaders. DfE
CCG Clinical Commissioning Group NHSx Org Wide
CCG Community Care Grant
CCH Customer Care Helpline
CCHC County court hearing centre A venue for court hearings to be held. HMCTS
CCIAF Commercial Continuous Improvement Assessment Framework The Commercial Continuous Improvement Assessment Framework is designed to help drive continuous improvement in commercial practices across the public sector. Civil Service Wide Standards and Continuous Improvement
CCIO Chief Clinical Information Officer NHSx Org Wide
CCJ County court judgment A formal court judgment that a party owes money to the other party. HMCTS
CCLF Crown Court Litigator Fee LAA web app that manages LGFS (Litigators Graduated Fee Scheme) claims. MoJ
CCM Customer Care Management
CCM Commercial Contract Management Civil Service Wide Commercial
CCMCC County Court Money Claims Centre MoJ
CCMD Commercial and Contract Management Directorate MoJ
CCMS Customer Conversion Management Service
CCMS Client Cost Management System LAA ERP app to replace CIS, including financial modules to manage the LAA fund. Covers all civil certificated work (i.e. civil legal representation). Allows providers to make online legal aid applications and manage cases. Allows providers and advocates to submit bills online. Allows providers and advocates to scan and upload supporting documents electronically. Allows clients to pay us in new ways, such as credit and debit cards, payment reference cards and via direct debit. CCMS has been ma... MoJ
CCN County Councils Network Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-02 DfE
CCO Call Centre Officer Call centre officer of DSCC MoJ
CCOE Cloud Centre of Excellence Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
CCoT Chartered College of Teaching An independent chartered organisation for the teaching profession.Source: {Chartered College of Teaching|} accessed 2017-05-18 DfE
CCP Childcare Provider DfE
CCP Change Control Process Civil Service Wide
CCR Crown Court Remuneration LAA web app that manages AGFC (Advocate Gradual Fee Scheme) claims. Feeds into LAA data warehouse. MoJ
CCRA Climate Change Risk Assessment Under the Climate Change Act, the UK Government must produce an assessment of the risks and opportunities that UK sectors face from climate change. This informs the National Adaptation Programme (see NAP) Civil Service Wide Defra climate change adaptation evidence team lead.
CCRC Criminal Cases Review Commission MoJ
CCS Crown Commercial Service "We are the biggest public procurement organisation in the UK. We use our commercial expertise to help buyers in central government and across the public and third sectors to purchase everything from locum doctors and laptops to police cars and electricity." CCS Commercial
CCS Civil Contingencies Secretariat Cabinet Office
CCSP Common Civil Service Pass Photo pass identifying you as a Civil Service employee. Civil Service Wide
CCSU Council of Civil Service Unions Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-02 DfE
CCT Compulsory Competitive Tendering Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-02 DfE
CCTA (college) City College for the Technology of the Arts Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-11 DfE
CCTA (telecommunications) Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-11 DfE
CCTE Chambers of Commerce Training and Enterprise Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-02 DfE
CCTS Cross Cutting Technical Services Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
CCU (departmental organisational unit) Central Capital Unit Year(s) active (where known): 2019?- DfE
CD Crown Dependency
CDA Court data adaptor MoJ
CDC Change Data Capture MoJ
CDC Change Directorate Committee MoJ
CDC (children) Council for Disabled Children We [CDC] are the umbrella body for the disabled children's sector bringing together professionals, practitioners and policy-makers.Source: {CDC website|} accessed 2019-05-31 DfE
CDC (curriculum) Curriculum Development Centre Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-11 DfE
CDCS Change Data Capture Staging LAA Oracle database for capturing data from remote databases.Receives data from CCMS which it captures within CDCS and then pulls the relevant information in to EDW. MoJ
CDD Criminal Defence Direct Telephone adviser run by a few provides. New tendering process will be started and new structure and providers will be in place in April 2016. MoJ
CDDO Central Digital and Data Office Leads the digital, data and technology (DDaT) function for government Cabinet Office
CDE Common Data Extract A report of all offenders in NOMIS with lots of data about them. Also known as ‘offloc’ (offender location report). The CDE is used to transfer offender data to other NOMS/MOJ systems (like Mercury) and to other agencies (like the police). MoJ
CDEL Capital Departmental Expenditure Limit Capital expenditure is spend on assets that are expected to be used for a period of one year or more. The Department does not expect a financial return from grant investments, which is in part why it is increasingly using loans to deliver programmes. Civil Service Wide
CDF Capacity and delivery fund (further education and skills) CDF is to facilitate the build-up of capacity and capability to deliver substantial industry placements and deliver such placements from the 2018 to 2019 academic year. The placements being delivered are for students on vocational and technical study programmes at level 2 and level 3. It is recognised that the delivery of significant numbers of industry placements as part of T Levels is a significant step change for the sector. This is why this funding has been provided now to help build capa... DfE
CDI Career Development Institute The CDI is the single UK-wide professional body for everyone working in the fields of career education; career information, advice and guidance; career coaching, career consultancy and career management. Established 2 April 2013.Source: {CDI website|} accessed 2019-12-24 DfE
CDL Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster - Cabinet Position Cabinet Office Org Wide
CDL (career) Career Development Loans 1988-2015? Replaced by Professional and Career Development Loans. A Career Development Loan (CDL) was designed to help people gain the experience, training and qualifications they needed to improve their job skills or launch a new career. They were introduced in 1988 across Great Britain. A CDL could be used to fund a variety of vocational (work-related) courses with a wide range of organisations. A CDL could be taken out by people whether they were employed, self-employed or unemployed. DfE
CDL (librarians) Committee of Departmental Librarians DfE
CDMO Contract Development and Manufacturing Organisation BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
CDO Chief Digital Officer Civil Service Wide Org Wide
CDO Chief Data Officer
CDO CU (departmental organisational unit) Chief Data Office Central Unit Year(s) active (where known): c2020- DfE
CDR Critical Design Review
CDS Central Delivery Service DfE
CDS (customs) Customs Declaration Service Platform developed by HMRC to replace the previous system (CHIEF) to allow importers/exporters to declare their goods for customs. HMRC Org Wide
CDT Craft, design and technology DfE
CDT Central Drafting Team In referance to ministerial correspondence MoJ
CE Chief Executive Not Limted to CS
CEC (careers) Careers and Enterprise Company Education Secretary Nicky Morgan has announced the creation of a new careers and enterprise company for schools, to transform the provision of careers education and advice for young people and inspire them about the opportunities offered by the world of work. The new company is designed to support the government's long-term economic plan by helping young people consider all the options available to them when they leave school and ensure they leave school fully prepared for life in modern Brit... DfE
CEC (Commonwealth) Council for Education in the Commonwealth Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-03 DfE
CED Claim Effective Date DWP
CEDC Community Education Development Centre Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-03 DfE
CEDEFOP European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-03 DfE
CEE (certificate) Certificate of Extended Education DfE
CEE (economics) Centre for the Economics of Education The Centre for the Economics of Education (CEE) is dedicated to combining the fields of economics education, and statistics in an interdisciplinary approach to research. The CEE is a research centre based at Centre for Economic Performance in partnership with the Institute for Fiscal Studies and the Institute of Education. The CEE is sponsored by the Department for Education. LinksSource: {CEE Website|} accessed 2021-03-01Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-03 DfE
CEF Colleges Employers Forum Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-03 DfE
CEG Careers Education and Guidance Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-11 DfE
CEHR Commission for Equality and Human Rights Established by the Equality Act 2006, it brought the three existing Commissions (EOC, CRE and DRC) into a single body.Source: {EHRC website|} accessed 2015-05-28 The Equality and Human Rights Commission is Great Britain's national equality body and has been awarded an A" status as a National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) by the United Nations. DfE
CEL Centre for Excellence in Leadership 2003-October 2008. Provided research-informed leadership development and tailored leadership support for the learning and skills sector. In October 2008 merged with the Quality Improvement Agency to form the Learning and Skills Improvement Service. Additional information below from The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 The Centre for Excellence in Leadership (CEL) was launched in October 2003 as a key national agency in delivering the objectives of Success for All and is funded primarily by BIS. ... DfE
CEM Centre for Education Management Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-11 DfE
CEMLI Configuration, Extension, Modification, Localisation and Integration MoJ
CEN Capital Evidence Note Precursor to a FBC (Full Business Case) DLUHC
CEO Chief Executive Officer Not Limted to CS
CEO Court enforcement officer MoJ
CEO (education) Chief Education Officer Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
CEO (executive) Chief Executive Officer Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
CEOP Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), formed in April 2006, is a cross agency and cross business department of the Serious Organised Crime Agency, which is tasked to work both nationally and internationally to bring online child sex offenders, including those involved in the production, distribution and viewing of child pornography to the UK courts. CEOP is dedicated to protecting children from sexual abuse wherever they may be. That means building intelligence around th... DfE
CEP Career Entry Profile Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-11 DfE
CEPI Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations A foundation that takes donations from public, private, philanthropic, and civil society organisations, to finance and coordinate the development of new vaccines. BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
CER Community Education and Regeneration Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-11 DfE
CERUK Current Educational Research in the UK The Current Educational Research in the UK (CERUK) database covers on-going research and research completed since 2000 in education and related disciplines. It covers a wide range of studies including commissioned research and PhD theses, across all phases of education from early years to adults. Information for the database is gathered in a variety of ways including: An annual questionnaire to all major educational research establishments Submission forms from researchers, commissioning or ... DfE
CES Customer Enquiry Service
CES Catholic Education Service DfE
CESG Communications-Electronics Security Group Part of GCHQ (spies and stuff) up in Cheltenham, they provide policy and assistance on digital security. Run IA and the impact levels etc. MoJ
CESM Confederation of Education Service Managers The Association of Chief Education Officers, the Society of Education Officers and the Society of Chief Inspectors and Advisers merged to form the Confederation of Education Service Managers (ConfEd). Source Education Journal issue 63 2002Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
CET Client Engagement Team
CET (continuing) Continuing Education and Training Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
CET (council) Council for Education and Training In March 1967 Anthony Crosland as Secretary of State for Education and Science announced that as a result of the Brynmor Jones Report Audio-Visual Aids in Higher Scientific Education (Jones, 1965) he was planning to set up a body to "advise educational services and industrial training organisations on the use of audio visual aids and media". It [NCET] was formally set up under the terms of a trust deed dated 5 December 1967 and funded by government through the Department for Education and Sci... DfE
CETL Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning The Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) initiative has two main aims: to reward excellent teaching practice, and to further invest in that practice so that CETLs funding delivers substantial benefits to students, teachers and institutions. HEFCE Initiative The CETLs initiative arose from a consultation held by HEFCE in 2003 and there are 74 in existence. The funds received by CETLs will be used to recognise and reward excellent teachers and enable institutions to invest in... DfE
CF (challenge) Challenge Funding Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-29 DfE
CF (children) Childrens Fund Established by the government in 2001. It was introduced in response to the government's social exclusion unit's policy action team on young people, which highlighted the need for improved services to prevent the negative effects of child poverty and reduce the risk of social exclusion. 2001/unknownSource: {The National Archives|} accessed 2015-06-02 DfE
CfBT Centre for British Teachers Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
CFCD Counter Fraud and Compliance Department Civil Service Wide
CFDP College Financial Data Project ?2019 DfE
CFE Check Financial Eligibility A non-user facing service which calculates an applicant’s financial eligibility using data entered through Apply. This includes information on an applicant’s income and outgoings, and calculations include a range of different things in accordance with legal aid regulation based on what information is entered. MoJ
CFE (citizens) Citizen Facing Environment DfE
CFE (colleges) Colleges of Further Education Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-29 DfE
CFER Consolidated Fund Extra Receipts Receipts realised or recovered by departments in the process of conducting services charged on public funds which are not authorised to be appropriated in aid of expenditure.Source: Department for Education and Skills., (2003). Departmental Report 2003 Cm 5902. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN: 0101590229] DfE
CFF Common Funding Formula Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
CFL Campaign for Learning The Campaign for Learning is a national charity which aims to create a passion for learning that sustains people for life. History and accomplishments The Campaign for Learning started life in 1995 following the publication of the Kennedy Report as an RSA (the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufacturers and Commerce) initiative and became an independent charity in November 1997. In 1999 it coordinated the first Learning at Work Day as part of Adult Learners' Week and in 2007 i... DfE
CFLI Community Finance and Learning Initiative January 2002-December 2004 Pilots were commissioned by the DfES (2001-2007) and HM Treasury. They set out to test the delivery of services aimed at tackling financial exclusion in deprived communities. Source: {The National Archives|} accessed 2015-05-28 Additional information below from The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 Community Finance and Learning Initiative was a g... DfE
CFM Coast Forecast Model DfE
CFO Chief Financial Officer Not Limited to CS
CFO Co-Financing Organisation The name of a group within HMPPS who manage external funding (such as that from the ESF). Offices located in Daresbury Warrington. MoJ
CFR Consistent Financial Reporting 2002/unknown Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR) standardised, simplified and streamlined the reporting of school finances in all Local Authority maintained schools in England. Additional information below from The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR) standardises, simplifies and streamlines the reporting of school finances in all maintained schools in England. The CFR data has been used to populate a website with a bank of benchmarked data, giving all maintaine... DfE
CFT Civil, Family and Tribunals The name of a directorate in HMCTS. MoJ
CG-MIC Cell & Gene - Manufacturing and Innovation Centre Project to convert an animal vaccine facility to manufacture human vaccines BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
CGFS Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-29 DfE
CGI Conseillers en Gestion et Informatique CGI stands for Conseillers en Gestion et Informatique in French, which translates to 'Information Systems and Management Consultants', in English. However, the official English meaning is 'Consultants to Government and Industry'.The company was formerly known as Logica, and designed the current (as of 19 April 2013) infrastructure for Money Claim Online and Possession Claim Online.Can also stand for 'computer-generated imagery'. MoJ
CGLI City and Guilds of London Institute Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-29 DfE
CGMP Current good manufacturing practices US regulations use the phrase "current good manufacturing practices" BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
CGTC Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult A centre of excellence in innovation, supported by Innovate UK BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
CHAPS Correspondence Handling And Processing System MoJ
CHB Child Benefit DWP
CHE (Chronicle) Chronicle of Higher Education Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-29 DfE
CHE (college) College of Higher Education Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-29 DfE
CHE (community home) Community Home with Education on the Premises Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-29 DfE
CHERI Centre for Higher Education Research and Information Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-08 DfE
CHI Children of High Intelligence [support society for] CHI stands for 'The Support Society for Children of High Intelligence' and is a support organisation for the benefit of the young and intellectually gifted. Their mission is to act directly on behalf of individual children whose intelligence level is above the 98th percentile with the aim of helping them realise their potential. CHI provide: -consultancy services -counselling and support for children and parents -assessment of child's intellectual abilities -advice on how to liaise with the a... DfE
CHIC Choices in Childcare Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-29 DfE
CHIEF Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight system HMRC
CHIS Covert Human IntelligenceSource
CHM Commission for Human Medicines BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
CHS Correspondence Handling System CHS was a departmental system introduced in late 1999 and decommissioned in 2006. Succeeded by ECHO. DfE
CHS Case Handling System Set of applications used by the Civil Legal Aid Operator Contact Centre and Specialist Legal Providers to manage Civil Legal Aid cases opened by members of the public in England and Wales. MoJ
CI Change & Implementation DWP / HMRC
CI Criminal Investigator - No longer used as a term.
CI Continuous improvement Method to be aware that improve will continue Civil Service Wide Org Wide
CIC Customer Initiated Change
CIC(O) COVID-19 International Committee (OFFICIALS) BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
CICA Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority "We deal with compensation claims from people who have been physically or mentally injured because they were the victim of a violent crime in England, Scotland or Wales." MoJ
CIEA Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors Founded in 2005 as part of the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA), the Institute gained a Royal Charter in 2007. CIEA transferred to the Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency (QCDA) in 2010 when QCA was split into two organisations: QCDA and Ofqual (the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation). The CIEA received an annual grant from QCA/QCDA to cover operational expenditure and had its offices in QCDAs Coventry headquarters. From 31 March 2011 the closure of... DfE
CIF Condition Improvement Fund CIF is an annual bidding round to which academies and sixth-form colleges can apply for capital funding. The core priority for CIF is to address significant condition need, keeping academy and sixth-form college buildings safe and in good working order. This includes funding projects to address health and safety issues, building compliance and poor building condition. CIF also supports a small proportion of expansion projects for Ofsted-rated good or outstanding academies and sixth-form colle... DfE
CIF (inspection) Common Inspection Framework Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-29 DfE
CIHE Council for Industry and Higher Education The Council for Industry and Higher Education (CIHE) is a high level partnership between leading people from a wide range of businesses, universities and colleges. The Council leads in developing an agreed agenda on the learning issues at higher education level that affect our international competitiveness, social cohesion and individual development. It was founded in 1986 and is funded by members and other organisations. Links/Further Information Website: www.cihe-uk.comSource: The Knowled... DfE
CIL Community Infrastrucutre Levy DLUHC
CIL Customer Information Leaflet
CILT CILT, the National Centre for Languages DfE
CILTR Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-29 DfE
CIN Children in need Data collection used to determine the number of children with the 'in need' marker.Source: Data Directorate 2019-07-19 DfE
CIO Chief Information Officer NHSx Org Wide
CIOG (departmental organisational unit) Chief Information Officer's Group Year(s) active (where known): 2013-c2017 DfE
CIP Cloud Infrastructure Platform Refers to the hardware and software components - such as servers, storage, a network and virtualization software - that are needed to support the computing requirements of a cloud computing model. DfE
CIPD Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
CIPFA Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy DfE
CIRRUS BEIS IT system BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
CIS Children's Information Service Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
CIS Corporate Information System LAA thick client app for legacy legal aid case management. It handles legacy cases for civil certificated work (i.e. civil representation) Internal system only (no provider facing functions). Also used for other work unrelated to civil and family certificated work. Intention is to decommission this system when it is practical. MoJ
CIT Centre for International Trade
CIT Corporate Information Technology
CITB Construction Industry Training Board DfE
cITB(departmental organisational unit) Academies Regional Delivery Group Year(s) active (where known): 2017- DfE
CJA Criminal Justice Act MoJ
CJB Criminal Justice Bill MoJ
CJG Criminal Justice Group MoJ
CJRS Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme Civil Service Wide
CJS Criminal justice system An expression that covers the delivery of justice in relation to crime, across multiple organisations. Includes the likes of: law enforcement, lawyers, CPS, courts, prisons and probation. See also Style guide: it's not really a proper noun, so don't use caps. Never abbreviate. MoJ
CJSE Criminal Justice Secure Exchange Related to CJSM, this is a pipe for sending data and files (rather than email) between police, CPS and courts. Often used for submitting cases to be prosecuted, and the charging decisions leading up to them.It supports a few standards:(1) EXISS is a one-way interface. If the case is duff, CPS have to phone/email Police to give feedback and get it sent again.(2) TWIF/EXISS2 is a two-way interface which allows CPS to send secure messages back.TWIF supports charging decisions being sent as struc... MoJ
CJSM Criminal Justice Secure Mail A secure email platform, used for conveying sensitive information between users in organizations across the criminal justice system. In addition, the security assurance process drives up security standards across the sector. MoJ
CJX Criminal justice eXtranet links police pnn network to other govt networks MoJ
CL Crisis Loan DWP
CL Common Law
CL Contingent Labour Civil Service Wide
CLA Civil Legal Advice CLA is a service provided to the general public in England and Wales where users can obtain free legal advice from specialist legal providers relating to a range of Civil matters. This is subject to the user’s matter being within scope of the service and the user passing the means eligibility test. The advice can either be given via telephone or in person depending upon the client’s unique circumstances. MoJ
CLA Civil Legal Aid MoJ
CLA (children) Children Looked After DfE
CLA (copyright) Copyright Licensing Agency DfE
CLAIT Computer Literacy and Information Technology DfE
CLC (care leavers) Care Leaver Covenant The Care Leaver Covenant (CLC) is part of the government's keep on caring strategy to support people leaving care to become independent. It allows public, private and voluntary sector organisations to pledge support, including: apprenticeships work experience free or discounted goods and services All support given through CLC will help care leavers to make a transition to independence. This ranges from CV training to accommodation for care leavers in higher education. Every care leaver has a ... DfE
CLC (learning centres) City Learning Centres City Learning Centres (CLCs) are a key element of the Excellence in Cities (EiC) programme. They are located mainly on secondary school sites and provide state of the art information and communication technology-based learning opportunities across the curriculum for pupils and teachers at a network of local schools and for the wider community. The first CLC opened in October 2000. There are currently [date unknown] 105 Centres operating in EIC areas around the country. All EiC partnerships ha... DfE
CLCA Criminal Law Consolidation Act
CLGU Cities and Local Growth Unit The Cities and Local Growth Unit (CLGU) sits across two Departments, reporting jointly into the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government. CLGU leads in Government on developing and implementing policy to drive economic growth and productivity in each part of the country. DLUHC
CLLD Communication Language and Literacy Development The Communication, Language and Literacy Development (CLLD) programme was designed to implement Sir Jim Roses recommendations on early reading. A 9m Government commitment, announced in January 2009, means every area will have a specialist advisor training and supporting early years practitioners and primary school teachers. Links/Further InformationSource: {National Archive website|} acces... DfE
CLM Customer Liaison Manager
CLPE Centre for Literacy in Primary Education The Centre for Literacy in Primary Education is an educational centre for schools and teachers, parents, teaching assistants and other educators. CLPE has a national and international reputation for its work in the fields of language, literacy and assessment. CLPE was founded in 1972 as The Centre for Language in Primary Education and became an independent charitable trust in 2002, changing its name to The Centre for Literacy in Primary Education. CLPE is dedicated to the provision of high qu... DfE
CM Change Management
CM Content manager DfE
CM Contract Management / Contract Manager BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
CM Custodial Manager A Band 5 prison officer. 3 stripes on their epaulettes MoJ
CMA Childminder agencies Childminder agencies support childminders with training and business advice while providing parents with easier access to high-quality childcare. It is entirely voluntary for childminders to join agencies and for parents to use them. The agencies will be registered and inspected by Ofsted, so parents will be reassured about their quality.Source: {GOV.UK| DfE
CMA Conditional Marketing Approval BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
CMB Change Management Board
CMC Chemistry, manufacturing and control E BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
CMCP Contract Management Capability Programme DfE
CMDB Configuration Management Database DfE
CME Children Missing Education In 2002, the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) set a target in its strategic framework document, that: By 2005, ensure that robust multi-agency systems are in place in each local authority to identify and track children missing education or at risk of doing so.Children missing education refers to all children of compulsory school age who are not on a school roll and who are not receiving a suitable education otherwise (e.g. at home, privately, or in alternative provision). The new du... DfE
CME Continuous Market Engagement No funding rounds, proejcts come to market when ready DLUHC
CMEC Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission
CMF Capital Modernisation Fund A fund administered by the Treasury from which departments can bid for money to support capital projects aimed at improving the quality of public service delivery.Source: Department for Education and Skills., (2003). Departmental Report 2003 Cm 5902. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN: 0101590229] DfE
CMG Child Maintainance Group DWP
CMO Contract Manufacturing Organisation / Chief Medical Officer A company that serves other companies in the pharmaceutical industry on a contract basis to provide comprehensive services from drug development through drug manufacturing. Sometimes called a contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO). BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
CMP Child Maintenance Premium DWP
CMP Contract Management Plan BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
CMPAT Customer Materials, Procedures and Advice Team
CMS Customer Management System
CMS Case Management System Civil Service Wide Communications
CMS (service) Content Management Service Content Management Service is an application service that manages reference data. DfE
CMS (system) Content management systems An interface that allows the management, editing and maintenance of web pages Not limited to CS Digital Deliveries
CMSP Core Maths Support Programme (2014-2017) DfE
CMT Customer Management Team
CN Clerical Notification
CNA certified normal accommodation Relating to prison capacity: "the good, decent standard of accommodation that the service aspires to provide all prisoners" MoJ
CNAA Council for National Academic Awards The Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA) was set up on 10 September 1964 by Royal Charter following the recommendations of the Robbins Report that a Council should be set up to grant degrees and other academic awards in higher education institutions, which did not have their own degree awarding powers. Most of its degrees were run in polytechnics and other colleges of higher education. Universities have their own degree awarding powers. It was dissolved by the Education (Dissolution o... DfE
CNI Critical National Infrastructure National assets that are essential for the functioning of society, such as those associated with energy supply, water supply, transportation, health and telecommunications. Civil Service Wide
CNIO Chief Nursing Information Officer NHSx Org Wide
CNP Customer Notification Process
CO Cabinet Office Cabinet Office
CO Cabinet office DLUHC
COA Change of Address Indicating a change of address for a recipient Civil Service Wide Org Wide
CoA Certificate of Achievement Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE Org Wide
COBAP Corporate Banking and Methods of Payment Group
COBR Cabinet Office Briefing Room MoJ
CoC Change of Circumstances
CoCo Code of Connection Usually associated with the PSN. An agreed standard ('code') for network communication. MoJ
CoE Certificate of Entitlement
CoE Centre of Excellence
COF Community Ownership Fund Community Ownership Fund is to help communities take ownership of assets at risk of closure DLUHC Department-wide
Cohort, ‘Core Cohort’ Prisoners who are lower risk and assigned to a Key Worker and CRC MoJ
Cohort, ‘Specialised Cohort’ Prisoners who are higher risk and are assigned to Key Worker and a Prison Offender Manager (POM) MoJ
COI Central Office of Information The Central Office of Information (COI) works in partnership with government departments and agencies to create effective communication solutions. COI combine in-depth knowledge of the communications business with our understanding of government. COI provide consultancy, procurement and project management across the full spectrum of marketing and communication channels, including advertising, direct marketing, publications, digital media, sponsorship, radio and live events. The COI was due to... DfE
COI Conflict of Interest Civil Service Wide
COIC Careers and Occupational Information Centre Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
CoLRiC Council for Learning Resources in Colleges CoLRiC is an independent organisation which was established in 1993 by a small group of librarians working in the further education sector. To this day we remain dedicated to enhancing and maintaining the quality of learning resources services in further education colleges, including sixth form colleges and the HE in FE sector. Membership has grown to nearly 200 college learning resources services throughout the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland.Source: {CoLRiC website| DfE
COM Community Offender Managers A role within the National Probation Service MoJ
Comms Communications Civil Service Wide
ConfEd Confederation of Education Service Managers The Association of Chief Education Officers, the Society of Education Officers and the Society of Chief Inspectors and Advisers merged to form the Confederation of Education Service Managers (ConfEd). Source Education Journal issue 63 2002Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
COO Chief Operating Officer Not Limted to CS
COO Chief Operating Officer Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
CoP College of Policing Home Office
COP Corporate Other Payee (DPMG)
CoP Court of Protection
COP Close of Play Meaning 'by the end of the day' Civil Service Wide
COP Climate Change Conference of the Parties DLUHC
CoP (codes) Codes of practice DfE
CoP (communities) Communities of practice Groups with a common interest in a discipline or problem, who generally use electronic communication. DfE
COPs Contracted Out Prisons Privately run establishments MoJ
CORE Continuous Recording of Lettings and Sales in England DLUHC
COSHEP Committee of Scottish Higher Education Principals Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
COSHH Control of substances hazardous to health DfE
COTS Commercial off-the-shelf software; as opposed to custom build MoJ
COVAX COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access facility BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
CoVE Centres of Vocational Excellence The Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVE) programme, along with the National Skills Academies, is central to the Learning and Skills Council's aim to improve and develop skills for employers that are needed to underpin business success and economic competitiveness. These programmes are focused on delivering vocational skills that meet particular sector and industry needs through the development and delivery of high quality, specialist training across a range of sectors. CoVE Network The Co... DfE
COVER COVID Variant Emergency Response BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
COVID-O Cabinet Committee - COVID BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
CP Common Platform Service provided by HMCTS, used by LAA to find criminal hearing information MoJ
CP Cloud Platform The MoJ Cloud Platform is a modern hosting platform for digital services MoJ
CPA Care Programme Approach
CPA Contract Package Area Refers to the geographic area a CRC is responsible for MoJ
CPA Crown Proceedings Act Legislation that allows proceedings to be brought against the Crown, in the same manner as any other party. HMCTS
CPA (accounts) Committee of Public Accounts Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
CPA (performance) Comprehensive Performance Assessment Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
CPAB Corporate Personal Acting Body
CPB Central Pensions Branch
CPC (poverty) Child Poverty Commission Established by the Child Poverty Act 2010. DfE
CPC (protection) Child Protection Committee Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
CPCE Charities, Public Bodies and Complex Employment A directorate within HMRC which manages tax compliance issues. HMRC CPCE
CPCS Customer Payment Computer System
CPD Continuing professional development DfE
CPD Continuous Professional Development The expectation that staff will improve their capabilities/expertise through a mixture of doing their regular work, plus on-the-job training, plus formal courses, plus informal sources such as reading/subscribing to relevant books / magazines / online blogs, listening to relevant podcasts, attend sector-relevant events/talks. Sometimes there is an attempt to quantify different types of activity in terms of "points" but there is no agreed standard as to what those points might signify. Civil Service Wide
CPDS Central Provider Data Service Data publication components for Provider and Organisation Information and Management System (PIMS) DfE
CPI Child Protection Issue Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
CPI Centre for Process Innovation UK technology & innovation centre with six innovation facilities in northern England and Scotland. Established by HMG BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
CPIA Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act
CPM Child Protection Management MoJ
CPMO Change Portfolio Management Office Civil Service Wide
CPMS Change Programme Management System Civil Service Wide
CPO Central Portfolio Office DLUHC
CPO Compulsory Purchase Order These are powers which enable (‘enabling powers’) public bodies on which they are conferred to acquire land compulsorily. Compulsory purchase of land requires the approval of a confirming minister. Compulsory purchase powers are an important tool to use as a means of assembling the land needed to help deliver social, environmental and economic change. Used properly, they can contribute towards effective and efficient urban and rural regeneration, essential infrastructure, the revitalisation o... DLUHC
CPO Community Punishment Orders DfE
CPO Chief Probation Officer MoJ
CPO Community Probation Officer MoJ
CPP Common Payments Package
CPP common platform project MoJ
CPR Civil Procedure Rules MoJ
CPR Criminal Procedure Rules MoJ
CPR Civil procedure rules Directions for how civil cases should be processed and handled. HMCTS
CPR (registers) Child protection registers DfE
CPS Crown Prosecution Service MoJ
CPS Central Payment System (A software commonly used to process payments in the Civil Service) DWP
CPS Crown Prosecution Service The organisation that is responsible for providing the prosecution in criminal cases in England and Wales. MoJ
CPS LP Central Payment System Local Payment
CPT Central Prosecution Team (Scotland)
CPTMS Central Processing Team Management Service
CPTPP Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership A free trade agreement between Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, New Zealand, Singapore and Vietnam. DBT
CPU (departmental organisational unit) Child Poverty Unit Year(s) active (where known): 2013 DfE
CPVE Certificate of Pre-Vocational Education DfE
CQC Care Quality Commission Launched April 2009. The independent regulator of all health and adult social care in England. Brings together independent regulation of health, mental health and adult social care previously carried out by the Healthcare Commission, the Mental Health Act Commission and the Commission for Social Care Inspection.Source: {CQC website|} accessed 2015-06-02 DfE
CQSW Certificate of Qualification in Social Work DfE
CR Change Request
CR Change Request MoJ
CRAC Careers Research and Advisory Centre Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-29 DfE
CRB Criminal Records Bureau Merged with the Independent Safeguarding Authority from 1st December 2012 to form the Disclosure and Barring Service. Further information below from: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 The Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) was an executive agency of the Home Office which aimed to help employers make safer recruitment decisions by identifying candidates who might have been unsuitable for certain types of work, through a service called Disclosure. Employers could ask successful candidates to apply t... DfE
CRC Client Referral Centre
CRC Carbon Reduction Commitment Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-29 BEIS
CRC Community Rehabilitation Company Organisations that will deliver probation services from 2014, replacing probation trusts. MoJ
CRCC Certificate in the Residential Care of Children DfE
CRCCYP Certificate in the Residential Care of Children and Young People DfE
CRD Conditional Release Date MoJ
CRE Commission for Racial Equality The Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) [1976-2007] was a non-departmental public body in the United Kingdom which aimed to address racial discrimination and promote racial equality. The Commission was replaced by the Equality and Human Rights Commission.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2020-02-24 DfE
CRE Commission for Racial Equality DfE
CREC Centre for Research in Early Childhood The Centre for Research in Early Childhood, more commonly referred to as CREC, is the home of CREC in Birmingham (Charitable Trust) and Amber Publications and Training (APT). Established by Professor Chris Pascal and Professor Tony Bertram, CREC has been working to improve Early Years provision for over 20 years. Located in the St Thomas Childrens Centre near Birmingham city centre, CREC specialises in early childhood research which has relevant and meaningful outcomes for practice and policy... DfE
CRED Civil Representation Expenditure Data Warehouse MI system holding civil case expenditure data extracted from CIS.CRED data is held in the EDW database - STAGEX schema owns the code and staging tables, FED schema owns the warehouse tables. MoJ
CRG Customer Representative Group
CRIP Capability Review Implementation Plan Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
CRIPSAT Centre for Research in Primary Science and Technology Cripsat is the Centre for Research in Primary Science and Technology and is based in the University of Liverpool. Cripsat aims to maintain a position at the leading edge of understanding and involvement in issues of science and technology education in the 5-14 age range. Research activity is the means through which such an aim can be realised and all the centre's activities draw on or contribute to current research. Areas of research National Tests and Task development for England Cripsat wa... DfE
CRL Computer Record Location
CRM Client Relationship Manager / Customer Relations Manager
CRM systems Customer relationship management systems DfE
CRM12 An Excel form to apply to Rota. A spread sheet that contains solicitors information * All crime forms in LAA are called CRM MoJ
CRN Child/Customer Reference Number
CRN Case Reference Number The number assigned to a offender in nDelius - the word case is misleading MoJ
CRO Clinical Research Organisation Organisations which deliver clinical research such as trials BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
CRO Community Responsible Officer Equivalent of a Community Offender Manager but in CRCs MoJ
CRO criminal records office unique number once convicted (police) MoJ
CRP Conference Room Pilot MoJ
CRS Cheque Regeneration System
CRS Commissioned Rehabilitative Services Rehabilitation and resettlement interventions procured through the Dynamic Framework - the mechanism to procure rehabilitation and resettlement interventions in regional areas MoJ
CRT Central Referral Team
CRT Case Review Team
CRT Complaints Resolution Team The team responsible for investigating and resolving customer complaints into service (not benefit decisions) DWP
CRU Compensation Recovery Unit
CRWBL Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning The Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning (WBL) was created in 1999 by the Department for Education and Skills to investigate the benefits gained from learning across the life course. WBL's research explored the multi-level, social benefits of learning in terms of the well-being and quality of life of individuals, their families and communities across local, national and international areas. WBL continued at the Institute of Education until it was wound up at the end of 2010. DfE
CS Computer System Not Limited to CS
CS Courts Service MoJ
CS Child Support (SRG)
CS Civil Service Civil Service Wide
CS Corporate Services Group BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
CSA Child Support Agency DWP
CSA Customer Service Agent
CSA Chief Scientific Advisor Civil Service Wide
CSA (abuse) Child sexual abuse DfE
CSA (agency) Child Support Agency Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
CSA (assistant) Child Support Assistant Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
CSAR (departmental organisational unit) Children's Services Analysis and Research DfE
CSC Close Supervision Centre Also known as Segregation unit, Seg, Solitary Confinement & SCU MoJ
CSC (departmental organisational unit) Children's Social Care Year(s) active (where known): 2013 DfE
CSCF Civil Service Competency Framework Civil Service Wide
CSCI Commission for Social Care Inspection April 2004-March 2009 Independent inspectorate for all social care services in England. From 1 April 2009 the Care Quality Commission took over the work previously carried out by the Healthcare Commission, the Mental Health Act Commission and the Commission for Social Care Inspection. DfE
CSCP Compare School and College Performance DfE
CSCS Centre for the Study of Comprehensive Schools Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
CSCSG (departmental organisational unit) Children's Services, Communications and Strategy Group Year(s) active (where known): 2021- DfE
CSD Customer Services Directorate Many departments have a customer service directorate Civil Service Wide
CSDSD (departmental organisational unit) Children's Services and Departmental Strategy Directorate Year(s) active (where known): 2013 DfE
CSE (examinations) Certificate of Secondary Education DfE
CSE (exploitation) Child sexual exploitation A consultation seeking views on a new definition of child sexual exploitation was launched on Friday, 12 February 2016. There are currently a number of definitions of child sexual exploitation in use by voluntary organisations and agencies. This has led to some confusion and additional challenges for practitioners working with children and families, creating inconsistencies in risk assessment and data collection. The government aims to provide clarity so all professionals are using the same d... DfE
CSEC (departmental organisational unit) Children's Services, Equalities and Communications DfE
CSEN Civil Service Environment Network A network open to all civil servants interested in developing their knowledge and capability in environmental policy. Civil Service Wide
CSENS (departmental organisational unit) Childcare, Special Educational Needs and Children's Strategy Year(s) active (where known): 2013 DfE
CSEP Civil Service Employee Policy CSHR directorate responsible for HR policy- now replaced with CSHR Expert Services Civil Service Wide UK Vaccines Taskforce
CSEP Civil Service Expert Policy CSHR directorate responsible for HR policy- now replaced with CSHR Expert Services Civil Service Wide
CSF Critical Success Factor NHSx Org Wide
CSG Customer Scrutiny Groups DfE
CSG Corporate Services Group Part of MOJ led by director general Matthew Coats which includes Estates, ICT, HR, Shared Services and Digital Services. MoJ
CSHR Civil Service Human Resources BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
CSHR Profession Civil Service Human Resources Profession The Civil Service Human Resources (CSHR) Profession is building a strong, vibrant HR community with a reputation for high performance and good professional development.Source accessed 2021-05-17 DfE
CSIE Certificate for Studies on Inclusive Education DfE
CSIP Challenge Support Intervention Plan MoJ
CSL Civil Service Learning Replaced by Learning Platform for Government (LPG) during October 2019. DfE
CSL Civil Service Learning Civil Service Wide
CSL Civil Service Learning Training courses for civil servants. MoJ
CSLN Childrens Services Learning Network Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-29 DfE
CSM Customer Service Manager
CSN Childrens Services Network The Children's Services Network (CSN) was launched in 2006 and developed from The Education Network (TEN), originally launched by the Local Government Information Unit in 1997 to help develop, promote and disseminate the role and good practice of Local Authorities in the delivery of education. Since then, CSN has grown in size, membership and influence - establishing a strong reputation for quality, reliability and an innovative approach. Membership is available through an annual subscription. DfE
CSNA Careers Service National Association Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
CSNU Connexions Service National Unit Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
CSO Child Safety Orders Child Safety Order If a child has committed an offence or broken a Local Child Curfew, they can be placed under the supervision of a youth offending team. This is called a Child Safety Order. The order normally lasts for up to 3 months, but in some cases it can last for up to 12 months. If a child doesnt stick to the rules of an order, the court can consider if the child should be taken into care.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2020-06-22 DfE
CSOF Careers Service Operational Forum Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
CSP Childrens Service Plan Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-29 DfE
CSP Client Service Provider DLHUC Commercial
CSPSSA Child Support Pensions and Social Security Act DWP
CSR Comprehensive Spending Review HMT
CSR Civil Service Resourcing Civil Service Wide
CSR Civil Service Resourcing The previous name for the Government Recruitment Service (GRS) MoJ
CSR Corporate Staff Rostering A system used in prisons to detail staff. Also known as My Detail or InVision WFM MoJ
CSR (spending) Comprehensive Spending Review DfE
CSR (student) Continuous Student Record Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-29 DfE
CSRA Cell Share Risk Assessment This is a priority assessment done when prisoners are received at prison, to ensure risks are reduced to them and others on their first night and beyond MoJ
CSRF Civil Service Race Forum -umbrella group of departmental race networks Source: [email protected] Civil Service Wide
CSRP (civil service) Civil Service Reform Plan Year(s) active (where known): June 2012-2015?Source: {GOV.UK|} and {GOV.UK|} accessed 2020-01-28 DfE
CSRP (corporate services) Corporate Services Reform Plan Refers to internal departmental corporate services Year(s) active (where known): 2019- DfE
CSS Charter Standard Statement
CSS (social services) Certificate in Social Services DfE
CST Customer Service Target
CST Customer Services Team
CST Chief Secretary to the Treasury BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
CST Civil Service Talent BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
CST (care) Care Standards Tribunal DfE
CST (Christian schools) Christian Schools Trust Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
CST (departmental organisational unit) Communications Support Team DfE
CST (minister) Chief Secretary to the Treasury DLUHC
CST (science) Council for Science and Technology "The Council for Science and Technology (CST) advises the Prime Minister on science and technology policy issues across government. The council is an expert committee, supported by a secretariat in the Government Office for Science." DSIT Government Office for Science
CST (teachers) Curriculum Support Teachers Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
CSTRs Community Sentence Treatment Requirements Community Sentence Treatment Requirements is an umbrella term that brings together the three different requirements, created in the Criminal Justice Act 2003, that courts can use to place an offender, aged 18 and over and on a community sentence, into treatment. The three types of CSTR are: Mental Health Treatment Requirements (MHTR), Drug Rehabilitation Requirements (DRR) and Alcohol Treatment Requirements (ATR). MoJ
CSU Commissioning Support Unit NHSx Org Wide
CSV (volunteers) Community Service Volunteers Community Service Volunteers (CSV) was founded in 1962 by Mora and Alec Dickson who also founded Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO). Their aim was to involve young people aged 16-35 in voluntary service in the UK, to enrich the lives of volunteers and those they help and to generate social change. They are the UKs largest volunteering and training charity. In 2006 CSV involved nearly a quarter of a million people in volunteering in the UK, trained 12,000 disadvantaged young people and helped 29... DfE
CSW Commission on the Status of Women The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is the principal global intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women. A functional commission of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), it was established by Council resolution 11(II) of 21 June 1946.Source: {Commission on the Status of Women|} accessed 2016-09-27 DfE
CSWAT/S Civil Service Workplace Adjustments Team / Service BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
CSWW Childrens Social Work Workforce DfE
CT Correspondence Team DWP
CTB Council Tax Benefit A benefit operated by local councils to offset the amount of council tax a household paid. Now replaced by Council Tax support and reductions. Local Government (councils)
CTC Countdown To Change
CTC (clearance) Counter Terrorism Clearance a security clearance level, as seen in the Tech Scorecard : "Anyone with administrative or operational access to production systems... has CTC-level clearance" Civil Service Wide Security
CTC (colleges) City technology colleges Independently managed, non-fee-paying schools in urban areas for pupils of all abilities aged 11 to 18. Virtually all have now become academies.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2015-06-02 DfE
CTC (communities) Communities that Care Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-29 DfE
CTC (tax credit) Child Tax Credit HMRC
CTDS County Training and Development Services Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-02 DfE
CTF Child Trust Fund HMRC
CTF Common transfer file When pupils transfer schools it is important that their new school has, and acts on, information about previous performance. The requirement to send the common transfer file (CTF) from the old to the new school within 15 school days of a pupil ceasing to be registered at the old school ensures that specific information about the pupil is transferred with them.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2015-06-02 DfE
CTGC Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult Organisation delivering innovation and capability in the cell and gene therapy sector in the UK BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
CTO (job role) Chief Technology Officer Civil Service Wide
CTO (order) Compulsory Treatment Order
CTS Core Technology Services team MoJ
CTSW Council for Training in Social Work Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-02 DfE
CU Childcare Unit Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
CUC Committee of University Chairmen The Committee of University Chairmen (CUC) provides a forum for discussion for university chairs. Its primary purpose is to enable chairs to contribute their distinctive experience, knowledge and perspective as laypersons and to consider matters which concern all universities. Membership Membership of the Committee is open to the lay chairs of the governing bodies of all universities in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland which are in full membership of Universities UK (UUK). Over... DfE
CUED Common Update and Enquiry Dialogue
CUREE Centre for the Use of Research and Evidence in Education Centre for the Use of Research and Evidence in Education (CUREE) works at the leading edge of research and evidence-informed educational policy and practice. Our mission centres on promoting the use of evidence by building bridges between academic research and professional practice. CUREE support practice-driven action research, develop tools for Continuing Professional Development (CPD), for organisational leadership and for teaching and learning. They believe in modelling good practice in e... DfE
Custody Assistant subcontracted staff in custody MoJ
Custody Officer police staff MoJ
CV Contract Variation Civil Service Wide Procurement
CV (curriculum vitae) Curriculum vitae Not Limited to CS
CVA Cerebro-vascular Accident
CVCC Court Video Conference Centre MoJ
CVCP Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-02 DfE
CVS Council for Voluntary Service DfE
CWA Contracted Work and Administration LAA web app for managing providers and their contracted work. Billing system (for civil legal help and crime lower) that contains all provider contracts and schedules. Enables commissioning teams to manage their providers’ contracts and schedules. Is provider facing. Interfaces with CCMS to supply 'master record of the truth' of provider contract and contact details. Also does work in provisioning new provider user details to CCMS. MoJ
CWDC Childrens Workforce Development Council The CWDC was one of five bodies forming the UK Skills For Care and Development Sector Skills Council and coordinated the Children's Workforce Network. It closed on 31st March 2012 and its work has passed to the Teaching Agency and Department for Education. DfE
CWN Children's Workforce Network The Children's Workforce Network (CWN) is an alliance committed to creating and supporting a world-class children's workforce in England. CWN is a strategic body, bringing together the relevant Sector Skills Councils (including the Children's Workforce Development Council) and other partners. It is a voluntary grouping of independent partners, who recognise that collaboration will help them to achieve the more effective implementation of their individual and joint roles. Members come togethe... DfE
CWX Civil debt recovery service. Legacy debt management app, hosted external. MoJ
CX Chancellor of the Exchequer DLUHC
CxD Chancellor's Departments (APA, DMO, GAD, HMRC, HMT, NS&I, OBR) CO
CYB Children and Youth Board June 2004-unknown Set up to advise the DfES (2001-2007) on the development of policy and practice that affects the lives of children and young people in England. Made up of 25 members aged between 11 and 18. DfE
CYP Children and Young People Commonly used acronym used in DfE to refer to all children and young people (for any matter) DfE
CYPFD (departmental organisational unit) Children Young People and Families Directorate Year(s) active (where known): 2013 DfE
CYPP Children and Young Peoples Plan 2004-10. A single, strategic, overarching plan for all local services to children and young people to be produced by all areas. The Coalition Government announced plans to abolish in November 2010. DfE
D Director Civil Service Wide
D.Y.O. Deter Young Cohort Offender MoJ
D&E Diversity and Equality Civil Service Wide
D3B Digital, Design and Delivery Board Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
DA Delegated Authority Civil Service Wide
DA Devolved administrations Until devolution in 1999, civil servants in all parts of the UK reported to UK Government ministers. Today, around one in ten civil servants is accountable to ministers in the three devolved administrations. Northern Ireland has the largest civil service, partly because it runs its own social security system. The Scottish and Welsh administrations expanded substantially after 1999, to meet the demands of the new era of devolution. But most civil servants employed in Scotland and Wales are sti... Civil Service Wide
DAAT Decision Appeals and Assurance Team DWP
DAC Data Analysis Capability DfE
DACDOT Devolved Administrations, Crown Dependencies & Overseas Territories Division dealing with DACDOT issues DHSC
DACU Data Access and Compliance Unit MoJ
DADA Dance and Drama Awards Dance and Drama Awards are for students over the age of 16 who want to work in the performing arts. They are available from some of England's leading private dance and drama schools.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2015-06-02 DfE
DAE (departmental organisational unit) Directorate of Army Education DfE
DAG Data Advisory Group DfE
DAGC Design Approvals and Governance Council
DAL Delegation Authority Letter A document indicating that the bearer has authority to delegate responsibility for a government bank account to SSCL. MoJ
DAO Directive Academy Order Schools maintained by LAs are issued with a directive academy order (DAO) by the regional schools commissioner (RSC) if they are judged to be inadequate. The order requires them to close and an academy sponsor supports them to re-open as a sponsored academy.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2019-12-23 DfE
DAO letters Dear Accounting Officer letters Dear Accounting Officer' (DAO) letters are issued by HM Treasury to Government Departments. DAOs are used to provide specific advice on issues of accountability, regularity and propriety and annual accounting exercises. These are used to supplement guidance published in Managing Public Money and the Government Financial Reporting Manual (FReM). DAO letters are also forwarded on to the Departments' NDPBs via their Sponsor Teams. Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-05 DfE
DAP Death Arrears Payee
DARAC Delivery, Risk Assurance and Audit Committee Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-05 DfE
DARAS Disability Access Rights Advisory Service Source: Department for Education and Employment and Office for Standards in Education., (1998). Departmental Report: The Government's Expenditure Plans for 1998-99 Cm 3910. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN 0101391021] DfE
DARPA The Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (USA) An agency of the US Department of Defense BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
DART Data services, Analysis & Research Team Team that built and run the GRID platform, plus conduct analysis for GSCU and other adhoc stakeholders Cabinet Office Government Business Services
DART (departmental organisational unit) Digital Analysis and Research Team Year(s) active (where known): c2017- DfE
DARTS Digital Audio Recording and Transcription Service System for recording courts and allowing transcription agencies to listen to and upload transcriptions. MoJ
DARU Data Assurance Reporting Unit MoJ
DAS Direct Appointment Scheme Civil Service Wide
DAS (Apprenticeships) Digital Apprenticeship Service Re-named before 2017 launch as the Apprenticeship Service.Source: {FE Week|} accessed 2019-01-03 DfE
DAS (Diplomas) Diploma Aggregation Service 2010?-23:59 30 September 2013 The Diploma aggregation service (DAS) is a web based information management system developed and managed by the Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency (QCDA). Centres and awarding organisations use the service to share data and record students progress towards their Diplomas.Source: {The National Archives| DfE
DASD Data & Analytical Services Division MoJ
DBC Disability Benefits Centre DWP
DBR Detailed Business Requirement
DBS Disclosure and Barring Service The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) helps employers make safer recruitment decisions and prevent unsuitable people from working with vulnerable groups, including children. It replaces the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA). It came into operation in December 2012.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2015-06-02 Home Office
DBS Defence Business Services MoJ
DBS Disclosure and Barring Service Organisation that maintains records and helps determine if someone should be prevented from working in a regulated activity, for example working with children. Civil Service Wide
DBT Department for Business and Trade DBT
DC Data Challenge DfE
DC Direct Commissioning DLUHC
DCA Department for Constitutional Affairs Became MOJ when joined with NOMS in 2007. MoJ
DCA Delivery Confidence Assessment DLUHC
DCAM Data Collection and Matching DfE
DCATCH Disabled Childrens Access to Childcare The Disabled Children's Access to Childcare (DCATCH) programme was a 3-year childcare project to help improve access to childcare for families with disabled children, and to reduce the attitudinal barriers which currently inhibit such access. The first wave of pilots began in September 2008 in 10 local authorities, with best practice subsequently being rolled out more widely. The local authorities in the first wave of pilots were: Northumberland (North East Region) Sefton (North West Region) ... DfE
DCF Digital Case File An attempt at creating end-to-end digital/modern justice system from Police -> Crown Prosecution Service -> Courts -> Prisons -> Probation MoJ
DCFS Data Collections and Funding System DfE
DCI Departmental Central Index
DCLG Department for Communities and Local Government DLUHC
DCLG Department for Communities and Local Government Department for Communities and Local Government (created 05 May 2006) was re-named Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government on 09 January 2018 following a Cabinet re-shuffle. The remit of the department was unchanged, but the new name considered to be a better reflection of the department's responsibilities. 09/01/2018 DLUHC
DCM District Comms Manager
DCMS (1997–2017, 2023–present) Department for Culture, Media and Sport Established in July 1997, for the Department for Culture Media and Sport. Renamed to Department for Digital Culture Media and Sport in 2017. Reverted to old name with the creation of the Department of Science, Innovation and Technology in 2023. Civil Service Wide
DCMS (2017–2023) Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Dated 3 July 2017: In a move that acknowledges the way the Departments remit has evolved, the Prime Minister and Culture Secretary Karen Bradley have agreed a departmental name change. The Department will continue to be referred to as DCMS in all communications, but is now the department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2017-07-31 Civil Service Wide
DCMS (data) Data Collections Management System DfE
DCMU Digital Case Management Unit (England and Wales)
DCO Debt Co-ordination Officer
DCO Development Consent Order Planning permission for big infra projects DLUHC
DCP District Control Point
DCP Data Challenge Process DfE
DCPU Disability Contact and Processing Unit
DCR Delivery Confidence Rating (possibly) DCR may have more of a focus on the outcome as opposed to the DCA, or it may be duplication. DLUHC
DCS Disability and Carer’s Service
DCS Directors of childrens services DfE
DCSA Departmental Chief Scientific Advisor Sometimes used to distinguish the CSA in a department from the Government CSA. Civil Service Wide
DCSF Department for Children Schools and Families Created 28 June 2007 from the Department for Education and Skills. Renamed Department for Education following the General Election of May 2010. DfE
DCST Digital Customer Service Team HMRC
DCT Direct Credit Transfer
DCT (departmental organisational unit) Digital Communications Team DfE
DCU (departmental organisational unit) Digital Communications Unit Year(s) active (where known): 2013 DfE
DD Deputy Director Civil Service Wide
DDA Disability Discrimination Act Civil Service Wide
DDA 1995 Disability Discrimination Act 1995 DfE
DDA 2005 Disability Discrimination Act 2005 DfE
DDAn Departmental Director of Analysis (Pronounced "dee dan".) A Director with responsibility for the Analysis Function within the department Civil Service Wide
DDaT Digital, Data and Technology Civil Service Wide DDaT/Central Digital and Data Office
DDB Digital Delivery Board (superseded by TFPB) NHSx Org Wide
DDC Deputy Director of Custody regional responsibilty for a group of prisons MoJ
DDC Digital Document Conversion MoJ
DDCED (departmental organisational unit) Due Diligence and Counter-Extremism Division Year(s) active (where known): 2016-2019? DfE
DDGB Departmental Data Governance Board DfE
DDL Digital Driving License DfT
DDN District Delivery Network
DDTS Digital, Data and Technology Services Defra Digital, Data and Technology
DDTS Digital Data Technology Service Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
DDU (departmental organisational unit) Data Development Unit Year(s) active (where known): 2019- DfE
DE (employment) Department of Employment 1969-1995 In July 1995 merged with the Department for Education to become the Department for Education and Employment. DfE
DE (exception) Discretionary Exception Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
DE&S Defence Equipment and Support (part of MoD) MoD
DEA Disability Employment Adviser Source: Department for Education and Employment and Office for Standards in Education., (1998). Departmental Report: The Government's Expenditure Plans for 1998-99 Cm 3910. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN 0101391021] DfE
DECC Department of Energy and Climate Change The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) was a British government department created on 3 October 2008, by then Prime Minister Gordon Brown to take over some of the functions related to energy of the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, and those relating to climate change of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. It was led at time of closure by the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, Amber Rudd MP.[2] Following Theresa May's app... Defra
DECS Digital External Correspondence System Software used to process certain tyes of correspondence. Home Office
DEDS Data Exchange Data Store Part of Data Collections and Funding System (DCFS) application set DfE
Defra Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Defra
DEI Data Engineering Integration DfE
DEL District Expenditure Limit no longer used as a term. Replaced by the term Departmental Expenditure Limit Civil Service Wide
DEL Departmental Expenditure Limit Civil Service Wide
DEL (expenditure) Departmental Expenditure Limit In Spending Reviews, firm Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) plans are set for departments for three years. To ensure consistency with the Government's fiscal rules departments are set separate resource (current) and capital budgets. The resource budget contains a separate control total for near cash expenditure, which is expenditure such as pay and current grants which impacts directly on the measure of the golden rule. DfE
DEL (learning) Distributed and Electronic Learning DfE
DELLS Department for Education Lifelong Learning and Skills DfE
DELNI Department of Employment and Learning Northern Ireland DfE
DELTA group Distance Education Learning and Training Group Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-05 DfE
DELTA programme Disability Empowers Leadership Talent [programme] DELTA (Disability Empowers Leadership Talent) is an accelerated development programme offered to disabled Future Leader Scheme (FLS) and Senior Leaders Scheme (SLS) participants with an aim to accelerate participants development towards senior positions across the Civil Service, contributing to building a diverse senior pipeline. The programme is fully integrated into FLS and SLS and all successful FLS and SLS participants with a disability will be offered a place on DELTA.Source: Data Direct... DfE
DENI Department of Education for Northern Ireland DfE
DEP Digital Education Platform The platform for prisoner education within prisons. Formerly PES (Prison Education Service) MoJ DEP
DERM District External Relations Manager
DES Department of Education and Science 1964-1992. Previously Ministry of Education, 1944-1964, Board of Education, 1901-1944. In July 1992 responsibility for Science passed to Office of Public Service and Science and became Department for Education. DfE
DESNZ Department for Energy Security and Net Zero New department DESNZ
DETR Department of the Environment Transport and the Regions The department was created in 1997 to replace the Department of the Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Department for Transport. It was dissolved in 2001. It was replaced by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Department for Transport.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2020-02-24 DfE
DEU Digital Economy Unit DSIT
DevOps Development Operations DfE
DEX Dialogue Expert
DExEU Department for Exiting the European Union The Department for Exiting the European Union (DExEU) was a ministerial department from 14 July 2016 to 31 January 2020. It was responsible for overseeing negotiations to leave the EU. Cabinet Office
DF Devolved Funding Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-04 DfE
DFA Delegated Financial Authority Civil Service Wide
DFC Devolved formula capital DfE
DFD Data Flow Diagram MoJ
DfE Department for Education Following the General Election of May 2010 the Department for Children, Schools and Families was renamed Department for Education. This title had previously been used from 1992-1995. DfE
DfE (NI) Department for the Economy, Northern Ireland BEIS
DfEE Department for Education and Employment Previously Department for Education. In July 1995 merged with Department of Employment to become Department for Education and Employment. In 2001 became Department for Education and Skills. DfE
DfES Department for Education and Skills Previously Department for Education and Employment. In 2001 became Department for Education and Skills. On 28 June 2007 split into the Department for Children, Schools and Families and the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills. DfE
DfID Department for International Development FCDO
DfT Department for Transport DfT
DG Director General Civil Service Wide
DG Director General Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
DG (civil service grade) Directors General Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
DG (governance) Data Governance DfE
DGB Data Governance Board DfE
DGDT (departmental organisational unit) Data Governance Delivery Team Year(s) active (where known): 2020 DfE
DGI Disadvantage Gap Index DfE
DGL Defra Group Leaders Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
DGVT Director General for Vocational Training Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-05 DfE
DH Department of Health Department of Health was re-named Department of Health and Social Care on 09 January 2018 following a Cabinet re-shuffle. The remit of the department was extended to include social care. DHSC
DHB Disability Handbook
DHP Discretionary Housing Payment
DHSC Department of Health and Social Care Department of Health was re-named Department of Health and Social Care on 09 January 2018 following a Cabinet re-shuffle. The remit of the department was extended to include social care. 09/01/2018 DHSC
DI Digital Identity A directorate within the Government Digital Service. Cabinet Office
DIA Diversity Impact Assessment
DIB Divisional Implementation Board MoJ
DIC death in custody MoJ
Dip sampling A quality control process used by police forces in which a representative proportion of files are selected and inspected MoJ
DIS (data) Data Integration Service Forms part of the data management process along with the Enterprise Data Catalogue (EDC) and the Model Repository Service (MRS). DfE
DIS (departmental) Departmental Investment Strategy Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
DISC Development, Innovation and Support Contracts Shared services framework - Atos (infrastructure), CGI (formerly LogicaCMG - applications) supporting Dom1. MoJ
DISD (departmental organisational unit) Data, Insight and Statistics Division Year(s) active (where known): 2019- DfE
DIT Department for International Trade DIT
DIUS Department for Innovation Universities and Skills Created 28 June 2007. Merged with Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform in June 2009 to form the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. DfE
DIWG Data Integrity Working Group Looking at data and/or recording issues in Probation MoJ
DL Draft Letter DWP
DLA Disability Living Allowance DWP
DLACS Disability Living Allowance Computer System DWP
DLC Delivery lifecycle DfE
DLC Delegated Legislation Committee Civil Service Wide
DLE Demand Led Element Source: Department for Education and Employment and Office for Standards in Education., (1998). Departmental Report: The Government's Expenditure Plans for 1998-99 Cm 3910. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN 0101391021] DfE
DLF Demand Led Funding Demand Led Funding Business Definition DEFINITION 1. Demand led funding (DLF) is a new funding model, reflecting the principle that learner (or employer) demand and choice should directly affect the amount of funding earned by providers. DETAILED DESCRIPTION 2. Under the DLF model, providers earn money based on actual delivery. Following the tendering process, approved providers will agree an allocation value with the LSC prior to the start of the year. However, the provider's actual budget w... DfE
DLHE Destinations of leavers from higher education DfE
DLO Dead Letter Office Royal Mail
DLO Desirable Learning Outcomes Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
DLR Docklands Light Railway Transport DLUHC
DLS Discretionary Learner Support Available in colleges and school sixth forms to help with learning costs. The funds are prioritised for those who face financial hardship. Formerly Learner Support Funds.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2015-06-02 DfE
DLUHC Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities In September 2021, Boris Johnson renamed the department yet again, calling it the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC), being more powers outside of just England to manage funds across the United Kingdom. DLUHC
DM Decision Maker DWP
DM Debt Management
DM Delivery Manager DfE
DMA Decision Making and Appeals DWP
DMACR Decision Making and Appeals case recorder DWP
DMAP Data Management Advisory Panel The panel that assesses access rights to DfE holdings. DfE
DMAPT Decision Making, Appeals and Procedures Team
DMAS Decision Making and Appeals Service DWP
DMD (departmental organisational unit) Data Modernisation Division Year(s) active (where known): 2019- DfE
DMF Departmental Monetary Fund DLUHC
DMG Decision Makers Guide DWP
DMO Debt Management Office The DMO carries out the government’s debt management policy of minimising financing costs over the long term, taking account of risk. We minimise the cost of offsetting the government’s net cash flows over time, while operating in a risk appetite approved by ministers. HM Treasury
DMPG Decision Makers Procedural Guide
DMS Data Matching Service
DMS Diploma in Management Studies DfE
DMU Decision Making Unit
DMVO Decision Maker Visiting Officers
DNE Departmental National Experts Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
DO District Office DWP
DOAB Digital Oversight and Approvals Board NHSx Org Wide
DoaP Department on a Page Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
DOB Date of Birth Not Limited to CS
DOC Date of Claim DWP
DOC Departmental Operations Centre DfE
DOD Dater of Death Not Limited to CS
DOE Department of the Environment DfE
DOH Department of Health DHSC
DOI Digital Office Infrastructure DWP
DOM1/Dom1 Domain 1 End-user compute and networking solution MoJ
DoSF Department of State functions DfE
DOSN District One Service Network
DP Data Protection Not Limited to CS
DP Disability Premium DWP
DP Direct Payment Relates to the Common Aguicultial Policy (EU) Defra
DPA Data Protection Act Not Limited to CS
DPA Defense Production Act BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
DPA Data Protection Act MoJ
DPA 1984 Data Protection Act 1984 DfE
DPA 1998 Data Protection Act 1998 DfE
DPAD Direct Payment After Death
DPAS Drugs Prevention Advisory Service Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-04 DfE
DPC Data Protection Commissioner Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-05 DfE
DPI (drugs) Drugs Prevention Initiative Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-04 DfE
DPIA Data Protection Impact Assessment NHSx Org Wide
DPIA Data Protection Impact Assessment Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
DPLO Data Protection Liaison Officer
DPM Deputy Prime Minister No 10
DPO Data Protection Officer DLUHC
DPO Data Protection Officer Civil Service Wide
DPR (data) Data Protection Registrar Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-05 DfE
DPR (department) Departmental Performance Report Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-05 DfE
DPRRD Detention Post Recall Release Date MoJ
DPRS Direct Payment Registration System
DPS Disabled Passenger Scheme
DPS Dynamic Purchasing System A way of procuring services via CCS, similar to frameworks but with some differences Civil Service Wide Commercial
DPS Digital Prison Services Previously known as 'New NOMIS' MoJ
DPS Dynamic Purchasing System Not unique to MoJ - it's a way that Governors can purchase additional education or work provision on site, outside of the standard education contracts. Some stakeholders may be more familiar with this definition of DPS rather than 'Digital Prison Services' MoJ
DPTC Disabled Persons Tax Credit
DQ Draft Question Civil Service Wide
DQ Directions Questionnaire Collects and assesses information relevant to a claim. HMCTS
DQT Database of qualified teachers in England The National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) maintains the database of qualified teachers in England. Information available on teachers records include: name teacher reference number qualified teacher status (QTS) induction status details of additional leadership mandatory qualificationsSource: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2015-10-28 DfE
DR Disaster Recovery
DR Document Retention Civil Service Wide Data / Compliance
DR Defence Request Formally DSDS. MoJ
DR Disaster Recovery MoJ
DRC Disability Rights Commission From 31 March 2009 subsumed into the Equality and Human Rights Commission. EHRC
DRH Dispute resolution hearing A second hearing within private proceedings, intended to consider any additional evidence or reports. HMCTS
DRIU (departmental organisational unit) Departmental Regulatory Impact Unit Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-04 DfE
DRO Departmental Record Officer DLUHC
DRO Departmental Records Office
DRO Departmental Records Officer DfE
DRP Data Retention Policy DfE
DRS Document Repository System
DRY Don't Repeat Yourself Often "DRY-ed". Removing duplication in code. MoJ
DS Digital Services MOJ Digital Services (formally DSD) MoJ
DSA Disabled Students Allowances Disabled Students Allowances (DSAs) are paid on top of your other student finance. They help you pay the extra costs you may have because of your disability. They dont have to be repaid.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2016-07-22 DfE
DSA Data Sharing Agreement MoJ
DSA Data Standards Authority The DSA works to improve how the public sector manages data. The DSA does this by establishing standards to make it easier and more effective to share and use data across government. Cabinet Office
DSAP Data Sharing Approval Board DfE
DSAT Data Self-Assessment Toolkit DfE
DSCC Defence Solicitor Call Centre The call centre service that police use to provide a solicitor for people in custody. MoJ
DSD Digital Service Designers MoJ
DSD Digital Services Division Now obsolete. Please refer to 'Digital Services' (without the 'Division') or 'MOJ Digital Services'. MoJ
DSD (departmental organisational unit) Data Services Division Year(s) active (where known): 2019- DfE
DSDS Defence Solicitor Deployment Service MoJ
DSE Display Screen Equipment Not Limited to CS
DSF Digital Services Framework A framework for procuring software development teams across government MoJ
DSG Dedicated schools grants DfE
DSG Digital Steering Group MoJ
DSI DfE Sign-in Method of access and password administration giving a single, secure point of entry to DfE systems. SA (Secure Access) was replaced in Dec 2018/Jan 2019 by DfE Sign-in which is abbreviated to DSI.Source: Data Directorate 2019-08-01 DfE
DSIT Department for Science, Innovation and Technology New department from 2023 DSIT
DSM Dispute Settlement Mechanism Used to settle trade disputes DBT
DSMB Data and Safety Monitoring Board BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
DSO Departmental Security Officer DLUHC
DSO Departmental Strategic Objectives The 2007 Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR07) announced a radical reform of the performance management framework across government which focuses on the Government's priority ambitions; promotes collaboration; and reduces burdens on the frontline, increasing flexibility to deliver responsive services. The CSR07 announced new Departmental Strategic Objectives (DSOs) which would drive forward the cross-government Public Service Agreements (PSAs). The DSOs The CSR07 announced six new Departmenta... DfE
DSO Defence & Security Organisation MoJ
DSO Digital Studio Operations Slack Channel - #ask-digital-studio-ops MoJ
DSP Digital Service Platforms A unit within Platforms & Services, a directorate within the Government Digital Service. Cabinet Office
DSR Departmental Spending Review Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
DSS Department for Social Security DSS was replaced by the Department for Work and Pensions in 2001.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2020-01-29 DfE
DSS Data Security Standard An accreditation for handling credit/debit cards managed by Payment Card Industry (PCI). MoJ
DST Department Security Team
DST (data) Data Service Transformation DfE
DST (directorate) Directorate Support Team Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
DSTL Defence Science and Technology Laboratory An executive agency of the Ministry of Defence BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
DSU (departmental organisational unit) Departmental Security Unit Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-04 DfE
DT Design and technology DfE
DTA Development Trajectory Assessment Cabinet Office Fast Stream
DTI Department of Trade and Industry Abolished 28 June 2007, largely replaced by the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform. DfE
DTO Detention Training Order MoJ
DTP Digital Transformation Portfolio NHSx Org Wide
DTR Database of Teacher Records DfE
DTRG Digital Technology Review Group MoJ
DTTP Database of Trainee Teachers and Providers DfE
DU (departmental organisational unit) Delivery Unit Delivery Unit (DU) works alongside the Secretary of State's private office to help set their priorities and ensure these are delivered. Year(s) active (where known): 2019- DfE
DV Domiciliary Visit
DV Developed Vetting National Security vetting (top secret) Civil Service Wide
DV Developed Vetting Level of Security Clearance MoJ
DV Domestic Violence MoJ
DvH Delivery Hub (formerly known as the Portfolio Office) NHSx Org Wide
DVLA Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (part of DfT) DfT
DVSA Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency DfT
DWA Disability Working Allowance
DWG Delivery Working Group Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
DWP Department for Work and Pensions DWP
DWP Department for Work and Pensions Government organisation - administrates ESF budget ellocation MoJ
DX Document Exchange DX, or Direct Exchange, is a private business-to-business mail and packaging network in the United Kingdom. Direct Exchange is cheaper than standard first class mail. Subscriptions are necessary to use this service. MoJ
E Ephemeral
e-GMS e-Government Metadata Standard DfE
E&D Equality and Diversity
E2E (employment) Entry to Employment Entry to Employment (E2E) programmes are for learners aged 16-19. They aim to develop confidence, motivation and personal effectiveness, and to help learners to get jobs, enter Apprenticeships or go to college. DfE
E2E (end) End to end DfE
E2L English as a Second Language DfE
EA Employment Act
EA Environment Agency Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
EA (agencies) Executive agencies Executive Agencies are semi-independent organisations set up by the Government to carry out some of their responsibilities. Source: {UK Parliament|} accessed 2015-06-02 DfE
EA (architecture) Enterprise architecture Enterprise architecture (EA) is a discipline for proactively and holistically leading enterprise responses to disruptive forces by identifying and analyzing the execution of change toward desired business vision and outcomes. EA delivers value by presenting business and IT leaders with signature-ready recommendations for adjusting policies and projects to achieve target business outcomes that capitalize on relevant business disruptions.Source: {Gartner| DfE
EA (authorities) Education Authorities DfE
EA (civil service grade) Executive Assistants DfE
EAB Enterprise Architecture Board Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
EAF Education Action Forums Statutory, Education Action Zones (EAZs) were created to enable local partnerships to develop new ways of meeting local needs. Each zone was initially established for a period of 3 years with the possibility of being extended for 2 further years. In return for setting a range of challenging targets for improvement each zone receives up to 1 million per annum in Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) grant and in contributions from business or other partners. In EAZs, school gove... DfE
EAG Expert Advisory Group BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
EAGA Energy Actions Grants Agency
EAH Educate against hate Source: {educate against hate|} accessed 2016-03-02 DfE
EAIP Enterprise Architecture Integration Patterns Industry-standard approaches to integration across the ESFA DfE
EAL English as an Additional Language DfE
EANCB Equivalent Annual Net Costs to Business DLUHC
EAP Employee Assistance Programme
EAR Exceptional Activity Report
EAS Employee Authentication Services Enables secure access to sensitive information by verifying that the right people are accessing appropriate data thus creating a secure and trusted environment for information sharing. It requires 2 components to validate the identity of a user: something you know - a password or PIN and something you have - a token or card. DfE
EASEA Electronic Access for Schools and Education Authorities Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-06 DfE
EASS Equality Advisory Support Service Information and advice about discrimination and human rights issues.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2015-09-07 DfE
EAT Employment Appeal Tribunal MoJ
EAZ Education Action Zones 1998-April 2005 EAZs were set up following bids from groups of schools. They were partnerships usually formed between the schools, their LEA and other local organisations. They were set up to tackle problems of underachievement and social exclusion in disadvantaged areas. DfE
EAZAS Education Action Zone Advisory Service DfE
EBacc English Baccalaureate The English Baccalaureate is a new performance measure introduced in the 2010 performance tables. It is not compulsory, but Ofsted will take it into account when inspecting. The measure shows where pupils have secured a C grade or above across a core of academic subjects at key stage 4 and enables parents and pupils to see how their school is performing. Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2015-06-02 DfE
EBD Emotional and behavioural difficulties DfE
EBDS Energy Bills Discount Scheme Scheme for businesses to receive discounts off energy bills DESNZ Energy
EBL Education Business Links The Government expects all young people to have broader experiences of work through Education Business Links (EBLs) so that they can leave school with the skills they need for employment and are prepared for an active role in society. The Department for Education and Skills (DfES) made the provision of work related learning a statutory requirement from 2004, and gave new funds for enterprise learning from 2005. DfES allocated 25 million for education business link activity in 2006-2007. They ... DfE
EBLO Education business link organisations DfE
EBN Exceptional Basic Need Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
EBP Education Business Partnerships Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-06 DfE
EBRS Energy Bills Relief Scheme Scheme for support for energy bills DESNZ Energy
EBS CCMS's E-Business Suite Part of CCMS MoJ
EC European Community
EC (efficiency) Efficiency controls DfE
EC (Europe) European Community DfE
ECAR Every Child a Reader An initiative aimed at reducing the numbers of pupils achieving below Level 3 in English on entering secondary school. Further information below from The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-05 Every Child A Reader (ECAR) is a unique collaboration between charitable trusts, the business sector and government. It aims to show that, with the right resources, it is possible to overcome the literacy difficulties that blight so many children's lives. The initiative is funding highly-skilled Reading Recover... DfE
ECCTIS Educational and Credit Transfer Information Service Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
ECDL European Computer Driving Licence DfE
ECEC Early Childhood Education and Care DfE
ECF Early Career Framework (teachers) Starting in autumn 2021, early career teachers undergoing induction will receive 2 years of professional development and support underpinned by the Early Career Framework (ECF). The ECF was designed, in collaboration with an expert advisory group, to support early career teacher development in 5 core areas: behaviour management pedagogy curriculum assessment professional behavioursSource: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2019-07-18 DfE
ECHILD Education and Child Health Insights from Linked Data The ECHILD dataset links NHS Hospital Episodes Statistics (HES) data to NPD and facilitates research to improve policy making for children's health, education and wellbeing across a range of health and social science disciplines. For example, how can we better understand the health-related drivers of educational outcomes in England?Source: Data Directorate 2021-03-30 DfE
ECHO Education Correspondence Handling Online c2004-2014 A departmental system for managing correspondence. Succeeded by a Microsoft Customer Relationship Management system called, within the department, Iris. DfE
ECITB Engineering Construction Industry Training Board DfE
ECL End of Custody Licence A scheme within Prison Service between 2007 and 2010 to help alleviate pressures on prison population. Offenders who were eligible could be released early from custody 18 days before their release date MoJ
ECM Every Child Matters 2004-2010. Overarching name for the children's reforms programme. The Every Child Matters (ECM) initiative began with the 'Every Child Matters' Green Paper in 2003. That set out the Government's aim for every child, whatever their background or their circumstances, to have the support they need to: 1. Be healthy 2. Stay safe 3. Enjoy and achieve 4. Make a positive contribution 5. Achieve economic well-being DfE
ECO Entry Clearance Officer BEIS Energy Policy
ECS Eligibility Checking Service DfE
ECS Elastic Container Service MoJ
ECSMA European Convention Social and Media Assistance
ED Department of Employment 1969-1995 In July 1995 merged with the Department for Education to become the Department for Education and Employment. DfE
EDAP (education) Education Data Advisory Panel DfE
EDAP (enterprise) Enterprise Data and Analytics Platform DfE
EDC Ebbsfleet Development Corporation Ebbsfleet Development Corporation DLUHC
EDC Enterprise Data Catalogue Enterprise Data Catalogue DfE
EDD Estimated Delivery Date Estimated Delivery Date
EDD (departmental organisational unit) Education Data Division Year(s) active (where known): 2017- DfE
EDI Electronic Data Interchange Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
EDI Equality Diversity and Inclusion An acronym commonly used to discuss equality, diversity and inclusion Civil Service Wide All
EDIM Equality and Diversity Impact Measures DfE
EDIP Early Diversity Internship Programme An opportunity for those from diverse backgrounds to find out more about the Civil Service and Fast Stream.Source: {Fast stream GOV.UK|} accessed 2019-01-30 DfE
EDO Educational Development Officer Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
EDP Education Development Plans A statutory requirement of all LEAs and the key document in which an LEA, in consultation with schools and other stakeholders, sets out costed plans for school improvement and raising pupils standards. 1999-? Further information below from The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-05 Education Development Plans (EDP) were key plans produced by all Local Authorities (LA) setting out its strategies for improving standards in schools and raising pupil attainment. The plans are produced in accordance with g... DfE
EDRM Electronic document and record management DfE
EDRMS Electronic Documents and Record Management System Also known as NorthgateLAA's externally hosted document/record management system, used by CCMS. MoJ
EDS Electronic Data Systems
EDS Extended Determinate Sentence MoJ
EDS (electronic) Electronic Data Systems Source: Department for Education and Employment and Office for Standards in Education., (2000). Departmental Report: The Government's Expenditure Plans 2000-01 to 2001-02 Cm 4602. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN: 0101460228] DfE
EDS (employer) Employer Data Service DfE
EDSI Educational Departments Superhighway Initiative Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
EDT Education Department Target Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
EDW Enterprise Data Warehouse Management Information data warehouse. Holds data from many LAA applications. MoJ
EEA European Economic Area Not Limited to CS Europe, EU
EEA European Economic Area DfE
EEC Early Excellence Centres 2002-. Established to develop models of good practice in integrating early education, childcare and family support services, including parental involvement and outreach work, and to provide training and a focus for dissemination. Further information below from The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-05 The Early Excellence Centres (EEC) programme was established in 1997 to develop models of good practice in integrating early education, childcare and family support services, including parental involvem... DfE
EEF (education) Education Endowment Foundation The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) is an independent grant-making charity dedicated to breaking the link between family income and educational achievement, ensuring that children from all backgrounds can fulfil their potential and make the most of their talents.Source: {EEF website|} accessed 2015-06-02 DfE
EEF (engineering) Engineering Employers Federation DfE
EERA European Educational Research Association The aim of the European Educational Research Association (EERA) is to further high quality educational research for the benefit of education and society. High quality research not only acknowledges its own context but also recognises wider, transnational contexts with their social, cultural and political similarities and differences. The associations activities, such as the annual conference, season schools for emerging researchers and publishing, build on and promote free and open dialogue a... DfE
EES (education) Explore Education Statistics Statistics dissemination platform used by Data Directorate 2019- DfE
EES (employment) European Employment Strategy In 1997 the Amsterdam Treaty made promoting employment an EU objective. In the same year the European Employment Strategy (EES) was launched to promote the co-ordination of labour market policies and raise employment levels. At the Lisbon summit in March 2000, a much broader strategy was defined, that sought to make Europe the most competitive economy in the world by 2010. The EES and Lisbon provided the policy framework for the 2000-2006 round of programmes. The strategic focus on the Lisbon... DfE
EESP Energy Efficiency Social Programme Government energy scheme covering WHD and ECO BEIS Energy Policy
EFA Education Funding Agency EFA merged with SFA to create the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) on 01 April 2017. Additional information below from The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-06 On 1 April 2012, the Education Funding Agency (EFA) became one of four new executive agencies of the Department. It took over the functions previously carried out by Partnerships for Schools and the Young People's Learning Agency as well as the DfE. The EFA had over 700 staff based in 11 offices, as well as a number of remote worker... DfE
EFAU (departmental organisational unit) Education Funding Analysis Unit Year(s) active (where known): 2013 DfE
EFG (departmental organisational unit) Education Funding Group Year(s) active (where known): 2018? DfE
EFL English as a Foreign Language DfE
EFQM European Foundation for Quality Management Source: Department for Education and Employment and Office for Standards in Education., (2000). Departmental Report: The Government's Expenditure Plans 2000-01 to 2001-02 Cm 4602. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN: 0101460228] DfE
EFS Education Formula Spending The level of funding the government spends on education through the local government finance system. It reflects the broad range of pressures facing the education service and the scope for making efficiency savings.Source: Department for Education and Skills., (2003). Departmental Report 2003 Cm 5902. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN: 0101590229] DfE
EFSG (departmental organisational unit) Education Funding Strategy Group DfE
EFSS Education Formula Spending Share DfE
EFTA European Free Trade Agreement
EGAS Educational Grants Advisory Service The Educational Grants Advisory Service (EGAS) offers guidance and advice on funding for those studying in post-16 education in the UK. EGAS operates nationally providing comprehensive advice and information on sources of funding available for post-16 education and training including loans, grants, benefits, access funds, hardship funds, bursaries and charitable trusts. EGAS is a charitable organisation that relies on affiliations from educational institutions to be able to offer a service th... DfE
eGIF e-Government Interoperability Framework DfE
eGU e-Government Unit DfE
EHC Education, Health and Care DfE
EHC Online Export Health Certificate Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
EHCP Education, health and care plans An education, health and care (EHC) plan is for children and young people aged up to 25 who need more support than is available through special educational needs support. EHC plans identify educational, health and social needs and set out the additional support to meet those needs. Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2016-03-30 DfE
EHE (elective) Elective home education DfE
EHE (enterprise) Enterprise in Higher Education December 1987-1996. Designed to encourage the development of qualities of enterprise amongst those seeking higher education qualifications and to help students be better prepared for working life. DfE
EHER Elective Home Education Review DfE
EHRC Equality and Human Rights Commission Established by the Equality Act 2006, it brought the three existing Commissions (EOC, CRE and DRC) into a single body.Source: {EHRC website|} accessed 2015-05-28 The Equality and Human Rights Commission is Great Britains national equality body and has been awarded an A status as a National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) by the United Nations. Our job is to help make Britain fairer. We do this by safeguarding and enforcing the laws that protect peop... DfE
EHRSG Executive HR Sub Group NHSx Org Wide
EI (30 hours free childcare) Early implementers (30 hours free childcare) DfE
EIA Equality Impact Analysis
EIA Equality impact assessments DfE
EiC Excellence in Cities 1999-2006. Excellence in Cities was designed to remedy successive failures and to address the educational problems of the major cities where standards had been low. The programme was implemented through local partnerships crossing traditional LEA boundaries, focusing on the needs and aspirations of individual pupils and their parents. From 2006 the funding became part of the School Development Grant. Additional information below from The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-06 The Excellence in Cities ... DfE
EIfEL European Institute for E-Learning EIfEL is responding to the challenge of the knowledge society by creating a community, a framework, and tools to identify, develop, recognize and validate the competencies of education, learning, and human resources development professionals. The key principles on which our actions are founded are: learning is lifelong, life-wide, formal and informal individuals, organizations, and communities learn in close interaction knowledge, information and learning technologies have the power to suppor... DfE
EIG Early intervention grants DfE
EIP (education) Education Improvement Partnerships 2005-?. The aim of the Education Improvement Partnerships (EIPs) was to build sustainable partnerships that worked towards developing an integrated approach to improving outcomes for children and young people through schools working together with public, private, community and voluntary partners. DfE
EIP (employer) Employer Investment in People Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-06 DfE
EIR Environmental information regulations Public authorities that are subject to the EIR must consider disclosure of environmental information under the EIR, rather than under FOIA. Environmental information is any information on: * the state of the elements of the environment and the interaction among these elements; * factors affecting or likely to affect those elements; * measures or activities affecting or likely to affect those factors or elements, or designed to protect those elements; * reports on the implementation of environ... DfE
EKSD End of Key Stage Description Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-05 DfE
ELAS Education Law Association The Education Law Association, ELAS, is the premier association for educationalists, lawyers and advice workers concerned with the law of education.Source: {ELAS website|} accessed 2019-06-06 DfE
eLC e-Learning Credits Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-06 DfE
ELDP Early Language Development Programme The ELDP was a national training programme, funded by the Department for Education from September 2011 to March 2015. Led by I CAN, it increased awareness, knowledge and confidence amongst the early years workforce supporting children's early speech, language and communication development. Although the funded programme has closed, Talking Point continue to offer the training. This course can also contribute to a national qualification.Source: {Talking Point| DfE
ELG Early Learning Goals 1999-. The statutory early learning goals established expectations for most children to reach by the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage. The revised EYFS curriculum coming into force in September 2012 reduces the number of early learning goals from 69 to 17.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2015-06-02 Further information below from The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 Early learning goals aim to make learning a fun and challenging e... DfE
ELLFS English Local Labour Force Survey DfE
ELM Enviromental Land Management Defra
ELMC Employment and Labour Market Committee Source: Department for Education and Employment and Office for Standards in Education., (1998). Departmental Report: The Government's Expenditure Plans for 1998-99 Cm 3910. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN 0101391021] DfE
ELNET E-learning for Literacy Numeracy and ESOL Teachers Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-06 DfE
ELPP Early Learning Partnerships Project The Early Learning Partnerships Project (ELPP) aimed to target hard to reach parents, through a range of approaches, and support them to get involved in the early learning of their children from 1-3 years. The project started in October 2006 and ran to March 08. Up to 7,500 parents were reached. In addition, the project upskilled the early years workforce to support parents to support their childrens early learning.Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-06 DfE
ELQ Equivalent or Lower Level Qualification DfE
ELS (lecturing) Education Lecturing Services Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-05 DfE
ELS (life skills) Essential Life Skills The government has also announced today that 22 million will be shared among all 12 Opportunity Areas through a new Essential Life Skills programme, to help disadvantaged young people have access to the same opportunities as those in the top-performing schools. The aim is to help them develop wider skills such as resilience, emotional wellbeing and employability. The programme will complement the individual Opportunity Area plans by providing extra-curricular activities, such as sports, volun... DfE
ELSA Education Labour and Social Affairs Committee Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-05 DfE
ELT English Language Teaching Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-06 DfE
ELT Executive Leadership Team Directors, CEO and COO Charity Commission
ELUS ESA Legasuite Update System
EM Excellence Models Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-06 DfE
EM Electronic Monitoring (Also known as 'tagging') is the practice of attaching a tag to someone's ankle, used in England and Wales to monitor curfews and conditions of a court or prison order. MoJ
EMA Education Maintenance Allowance A weekly payment to help with the day-to-day costs for students who stay on at school, college or a training provider after their GCSEs. The Education Maintenance Allowance scheme closed to new applicants in England on 1 January 2011.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2015-05-28 Additional information below from The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-06 The Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) became available nationally across England from September 200... DfE
EMA European Medicines Agency BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
EMAG Ethnic Minority Achievement Grants Also known as: Ethnic Minority Student Achievement Grants The Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant (EMAG) was set up to narrow achievement gaps for pupils from those minority ethnic groups who are at risk of underachieving and to help meet the particular needs of bilingual pupils. From April 2011 it was mainstreamed into the dedicated schools grant. Source: {The National Archives| DfE
EMB Executive Management Board Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
EMHP Education Mental Health Practitioners DfE
EMI Electronic Management Information LAA web app that allows LAA to share MI data with providers. Currently used for financial statement. MoJ
EMIE Education Management Information Exchange Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
EMP Electronic Media Policy
EMPNTO Employment National Training Organisation DfE
EMPP Executive Masters of Public Policy DfE
EMR Electronic medical record NHSx Org Wide
EMS Environment Management Systems Source: Department for Education and Employment and Office for Standards in Education., (1998). Departmental Report: The Government's Expenditure Plans for 1998-99 Cm 3910. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN 0101391021] DfE
EMSAG Ethnic Minority Student Achievement Grants Also known as: Ethnic Minority Student Achievement Grants The Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant (EMAG) was set up to narrow achievement gaps for pupils from those minority ethnic groups who are at risk of underachieving and to help meet the particular needs of bilingual pupils. From April 2011 it was mainstreamed into the dedicated schools grant. Source: {The National Archives| DfE
EMT Executive Management Team DfE
EMTAG Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Grants DfE
ENCA Evaluation National Curriculum Assessment Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
ENIC European Network of Information Centres UK NARIC was the UK's National Agency responsible for providing information and opinion on academic, vocational and professional qualifications from across the world. As the National Agency, managed on behalf of the UK Government, UK NARIC provide the only official source of information on international education and training systems and qualifications and skills attained outside the UK. UK ENIC is the UK National Information Centre for the recognition and evaluation of international qualific... DfE
ENT Electronic Notification Template
ENTO Employment National Training Organisation DfE
EO Executive Officer A Grade within the Civil Serice Civil Service Wide
EO Executive Order BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
EO (civil service grade) Executive Officers DfE
EOA Examination Officers Association The International Examination Officers' Association (iEOA) has evolved from its foundation organisation the Examination Officers' Association (EOA) founded by Andrew Harland with a number of other teaching exam officers back in 2000. That lobby group transformed the EOA into a professional body to help represent the exams officer community in 2005 when it was registered as a charity and not-for-profit organisation. The iEOA like its predecessor remains the only independent professional organi... DfE
EOC Equal Opportunities Commission Ceased to exist on 31 March 2009. Was subsumed into the Equality and Human Rights Commission. DfE
EOC Equal Opportunities Commission DfE
EOF Employment Opportunities Fund An interdepartmental fund to support the achievement of the government's welfare to work objectives.Source: Department for Education and Employment and Office for Standards in Education., (2001). Departmental Report: The Government's Expenditure Plans 2001-02 to 2003-04 and Main Estimates 2001-02 Cm 5102. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN: 0101510225] DfE
EOI Expression of Interest BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
EOI Expression of Interest Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
EOI Expression of Interest DLUHC
EOP Employer Ownership Programme DfE
EOTAS Education Otherwise than at School Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
EP (educational) Educational Psychologists Educational Psychologists (EPs) have a primary role in statutory assessments but they also have an important role in early identification and intervention. DfE
EP (parliament) European Parliament DfE
EPAS Educational Performance Analysis System Educational Performance Analysis System (EPAS) is a software system produced by the National Consortium for Examination Results (NCER). EPAS imports pupil performance data from the University of Bath and provides analysis of GCSE, A Level data and Key Stage data matched to GCSE.Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
EPIC Education Policy Information Service Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
EPICK Event, Problem, Incident, Continual Service Improvement and Knowledge Team MoJ
EPMA Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration NHSx Org Wide
EPMO Electronic Project Management Office (PMO reporting tool) Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
EPoA Enduring Power of Attorney MoJ
EPPE Effective Provision of Pre-school Education 1997-2004 Longitudinal research project funded by the DfES (2001-2007) DfE
EPPE 3-11 Effective Pre-school and Primary Education 3-11 project EPPE 3-11 is an extension of the original EPPE research. DfE
EPPSE Effective Pre-school Primary and Secondary Education project 1997-2014 In 1997 Effective Pre-School, Primary and Secondary Education (EPPSE) was instigated as the UKs first major study to focus on the effectiveness of early years education. More than 3,000 children were assessed at the start of pre-school (at approximately three years old) and their development monitored as they entered school until they made their post-16 education, training or employment choices. Children were assessed at the start of the study and on entering school at primary ages ... DfE
EPR End of Project review
EPR End of Posting Review Cabinet Office Fast Stream
EPSI&RD Early Primary School Improvement and Research Development Programme Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-06 DfE
EPSO European Personnel Selection Office DfE
EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council EPSRC is the main UK government agency for funding research and training in engineering and the physical sciences, investing more than 800 million a year in a broad range of subjects - from mathematics to materials science, and from information technology to structural engineering.Source: {EPSRC|} accessed 2016-07-20 DfE
EPWG Educational Psychologists Working Group Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-30 DfE
EQA External quality assurance DfE
EQIA Equality impact assessments DfE
EQUIP Excellence and Quality in Probation Processes MoJ
ER Evidence Requirements
ER (employer) Employer Responsive Employer Responsive Business Definition DEFINITION 1. One of three demand led models used to calculate funding, the Employer Responsive Model supports provision driven by employer choice, encompassing Train To Gain, Apprenticeships for Adults (over 19) and Further Education (FE) provision delivered on employers' premises. DETAILED DESCRIPTION 2. The model covers all employer-facing activity, including Skills for Life, Level 2, Level 3 and above and Adult Apprenticeships. 3. Skills brokers pla... DfE
ER (rollout) Early Rollout DfE
ERA 1988 Education Reform Act 1988 DfE
ERASMUS EuRopean Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students DfE
ERCC Employer Contributions Collection DfE
ERD Entity Relationship Diagram DfE
ERDF European Regional Development Fund DfE
ERG Efficiency and Reform Group (part of CO)
ERG (departmental organisational unit) Efficiency and Reform Group Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-06 DfE
ERG (external reviews) External reviews of governance A review of governance looks at how well your schools governing body is working. An external system leader works with your chair of governors to improve the performance of the governing body.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2015-06-02 DfE
eRGF Exceptional Regional Growth Fund BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
ERNAPE European Research Network about Parents in Education ERNAPE is the European Research Network about Parents in Education. It is an association of networks organised by areas. Each network is autonomous. In October 1993, with financial support from the European Commission, a group of researchers working in the field of parents in education in different parts of Europe met in Glasgow to discuss how to increase contact across Europe, to exchange knowledge of research developments in Europe and to stimulate research about parents in education at all... DfE
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning MoJ
ERR (employment) Employment Rights and Responsibilities DfE
ERR (reading) Early Reading Research DfE
ERS Early Removal Scheme MoJ
ERSED Early Removal Scheme Eligibility Date MoJ
ES Employment Service
ES Employment Service DfE
ESA Employment and Support Allowance DWP
ESA End of Scheme Assessment Cabinet Office Fast Stream
ESA (C) Employment and Support Allowance (Contributory) DWP
ESA (IR) Employment and Support Allowance (Income Related) DWP
ESAC Select Committee on Education Science and the Arts DfE
ESARD (departmental organisational unit) Education Standards Analysis and Research Division Year(s) active (where known): 2013 DfE
ESCOM Employment Services Communications System Source: Department for Education and Employment and Office for Standards in Education., (1998). Departmental Report: The Government's Expenditure Plans for 1998-99 Cm 3910. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN 0101391021] DfE
ESCS Education Skills and Childrens Services DfE
ESCS ISB Education Skills and Childrens Services Information Standards Board DfE
ESD (departmental organisational unit) Education Standards Directorate Year(s) active (where known): 2013 DfE
ESD (electronic) Electronic Service Delivery Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-06 DfE
ESD (sustainable) Education for Sustainable Development Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-06 DfE
ESF European Social Fund DWP / MHCLG
ESF European Social Fund The European Social Fund (ESF) was created under the Treaty of Rome in 1957 to improve job opportunities by promoting employment and increasing the geographical and occupational mobility of workers across the six founding Member States. They were France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Over the years ESF has experienced many changes. Social and economic evolution, the changing nature of EU policies, and enlargement have all played their part in how ESF operates today... DfE
ESF European Social Fund Provides funding via the CFO to provide additional services to offenders MoJ
ESFA Education and Skills Funding Agency The Education Funding Agency and Skills Funding Agency are to merge to become one body, the Secretary State for Education announced today (Tuesday 28 March 2017). The new, single funding agency - to be called the Education and Skills Funding Agency - will sit within the Department for Education and begin to operate from April 2017.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2017-03-31 DfE
ESFL English for speakers of foreign languages DfE
ESG Education Support Grants DfE
ESGE Expenditure Steering Group (Education) DfE
ESL English as a Second Language DfE
ESLT Extended Senior Leadership Team DfE
ESO (education) Education Services Officers Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-06 DfE
ESO (supervision) Education supervision orders DfE
ESOL English for Speakers of Other Languages DfE
ESP (education) Education Support Partnership DfE
ESP (employability) Employability Skills Programme DfE
ESR Electronic Staff Record (NHSE/I) NHSx Org Wide
ESRC Economic and Social Research Council ESRC is the UK's largest organisation for funding research on economic and social issues. They support independent, high quality research which has an impact on business, the public sector and civil society. We [ESRC] are a non-departmental public body (NDPB) established by Royal Charter in 1965.Source: {ESRC|} accessed 2016-07-20 DfE
ESRT (departmental organisational unit) Education Standards Research Team Year(s) active (where known): 2013 DfE
ESS Education Standard Spending Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
ESSA Education Standard Spending Assessments DfE
ESW Educational Social Workers Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-06 DfE
ET Executive Team Not Limited to CS
ET Executive Team
ET Employment Tribunal Also stands for 'E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial', a 1982 sci-fi movie about a loveable alien. MoJ
ET RPA Executive Team Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
ETD Early Transfer Date MoJ
ETDA Education and Training Development Agenda Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
ETE Education, Training & Employment MoJ
ETF Education and Training Foundation The Education and Training Foundation (ETF) was established in October 2013. The ETF receives grant funding of just under 23m from BIS, DfE and MOJ. In addition, we generate commercial income and receives additional grants from a variety of sources. We (ETF) are owned by the FE and training sector. On behalf of the whole sector, three Founder Members appoint the majority of our board. The Founder members are the Association of Colleges (AoC), the Association of Employment and Learning Provide... DfE
ETF Evaluation Task Force The Evaluation Task Force (ETF), a joint Cabinet Office (CO) and His Majesty’s Treasury (HMT) unit, was set up following the 2020 Spending Review to improve people’s lives by ensuring robust evidence on the effectiveness of policies and programmes sits at the heart of government spending decisions. Cabinet Office Delivery Group
ETF Evaluation Task Force Cabinet Office Delivery Group
ETF (environmental) Environmental Task Force 1997-? One of four options for young people on the New Deal where the long-term unemployed elected to do six months environmental work to benefit the community. In so doing, they received training and acquire the job skills required by future employers. DfE
ETF (European) European Training Foundation DfE
ETG (departmental organisational unit) Education and Training Group Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
ETL Extract, Transform & Load MoJ
ETP Employer Training Pilots 2002-05. Launched by the Treasury in September 2002 with six pilots in different areas of England. Expanded to 18 pilots between 2003 and 2004. Superseded by the National Employers Training Programme. Further information below from The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-05 Employer Training Pilots (ETPs) offered subsidised training to small and medium-sized enterprises to help them develop their workforces. The ETPs were launched in September 2002 by the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Led by the Learni... DfE
ETS Enhanced Thinking Skills A course that prisoner can do to to address the attitudes and thought patterns that may of contributed to their offending MoJ
EU European Union Civil Service Wide
EU European Union DfE
EUA Emergency Use Authorisation BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
EUI European University Institute DfE
EUIT European International Trade Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
EURES European Employment Services Source: Department for Education and Employment and Office for Standards in Education., (1998). Departmental Report: The Government's Expenditure Plans for 1998-99 Cm 3910. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN 0101391021] DfE
EUV+ existing use value plus To define land value for any viability assessment, a benchmark land value should be established on the basis of the existing use value (EUV) of the land, plus a premium for the landowner. The premium for the landowner should reflect the minimum return at which it is considered a reasonable landowner would be willing to sell their land. The premium should provide a reasonable incentive, in comparison with other options available, for the landowner to sell land for development while allowing a ... DLUHC
EVAST Environmental value scenario tool Defra funded consortium in collaboration with UKCEH and modelling partners Defra
EVL Electronic Vehicle License
EVS European Voluntary Service Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-03 DfE
EWO Education Welfare Officers DfE
EWS Education welfare service DfE
ExCo Executive Committee BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
ExCo Executive Comity Board Permanent Secutary and Director Generals (6 of). MoJ
ExCo Executive Committee Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
EXISS Exchange Integration Services Stream MoJ
Extradition only registered solicitor can go MoJ
EY Early Years Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-06 DfE
EYC Early years census Collects information about private, voluntary and independent Early Years Settings with children in receipt of funded places.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2015-06-02 DfE
EYDCCP Early Years Development and Childcare Partnerships 1997-?. Convened by LEAs to bring together all the parties (including schools and other providers, parents, employers and colleges) to develop early education and childcare services in their areas and to draw up, implement and monitor their annual plans. DfE
EYDCP Early Years Development and Childcare Partnerships 1997-?. Convened by LEAs to bring together all the parties (including schools and other providers, parents, employers and colleges) to develop early education and childcare services in their areas and to draw up, implement and monitor their annual plans. DfE
EYDP Early Years Development Plan DfE
EYFS Early Years Foundation Stage A comprehensive statutory framework that sets the standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to five. Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2015-06-02 Further information below from The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-05 The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework was launched on 13 March 2007 and became effective from September 2008. The Childcare Act 2006 provides the legislative basis for the establis... DfE
EYFSP Early Years Foundation Stage Profile A way of summing up each child's progress and learning needs at the end of the foundation stage, for most children the end of the reception year in primary school. DfE
EYNFF Early Years National Funding Formula DfE
EYPP Early Years Pupil Premium DfE
EYPS Early Years Professional Status Early Years Professional Status is no longer available and was replaced by Early Years Teacher Status in 2013. Early Years Professional Status (EYPS) is a programme to provide graduate practitioners with the skills to lead high quality practice in Early Years. DfE
EYR Early Years Register Established by the Childcare Act 2006, a register for childcare for children up to the age of 5. Additional information below from The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-06 The Early Years Register (EYR) replaced the existing Ofsted registration arrangements for childcare (for children from birth to five) from September 2008. The EYR has been introduced alongside the Ofsted Childcare Register as part of the new arrangements introduced under the Childcare Act 2006. The EYR will be compulsory for most ... DfE
EYSG (departmental organisational unit) Early Years and Schools Group Year(s) active (where known): 2018- DfE
EYSPI Early Years Starting Points Indicators Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-06-06 DfE
EYTS Early years teacher status DfE
EZ Employment Zones September 1998-unknown. Employment Zones was a programme offering practical support to Jobseekers Allowance customers, lone parents and people getting Pension Credit. Employment Zones were run in the following areas: Brent and Haringey, Glasgow, Liverpool and Sefton and Tower Hamlets and Newham. DfE
F&S Forecasting and Scheduling Officer
F2050 prisoner core record protected characteristics and case information MoJ
F2F Face to Face [meeting] DfE
FA Finance Act
FA Financial Assessor
FA Fixed Amount
FA Fraud Act
FA Factual Report
FAB Federation of Awarding Bodies FAB was initially formed in 2000 by the four largest vocational awarding bodies, namely: City & Guilds Edexcel Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations Board (OCR) The London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examinations Board (LCCIEB)Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-07 DfE
FALA Find a legal advisor Public-facing service that allows people to find a legal advisor who holds a contract with the LAA MoJ
FAM Financial Appraisal and Monitoring Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-07 DfE
FAMIS Fraud and Management Information Service
FAnGR Farm Animal Genetic Resources Committee
FAO (families) Family Assistance Order A Family Assistance Order is made by a judge or magistrate to help families when parents split up.Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-07 DfE
FAP Fair Access Protocols The purpose of Fair Access Protocols is to ensure that - outside the normal admissions round - unplaced children, especially the most vulnerable, are found and offered a place quickly, so that the amount of time any child is out of school is kept to the minimum. This is why every local authority is required to have in place a Fair Access Protocol, developed in partnership with local schools.Source: {GOV.UK|} ... DfE
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions Not Limted to CS
FAR Fixed Asset Register
FAS Funding Agency for Schools The Funding Agency for Schools was an executive Non-departmental public body (NDPB) set up by the Department for Education. It was established on 1 April 1994. (DES Press Notice 88/94 contains its remit letter). For the setting up of the FAS see the Education Act 1993. The Funding Agency for Schools (FAS) was responsible for calculating and paying grants to the governing bodies of Grant Maintained Schools which were provided for under the Education Reform Act 1988. It also monitored the finan... DfE
FASNA Foundation and Aided Schools National Association Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-07 DfE
FAT Field Assurance Testing
FATE Find Answers to Enquiries 2020- Internally facing departmental system which is a replacement for The Knowledge briefing sheets. Was briefly known as Project Athena (January-March 2020). DfE
FBC Full Business Case In reference to the The Five Case Model: Full Business Case (FBC) – building on the OBC, taking the chosen option through procurement, putting in place delivery plans and providing the final detailed costing of the scheme. Civil Service Wide
FBP Finance Business Partner Civil Service Wide Finance
FBP Finance Business Partners DfE
FBS Feeder Benefit Systems
FCA Forgery and Counterfeiting Act
FCA Financial Conduct Authority The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is a financial regulatory body in the United Kingdom, but operates independently of the United Kingdom government, and is financed by charging fees to members of the financial services industry. MoJ
FCAP Finance and Commercial Assurance Panel NHSx Org Wide
FCDO Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office 2 September 2020 - Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) and the Department for International Development (DFID) Merged FCDO
FCERM Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Defra Group Environment Agency
FCO Foreign and Commonwealth Office See FCDO FCDO
FCO Foreign and Commonwealth Office MoJ
FCOS Foreign and Commonwealth Office Services A trading fund of the FCO. Providers of IL2 and IL3 web hosting MoJ
FCRM Flood and Coastal Risk Management Defra Group Environment Agency
FCT Family and Childcare Trust DfE
FCTLW Free Childcare for Training and Learning for Work DfE
FDA US Food and Drug Administration BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
FDAC Family Drug and Alcohol Courts Family Drug and Alcohol Courts This project provides a problem solving approach to care proceedings, where a team of substance misuse specialists, domestic violence experts, psychiatrists and social workers carry out an early assessment and agree an intervention plan with parents who come before the court in care proceedings. Once in proceedings, parents begin a trial for change, supported by the specialist team and with regular meetings with the judge, who reviews the progress being made as ... DfE
FDF Foundation Degree Forward Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-07 DfE
FE Further education DfE
FEAP Further Education Application Portal DfE
FEC (colleges) Further education colleges DfE
FEC (commissioner) Further Education Commissioner The role of the FE Commissioner is set out in Rigour and Responsiveness in Skills (April 2013). He will provide advice to ministers and the chief executives of the funding agencies on the action necessary to secure swift improvement. He can call on the support of the FE Advisers, who bring with them a range of skills and expertise in financial recovery, change management and curriculum design.Source: {GOV.UK| DfE
FECDF Further Education Competitiveness and Development Fund Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-07 DfE
FECF Further Education Collaboration Fund November 1997/unknown. The Fund aimed to increase the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of further education and post-16 provision generally by encouraging collaboration in order to promote mergers and rationalisation, and to improve responsiveness and skill needs. DfE
FECRDU Further Education Curriculum Review and Development Unit DfE
FED Fraud Error and Debt DWP
FED Future Engage Deliver FED is the leadership framework that DfE has adopted to support our culture change and to give us ideas and concepts which can help us to build our leadership capability at every grade in our department from EA to SCS (Senior Civil Service).Source: DfE accessed 2019-08-01 DfE
FEDA Further Education Development Agency FEDA was renamed the Learning and Skills Development Agency in November 2000 to reflect its widened role across the learning and skills sector. Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-07 DfE
FEDP Fraud Error and Debt Programme DWP
FEE Free Early Entitlement DfE
FEESS Further Education Early Student Statistics DfE
FEFC Further Education Funding Council The Further Education Funding Council for England (FEFC) was a non-departmental public body (NDPB) set up on 1 April 1993. It distributed funding to Further Education and Sixth Form Colleges in England which had formerly been run by Local Education Authorities (LEAs) or voluntary bodies. FEFC was sponsored by the Department for Education and Employment. FEFC was created by the Further and Higher Education Act 1992, following the white paper "Education and Training for the 21st Century". HMSO,... DfE
FEFM Further education free meals Advice to help institutions meet the requirement to provide free meals to disadvantaged 16 to 18 year old students in further education (FE).Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2015-07-20 DfE
FEIB (departmental organisational unit) Further Education Inspectorate Branch DfE
FELL Families, Early Learning and Literacy Research Group Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-07 DfE
FENTO Further Education National Training Organisation Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-07 DfE
FEO Finance Executive Officer
FEPEP Further Education Procurement Efficiency Programme Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-07 DfE
FEPS Fraud and Error Prevention Service (CFCD Interventions since 2017)
FERL Further Education Resources for Learning Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-07 DfE
FERN Further Education Research Network Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-07 DfE
FERSG Further Education Reputation Strategy Group DfE
FES Fraud and Error Service (part of CFCD since 2017)
FES Fish Export Service Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
FESD Further Education System Data [Programme] DfE
FESR Further Education Statistical Records DfE
FEU Further Education Unit This was a special unit set up by the Department of Education and Science in January 1977 as the Further Education Curriculum Review and Development Unit It was a major contributor to curriculum development throughout the further education service. (This was announced on 20 December 1976 in a press notice.) It produced reports and shared offices in Elizabeth House. After January 1983 its name was changed to Further Education Unit and it was changed into a limited company. It commissioned and ... DfE
FEXIT Further Education EXIT Group Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-07 DfE
FF Further Forces In partnership with the Gatsby Charitable Foundation [and the Education and Training Foundation], Further Forces is a scheme to retrain 210 Armed Forces Service Leavers to teach technical subjects, including Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) in the Further Education (FE) and Skills Sector. Service Leavers are supported to find employment, allocated a subject specialist mentor and experience high quality learning experiences while on their fully funded teacher training programme which ... DfE
FF Forward Funding DLUHC
FFC Future Farming & Countryside Program Defra Future Farming
FFCP Future Farming and Countryside Programme Defra
FFCP Future Farming and Countryside Programme Defra Future Farming
FfE Framework for Excellence for the further education system A new all-inclusive and radical approach to managing performance across the learning and skills sector. It was driven by the LSC Agenda for Change and the Further Education White Paper. Launched 2007. DfE
FFEP Family Friendly Employment Project Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-07 DfE
FG (departmental organisational unit) Families Group Year(s) active (where known): 2013 DfE
FGC Family Group Conferences This project puts families at the heart of making safe decisions and plans for children that are at immediate risk of being taken into care. Children and young people are involved in the conference along with their wider family network, and often supported by an advocate from outside the family. Together, a plan is agreed by all those involved and families agree to meet again to assess how well the plan is going and make the changes necessary to protect children.Source: {GOV.UK|https://www.go... DfE
FGM Female genital mutilation Female genital mutilation (FGM) is illegal in the UK. Its also illegal to take a British national or permanent resident abroad for FGM or to help someone trying to do this. FGM is any procedure thats designed to alter or injure a girls (or womans) genital organs for non-medical reasons. Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2015-06-04 DfE
FHEQ Framework for Higher Education Qualifications Applies to degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic awards granted by a university or higher education college (apart from honorary degrees and higher doctorates). The FHEQ broadly corresponds with levels 4 to 8 of the National Qualifications Framework, in terms of the demands the qualifications place on learners.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2015-06-04 DfE
FI Fraud Investigator
FI Financial Investigator
FIA Financial Investigator Assistant
FIP Family intervention projects Takes a whole family approach to help solve issues such as poor physical and mental health, domestic violence, substance misuse, a lack of basic and life skills and behavioural problems. DfE
FIT Feed-in-Tariff Feed-in-Tariff renewable electricity scheme BEIS Energy Policy
FITB Film Industry Training Board DfE
FITS Future IT Sourcing Programme or is the S 'sourcing'? Yes MoJ
FIU Financial Investigation Unit
FL Flexible learning DfE
FLA Foreign Language Assistant Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-07 DfE
FLC Flexible Learning Centre Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-07 DfE
FLO Family Liaison Officer MoJ
FLS Frontline Services
FLS Future Leaders Scheme DfE
FLS Future Leaders’ Scheme Cabinet Office FSET
FLSM Frontline Line Service Management
FLT Foundation Learning Tier Used to describe Entry level and Level 1 qualifications in the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF), operating in England only. Its overall aim is to reform provision for all learners working towards Entry level and Level 1 qualifications. DfE
FM Finance Manager
FM (facilities) Facilities management DfE
FM (marriage) Forced marriage A marriage conducted without the valid consent of both people, where pressure or abuse is used.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2015-06-04 DfE
FMA Foundation Modern Apprenticeship Foundation Modern Apprenticeship (but not Foundation Modern Apprentice) DfE
FMB Functional Mailbox MoJ
FMD Falsified Medicines Directive BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
FMDS Financial Management Development Scheme Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-07 DfE
FMI Five Minute Intervention Prisons MoJ
FMSiS Financial Management Standard in Schools Michael Gove, then Secretary of State for Education announced the decision on 15 November 2010 to end FMSiS with immediate effect and develop a simpler standard as a replacement. Links/Further Information Source: {DfE Website|} accessed 2019-05-07Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-07 DfE
FMSP Further Mathematics Support Programme (2005-2018) 20052018 The key aim of the FMSP is to increase the number of students studying further mathematics A level. Funding is used to target schools and colleges where no students are currently taking further mathematics, providing support to improve and extend their mathematics provision.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2015-06-04 DfE
FNA Future needs Assessment
FNC First Night Centre Prisons MoJ
FNP Foreign National Prison or Foreign National Prisoner Prisons MoJ
FNPP Family Nurse Partnership Programme A preventive programme for young first time mothers. It offers intensive and structured home visiting, delivered by specially trained nurses (Family Nurses), from early pregnancy until the child is two. This is a Department of Health scheme DfE
FNtI Financial notices to improve (academies) DfE
FO Finance Officer
FOC Full Operating Capability BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
FOH Front of House DWP
FOI Freedom of Information NHSx Org Wide
FOI Freedom of information DfE
FoI Freedom of Information Civil Service Wide
FOI Freedom Of Information MoJ
FOI Freedom of Information DLUHC
FOIA Freedom of Information Act
FOT First Of Type NHSx Org Wide
FPA Fraud Partnership Agreement
FPMF FITS Programme Management Framework This was part of the overall governance framework for FITS. MoJ
FPMT Finance and Performance Management Team
FPRC Family Procedure Rules Committee The Family Procedure Rule Committee (FPRC) makes rules of court that govern the practice and procedure followed in family proceedings in the High Court and family court.FPRC is an advisory non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Ministry of Justice. MoJ
FPU (departmental organisational unit) Funding Policy Unit DfE
FRA Full Roll-Out Approval NHSx Org Wide
FRAIMS Fraud Referral and Intervention Management System
FRC Financial Reporting Council Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-07 DfE
FRESA Frameworks for Regional Employment and Skills Action The Frameworks for Regional Employment and Skills Action (FRESA) were commissioned by the Government in 2001. They are plans, developed and led by Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) and their partners, to tackle the skills and employment needs of regional economies. Each region has its own FRESA, drawn up by the RDA in partnership with employers, trade unions and others.Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-07 DfE
FRET Fundamental Review of Education and Training DfE
FRF Fraud Referral Form
FRP Full Record Print
FRPS Financial Resources and Payment for Services MoJ
FRRP Financial Reporting Review Panel Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-07 DfE
FRS Family Resources Survey DfE
FRU (departmental organisational unit) Flexible Resource Unit DfE
FS Foundation stage 3-5 year olds. DfE
FS Foreign Secretary BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
FSA Financial Services Authority Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-07 DfE
FSB Federation of Small Businesses The Federation of Small Businesses is the UK's largest campaigning pressure group promoting and protecting the interests of the self-employed and owners of small firms. Formed in 1974.Source: {FSB website|} accessed 2015-06-04 DfE
FSC (contracts) Future Service Contracts DfE
FSC (departmental organisational unit) Free Schools Capital Directorate DfE
FSCM Forensic Services Contract Management
FSD Financial Services Division
FSD (departmental organisational unit) Free Schools Directorate Year(s) active (where known): 2018- DfE
FSET Fast Stream & Early Talent Civil Service Wide
FSG (departmental organisational unit) Free Schools Group Year(s) active (where known): 2016-2018 DfE
FSM Free school meals DfE
FSMever6 Ever 6 FSM Ever 6 FSM The pupil premium for 2017 to 2018 will include pupils recorded in the January 2017 school census who are known to have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) since May 2011, as well as those first known to be eligible at January 2017.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2018-04-17 DfE
FSP Foundation Stage Profile Introduction The Foundation Stage Profile is a way of summing up a child's progress and learning across the six areas of learning at the end of the foundation stage. The profile is made up of 13 scales based on the early learning goals and stepping stones set out in Curriculum guidance for the foundation stage. The Foundation Stage Profile Handbook provides guidance for practitioners on how to make assessments on the basis of their observations and knowledge of the whole child. Recording atta... DfE
FSPG Funding Stream Period Group DfE
FSRO (civil service grade) Fast Stream Research Officers Also known as HEO(D) DfE
FST Financial Secretary to the Treasury
FSU Fraud Support Unit
FSWO Future Service Work Order DfE
FT Full-time DfE
FT Fast track The route followed by a claim with a value of between £10,000 and £25,000. HMCTS
FT Financial Transactions DLUHC
FTA Failed to Attend
FTA Fair treatment ambassador DfE
FTA Fixed Term Appointments Civil Service Wide
FTA Free Trade Agreement A free trade agreement is a pact between two or more nations to reduce barriers to imports and exports among them. DBT
FTE Full-time equivalent Not Limited to CS
FTE (exclusions) Fixed term exclusions DfE
FTE (staffing) Full-time equivalent FTE (Full-time equivalent) is used for comparison and funding purposes. Numbers of part-time students and staff are converted to full-time equivalents. This is because a direct head-count is often a poor indication of the actual volume of activity. Example In this example the normal working week is 36 hours Three part-time workers work 18 hours per week and another three part-time workers work 12 hours per week. The headcount is therefore 6. To calculate the FTE add up all the hours worked:... Civil Service Wide
FTET Full-time Education and Training Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-07 DfE
FTR Fixed Term Recall MoJ
FTRS Full Time Reserve Service A member of the Army Reserve who is temporarily employed full time MoD
FtT First tier Tribunal
FTT Fast Track Teaching programme Closed on 31 August 2009. Fast Track Teaching was an accelerated leadership programme designed for classroom teachers in the early stages of their careers, who demonstrated the potential to rapidly progress into senior leadership positions. Source: The National College as at 2012-05-14 Further information below from The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-07 The Fast Track Teaching programme was one of a number of reforms designed to modernise the teaching profession, announced in the 1998 Green Paper... DfE
FTW For The Win MoJ
FVTD Free Vehicle Tax Disc
FWA Family Welfare Association DfE
FWAS Flexible Working Ambassador Schools The Department for Education (DfE) is looking to recruit 8 flexible working ambassador schools across England. Each flexible working ambassador school will receive a grant of 30,000 per year for 2 years to increase flexible working in schools. They will be expected to do this by: * improving the policies, practice and culture around flexible working by providing peer support for headteachers within local and other networks * increasing the likelihood of flexible working requests being accepte... DfE
FY Financial Year DfE
FYI For your Infomation Not Limted to CS
FYSNG (departmental organisational unit) Foundation Years and Special Needs Group Year(s) active (where known): 2013 DfE
G&T Gifted and talented DfE
G5 (civil service grade) Grade 5 DfE
G6 Grade 6 BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
G6 (civil service grade) Grade 6 DfE
G6/G7 Grade 6 and Grade 7 A Grade within the Civil Serice Civil Service Wide
G7 Grade 7 / Annual summit of leading economies (UK chairs 2021) BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
G7 (civil service grade) Grade 7 Team Leaders DfE
GA Guardian’s Allowance
GaaP Government as a Platform Collective name for the tools developed by government to help departments deliver digital services. Civil Service Wide DDaT
GAD Government Actuary's Department
GAD Genesis Activation Device
GAG General Annual Grant Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-26 DfE
GAL Global Address List Not Limted to CS
GAL Global Address List MoJ
GALRO Guardian Ad Litem and Reporting Officers DfE
GAP Government Assurance Panel DLUHC
GARS Gilliam Autism Rating Scale Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-26 DfE
GAVI Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation A public–private global health partnership committed to increasing access to immunisation in poor countries. Once a vaccine is ready, GAVI will work to make it available in low income countries. BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
GB Great Britain Not Limted to CS
GB (governing) Governing Bodies DfE
GBR Graduate Basis for Registration DfE
GBS Government Banking Service MoJ
GCE General Certificate of Education Introduced in 1951 to replace the School Certificate. Replaced in 1988 by GCSEs. In 1943 the Secondary Schools Examinations Council produced a report called "Curriculum and Examinations in Secondary Schools" known as the Norwood Report. (Source `Examinations' by RJ Montgomery.) The Ministry of Education responded in Circular 103 and commissioned the Secondary Schools Examination Council to produce further guidance. In 1947 they produced a report "Examinations in Secondary Schools", which the ... DfE
GCF Government Commercial Function The Government Commercial Function is a cross-government network procuring or supporting the procurement of goods and services for the government.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2019-12-23 Cabinet Office
GCFP (Corporate Finance) Government Corporate Finance Profession Government Corporate Finance Profession aims to get the best value for the taxpayer by ensuring government has access to high quality corporate finance advice.Source accessed 2021-05-17 Civil Service Wide
GCFP (Counter Fraud) Government Counter Fraud Profession We are a network of experts implementing standards of counter-fraud activity in government. Source accessed 2021-05-17 Civil Service Wide
GCO Government Commercial Organisation The Government Commercial Organisation (GCO) is the employer of senior commercial professionals, at Grade 7 and above, within the Government Commercial Function (GCF).Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2019-12-23 Civil Service Wide
GCS Government Communication Service Government Communication Service supports all professional communicators across government to gain the skills and knowledge they need to carry out their roles.Source accessed 2021-05-17 Civil Service Wide
GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education Introduced in 1988 to replace GCE O Levels and CSEs. Further information from The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-26: Background In 1976 the Schools Council recommended that the GCE and CSE examinations be replaced with a common system of examining at 16+. In 1977 the Department of Education and Science (DES) set up a Steering Committee under the Chairmanship of Sir James Waddell. In July 1978 it produced a report called "School Examinations". Cmnd 7281 (HMSO, 1978). The government accepted the re... DfE
GDA Grant Declaration Agreement DLUHC
GDN Group Delivery Network
GDP Gross domestic product Civil Service Wide
GDP Good Distribution Pratices BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
GDPR General Data Protection Regulations DfE
GDPR General Data Protection Regulation BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
GDS Government Digital Service Cabinet Office
GDS Government Digital Service MoJ
GDS Government Digital Service Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
GDSC Government Data Standards Catalogue DfE
GE General election Civil Service Wide
GEC Group Executive Committee Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-26 DfE
GeL Genomics England (Limited) DHSC
GEO Government Equalities Office DfE
GEP General Expenditure Policy
GES Government Economic Service A career in economics can touch on virtually any aspect of life and business. Being a government economist in the Government Economic Service is not just a question of analysing figures. It is work that sees you closely involved in important current issues and helping shape government policy.Source accessed 2021-05-17 DfE
GES Government Economic Service BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
GEST Grants for Education Support and Training Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-26Source: Department for Education and Employment and Office for Standards in Education., (1998). Departmental Report: The Government's Expenditure Plans for 1998-99 Cm 3910. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN 0101391021] DfE
GFA Grant Funding Agreement Effectively the contract for Grants Funding BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
GFA Grant Funding Agreements DLUHC
GFEC General FE Colleges General Further Education colleges (GFECs) deliver academic and vocational/occupational courses at levels 1, 2 and 3, as well as basic adult skills provision. There were 199 GFECs in England at the end of August 2007. The average GFEC has around 9,000 LSC-funded learners, the largest has 40,000 and the smallest just 500. Of the 2.8 million LSC-funded learners enrolled in General FE and Tertiary Colleges in 2005/06, the majority (2 million - 70%) were adults studying part-time. GFECs are also... DfE
GFF Government Finance Function Civil Service Wide Finance
GGL Green Gas Levy Levy for Green Gas Support Scheme BEIS Energy Policy
GGSS Green Gass Support Scheme Replacement for Domestic Renewable Heat scheme BEIS Energy Policy
GI Cheque Not Limted to CS
GIAA Government Internal Audit Agency The Government Internal Audit Agency helps government departments to manage public money effectively by developing better governance, risk management and internal controls.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2019-08-29 DfE
GIAA Government Internal Audit Agency BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
GIAA Government Internal Audit Agency DLUHC
GIAP Get information about pupils DfE
GIAS Get information about schools This is a register of schools and colleges in England. You can search for and download information on establishments, establishment groups or governors. Schools, local authorities and academy trusts can also update details by signing in to their Secure Access account. Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2017-11-30 DfE
GIF Growth Investment Fund DfE
GIO Group Infrastructure and Operations Defra Group DDTS
GIO Group Infrastructure & Operations Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
GIRR Government Information Risk Return MoJ
GIS phe BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
GKIM Government Knowledge and Information Management GKIM Profession supports qualified civil servants who enable the creation, organisation and exploitation of information and knowledge.Source accessed 2021-05-17 DfE
GL General ledger MoJ
GLA Greater London Authority The Greater London Authority, known colloquially as City Hall, is the devolved regional governance body of London, with jurisdiction over both the City of London and the ceremonial county of Greater London. Not Limited to CS
GLA Greater London Authority DfE
GLD Government Legal Department Civil Service Wide Legal
GLD (level) Good Level of Development DfE
GLF Graduate Leader Fund The Graduate Leader Fund (GLF) is the Governments main investment in improving the quality of the early years workforce. It is central to raising standards and will help embed the culture of continuous quality improvement that is necessary to meet the Childcare Act 2006 duty to improve outcomes for all young children and reduce inequalities between them. It is also key to the Governments drive for a world class early years system as set out in the Children's Plan. DfE
GLH Guided learning hours The definition for actual guided learning hours, as set out in the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning (ASCL) Act 2009, is the time a person spends a) being taught or given instruction by a lecturer, tutor, supervisor or other appropriate provider of education or training, or b) otherwise participating in education or training under the immediate guidance or supervision of such a person, but does not include time spent on unsupervised preparation or study, whether at home or otherw... DfE
GLH Government Land for Housing DLUHC
GLiMR Generalised Listing, Management & Registration GLiMR is a Generalised Listing, Management & Registration multi-jurisdiction Case Management system used by several MoJ sites situated throughout England and Wales, and as well as being accessed by both MoJ/HMCTS staff has a public facing website that feeds directly to the GLiMR Database. MoJ
GLP Government Legal Profession Lawyers in the Government Legal Service provide legal advice to the government and represent it in court proceedings.Source accessed 2021-05-17 Civil Service Wide Legal
GM Grant maintained schools Grant-maintained status was created by the Education Reform Act 1988. They were state schools in England and Wales between 1988 and 1998 that had opted out of local government control, being funded directly by a grant from central government. Phased out by 2000. DfE
GMC General Medical Council DHSC
GMH Great Minster House Department for Transport - Head Office DfT
GMP Good Manufacturing Practices The practices required for manufacturers to conform with authorisation and licensing guidelines. Overseen by national regulatory agencies e.g. FDA. BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
GMP Guaranteed Maximum Price BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
GMPP Goverment Major Projects Portfolio "The GMPP encompasses ‘the most complex and strategically significant’ (not to mention ‘high-risk’) projects proposed by government departments. It contains key information about each project, including financial information, a delivery confidence assessment rating – setting out the likelihood of the project being delivered on time and on budget – and a project schedule." - IfG IPA Project Delivey
GMS Generalised Matching Service
GMS (schools) Grant maintained schools Grant-maintained status was created by the Education Reform Act 1988. They were state schools in England and Wales between 1988 and 1998 that had opted out of local government control, being funded directly by a grant from central government. Phased out by 2000. DfE
GMS (status) Grant Maintained Status Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-28 DfE
GMSAC Grant Maintained Schools Advisory Committee Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-28 DfE
GMSCL Grant Maintained Schools Centre Limited DfE
GMSF Greater Manchester Spatial Framework Bringing in together more than one local authority. GM plans to produce a combined local plan for all 9 LAs. requires unanimous support from all local authorities. If one LA does not agree then plan will not proceed. (Stockport did not agree) DLUHC
GMSF Grant Maintained Schools Foundation Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-28 DfE
GMSLOG Grant Maintained Schools Legislation Organising Group DfE
GNVQ General National Vocational Qualifications Introduced in 1992, phased out between 2005 and 2007. DfE
GO Government Offices Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-28 DfE
GO Science Government Office for Science BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
GOGGS Government Offices Great George Street London offices, comprised of 1 Horse Guards Road (1HGS) and 100 Parliament Street (100PS). Home to HMT, HMRC, DCMS, CO, CSS. Civil Service Wide Office
GORS Government Operational Research Service The Government Operational Research Service supports operational research analysts across government, helping them to contribute to policy-making, strategy and operations.Source accessed 2021-05-17 DfE
GOTT Government Office for Technology Transfer The new 'unit' responsible for the identification and exploitation of HMG Knowledge Assets, as envisioned in the Mackintosh report. DSIT
GP General Practitioner Not Limted to CS
GP General Practitioners DfE
GPA Government Property Agency DfE
GPA Government Property Agency BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
GPC Government Procurement Card DfE
GPC Government Procurement Card Civil Service Wide
GPC Government Procurement Card Like a credit card, but with additional public sector controls etc. Divisions can use it for small purchases. MoJ
GPFR General Practitioners Factual report
GPP (Property Profession) Government Property Profession The Government Property Function operates across departments, delivery organisations and agencies. It is a network of over 5,000 members with responsibility for a range of property-related activities.Source accessed 2021-05-17 DfE
GPRLS General Professional Recognition Learning and Skills The General Professional Recognition Learning and Skills scheme (GPRLS) enables competent and experienced teachers to be recognised as a qualified member of the workforce. It supersedes an earlier Professional Recognition scheme (PRLS), run specifically for experienced but unqualified teachers of Skills for Life subjects. Successful applicants are placed on the Recognition register and become eligible to go on to apply for the status of either Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (QTLS) or ... DfE
GPS Government Procurement Service Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-28 DfE
GRE Grant Related Expenditure Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-28 DfE
GRS Government Recruitment Service BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
GRS Government Recruitment Service The organisation that manages recruitment campaigns, ensuring open and fair competition. Previously known as Civil Service Resourcing. MoJ
GRT Gypsy, Roma, Traveller DfE
GRTP Graduate and Registered Teacher Programmes The Graduate and Registered Teacher Programmes (GRTP) offer employment-based training to people aged 24 and over. While following a training plan that leads to Qualified Teacher Status, trainees are employed by schools as qualified or unqualified teachers and paid accordingly. The programmes have proved particularly suitable routes to qualification for mature people with financial responsibilities; for people from ethnic minority groups and for people with previous experience in schools, for ... DfE
GSA Girls' Schools Association The Girls Schools Association [GSA] helps girls and their teachers to flourish. We [GSA] represent the Heads of a diverse range of independent UK girls schools (day and boarding) including many of the top-performing schools in the UK independent sector.Source: {GSA website|} accessed 2021-02-02 DfE
GSB General Schools Budget DfE
GSCPP Government Security Centre People and Physical MoJ
GSCU Government Skills and Curriculum Unit The Government Skills and Curriculum Unit (GSCU) is part of Civil Service HR in the Cabinet Office and focussed on learning across the Civil Service Cabinet Office HR
GSE Government Science and Engineering (Profession) Civil Service Wide
GSEP Government Science and Engineering Profession Government Science and Engineering supports scientists and engineers working in government. Source accessed 2021-05-17 DfE
GSG Government Statistician Group The Government Statistician Group (GSG) is the civil service profession for statisticians. The GSG collects, analyses and disseminates official statistics in order to meet the needs of government, business, and the public for trusted, authoritative, relevant and timely statistics, and related analysis and advice.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2018-08-22 Subsumed into the Government Statistical Service. DfE
GSG Government Security Group A Business Unit of Cabinet Office Cabinet Office
GSI Government Secure Intranet DfE
GSI Government Secure Intranet MoJ
GSR Government Social Research DfE
GSS Government Statistical Service Government Statistical Service (GSS) is a community for all civil servants working in the collection, production and communication of official statistics.Source accessed 2021-05-17 DfE
GSS Government Statistical Service BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
GST (department) Group Support Team DfE
GST (training) Government Supported Training Government Supported Training (GST) for young people comprised Advanced Modern Apprenticeships, Foundation Modern Apprenticeships, Life Skills and Other Training for Young People. Until 25 March 2001, GST was funded through Training and Enterprise Councils (TECs) and supported by employers. From 26 March 2001, GST was funded through the Learning and Skills Council. The Learning and Skills Council was replaced by the Skills Funding Agency and the Young People's Learning Agency in 2010.Source: ... DfE
GSVQ General Scottish Vocational Qualification Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-28 DfE
GTC (children) Gifted and talented children DfE
GTC (Council) General Teaching Council The GTC was established by the Teaching and Higher Education Act 1998. Its aim was to contribute to improving standards of teaching and the quality of learning, and to maintain and improve standards of professional conduct among teachers. From 1st April 2012 replaced by the Teaching Agency. DfE
GTCS General Teaching Council for Scotland Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-26 DfE
GTN Government Telephony Network
GTP Graduate Teacher Programme A teacher training programme designed for graduates. On the GTP people could attain the same qualified teacher status often awarded alongside a PGCE while training and working in a paid teaching role. 1998-2012. Closed after academic year 2012/13, replaced by the School Direct Training Programme (salaried), an employment-based route into teaching for high-quality graduates with three or more years career experience.Source: {DfE website| DfE
GTTR Graduate Teacher Training Registry An admissions service that processed over 50,000 applications each year for full-time and part-time postgraduate teacher training courses. Replaced by UCAS Teacher TrainingSource: {UCAS website|} accessed 2015-06-04 DfE
GUIE Growing up in England The GUIE dataset links ONS census 2011 to NPD, ILR and HESA data and enables a more comprehensive understanding of how factors such as family background, school type and geography shape outcomes, which will allow researchers to shine light on what does and doesn't work in supporting children and young people to thrive.Source: Data Directorate 2021-03-30 DfE
GVA Gross Value Added Gross value added is the value of output minus the value of intermediate consumption; it is a measure of the contribution to GDP made by an individual producer, industry or sector DLUHC
GVMS Goods Vehicle Movement Service HMRC
GVS Government Veterinary Services The Government Veterinary Surgeons (GVS) is a network for veterinarians in the UK public sector. Source accessed 2021-05-17 DfE
GWS Government Wide Service MoJ
GYSP Get Your State Pension
H&S Health and safety DfE
H&S Health and Safety Civil Service Wide
HASLOC Health and safety of learners outside the classroom Health and safety of learners outside the classroom (HASLOC) guidance provides straightforward advice and useful information for teachers and visits organisers planning off-site activities. The original guidance was published in 1998 and revised in 2002. 2009 consultation Consultation on a second revision was published on 6 November 2009. The new guidance will: help teachers and other staff to keep children safe by outlining their duties and giving helpful advice help cut red tape by providin... DfE
HASSRA Health and Social Security Recreational Association Civil Service Wide
HB Housing Benefit
HBD Health and Benefit Division
HBF Home Building Fund The Home Building Fund is a flexible source of funding administered by Homes England on behalf of the government. It provides two types of finance: Development loans and Infrastructure loans DLUHC
HBS Heritage benefit System
HBT Homophobic, Biphobic and Transphobic (bullying) DfE
HC Human Challenge BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
HCA Homes and Communities Agency is the legal name of Homes England (who had a bit of a rebrand recently). DLUHC
HCC Health Care Centre NHS facility in a prison MoJ
HCM Human Challenge Model BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
HCP Health Care Professional DHSC
HCS Home Civil Service All civil servants in UK, Scottish and Welsh governments Civil Service Wide
HDC home detention curfew MoJ
HDCAD Home Detention Curew Approved Date MoJ
HDCED Home Detention Curfew Eligibility Date MoJ
HDP Housing Delivery Project DLUHC
HDT Housing Delivery Test The Housing Delivery Test is an annual measurement of housing delivery in the area of relevant plan-making authorities. DLUHC
HE Homes England Also referred to as 'the agency' DLUHC
HE Higher education DfE
HEA (academy) Higher Education Academy Supports the sector in providing the best possible learning experience for all students. Develops and disseminates evidence-informed practice and act as an independent broker to facilitate the sharing of expertise. Source: {HEA website|} accessed 2015-06-04 DfE
HEA (authority) Higher Education Authority The HEA leads the strategic development of the Irish higher education and research system with the objective of creating a coherent system of diverse institutions with distinct missions.Source: {HEA website|} accessed 2019-06-18 DfE
HEA (home education) Home Education Advisor Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
HEAC Cabinet Office
HEADLAMP Head Teachers Leadership and Management Programme Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
HEAFC Higher Education Active Community Fund Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
HEAS Home Education Advisory Service The Home Education Advisory Service (HEAS) is a national home education charity based in the United Kingdom. It is dedicated to the provision of advice and practical support for families who wish to educate their children at home in preference to sending them to school. HEAS recognises that reliable information should be available for everyone. HEAS was established in 1995 by a group of experienced home educators in order to provide good quality information on both the legal and practical asp... DfE
HECSU Higher Education Careers Service Unit Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
HEE Health Education England NHSx Org Wide
HEFCE Higher Education Funding Council for England HEFCE was set up as a non-departmental public body in 1992 following the Further and Higher Education Act 1992. Separate councils were established for Wales and Scotland. HEFCE distributed public money for higher education to universities and colleges in England, and ensured that the money was used to deliver the greatest benefit to students and the wider public. This included monitoring the financial health of universities and colleges, that their courses were good quality, and that everyone... DfE
HEFE (departmental organisational unit) Higher and Further Education Group Year(s) active (where known): 2018- DfE
HEI (index) Higher Education Index DfE
HEI (institutions) Higher education institutions DfE
HEIF Higher Education Innovation Fund Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
HEIFES Higher Education in Further Education Students survey DfE
HEO Higher Executive Officer Civil Service Wide
HEO (civil service grade) Higher Executive Officers DfE
HEO(D) (civil service grade) Higher Executive Officers (Development) Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
HEPF Higher Education Progression Framework Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
HEPI Higher Education Policy Institute DfE
HEQC Higher Education Quality Council DfE
HERA Higher Education and Research Act 2017 Source: {|} accessed 2017-05-12 DfE
HERD Higher Education Regional Development Fund Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
HERO (reach out fund) Higher Education Reach Out Fund Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
HERO (research) Higher Education and Research Opportunities in the United Kingdom Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
HEROBC Higher Education Reach-out to Business and the Community Fund Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
HESA Higher Education Statistics Agency DfE
HESDA Higher Education Staff Development Agency Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
HESES Higher Education Students Early Statistics Survey Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
HESMF Higher Education Senior Managers Forum Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
HEVA Higher Education Volunteering Awards Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
HFR Hospital Factual Report
HGU Higher Grade User
HIA Heads of Internal Audit Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
HIF Housing Infrastructure Fund The Housing Infrastructure Fund is a government capital grant programme of up to £2.3 billion, which will help to deliver up to 100,000 new homes in England. Funding will be awarded to local authorities on a highly competitive basis, providing grant funding for new infrastructure that will unlock new homes in the areas of greatest housing demand. DLUHC
HIG Housing Investment Grant Some schemes fail a bid for HIF but are given the grant instead DLUHC
HIL Higher Investigations Leader (Criminal and Financial)
HIP (Headship Induction Programme) Headship Induction Programme 2004/unknown. Induction programme for headteachers. DfE
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus DfE
HLBR High Level Business Requirement
HLD High Level Design DfE
HLE Home Learning Environment DfE
HLTA Higher level teaching assistants Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs) work in the school alongside the teacher, providing valuable support for teaching and learning activities. The HLTA programme is available to school support staff in England, who have sought the support of their headteacher and line manager. There are potentially four steps to achieving HLTA status, which are: applying for funding training preparation for assessment assessment HLTAs work under the direction of a teacher on tasks such as working with i... DfE
HM Her/His Majesty Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
HMA Housing Market Area DLUHC
HMC Headmasters and Headmistresses Conference Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
HMCI Her/His Majestys Chief Inspector of Schools DfE
HMCS Her/His Majesty's Courts Service See HMCTS MoJ
HMCTS Her/His Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Service HMCTS
HMCTS Her/His Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service They prefer ampersand (&) to avoid CATS acronymmiaowPreviously known as Her Majesty's Courts Service before it merged with Tribunals to become HMCTS MoJ
HMG Her/His Majesty's Government DLUHC
HMG Her/His Majesty's Government Civil Service Wide
HMG Her/His Majesty's Government MoJ
HMI (school) Her/His Majestys Inspector DfE
HMICA Her/His Majesty's Inspectorate of Court Administration Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
HMIP HM Inspectorate of Prisons DfE
HMIP Her/His Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons Thematic reviews. Also conduct unanounced prison inspections. MoJ
Hmo House in Multiple Occupation HMO is a term that is used to define accommodation that is owned by a private landlord and shared among a number of people. The acronym stands for a House in Multiple Occupation. There are a range of different types of accommodation that could fall under this definition, depending on how many people are living there and what the living arrangements are. As a general rule, where there are three or more tenants in a property who make up more than one household with shared toilet, bathroom or ki... DLUHC
HMPPS HM Prison and Probation Service MoJ
HMRC Her/His Majesty's Revenue and Customs HMRC
HMRC HM Revenue and Customs DfE
HMT Her/His Majesty's Treasury (also known as ‘The Treasury) NHSx Org Wide
HMT Her/His Majesty's Treasury HMT
HMT Her/His Majesty's Treasury DLUHC
HMT HM Treasury DfE
HNC Higher National Certificates DfE
HND Higher National Diplomas A Higher National Diploma (HND) is a higher education qualification in the United Kingdom. In England, Wales and Northern Ireland the HND is a BTEC qualification awarded by Edexcel and in Scotland is a Higher National awarded by the Scottish Qualifications Authority. The attainment level is roughly equivalent to second year of university, a Diploma of Higher Education but in some cases may be marginally below that of a bachelor's degree. An HND takes two years of full-time study, or one year ... DfE
HO Home Office HO
HO Home Office DfE
HO Home Office Department responsible for the police, UK Border Agency, and the Security Service (MI5). MoJ
HOD Head of Division Pay band 6a/6b Charity Commission Org Wide
HofC House of Commons UK Parliament
HofL House of Lords UK Parliament
HOIT Home Office IT MoJ
HOMD Head of Offender Management Delivery An individual who can assign POMs to offenders MoJ
HoP Heads of Profession DfE
HOP Head of Profession or Houses of Parliament BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
HoSEP Head of Science and Engineering Profession Civil Service Wide
HOTT Handover Telephony Tool
HOW Head of Work
HP Hire Purchase
HPA Historic Prisoner Application When IIS (Inmate Information System - the precursor to Prison-NOMIS) was decommissioned, the data was archived into HPA MoJ
HPAD Housing and Planning Analysis Division DLUHC
HPCF Healthy pupils capital fund Healthy pupils capital funding is for improving access to facilities for physical activity, healthy eating, mental health and wellbeing and medical conditions (such as kitchens, dining facilities, changing rooms, playgrounds and sports facilities). This is a one year fund for 2018 to 2019 only. Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2018-09-09 DfE
HPE Hewlett Packard Enterprises Not Limited to CS DDaT
HPITT High Potential Initial Teacher Training DfE
HPWAR High Priority Work Available Report
HR Human Resources Not Limited to CS HR, People
HR Higher Rate DWP
HR and OD Human Resources and Organisational Development NHSx Org Wide
HRA Housing Revenue Account The Housing Revenue Account (HRA) is intended to record expenditure and income on running a council’s own housing stock and closely related services or facilities, which are provided primarily for the benefit of the council’s own tenants. DLUHC
HRA Human Rights Act
HRA Health Research Agency BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
HRBP Human Resources Business Partner Departmental Human Resources (HR) role to assist teams and managers with HR related questions. DfE
HRBP Human Resources Business Partner Civil Service Wide
HRBP HR Business Partner Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
HRCC Higher Rate Care Component Part of DLA Payment DWP
HRD Human Resources Director BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
HRFNAO High Risk Food of Non-Animal Origin Defra
HRMC Higher Rate Mobility Component Part of DLA Payment DWP
HRT Habitual Residence Test DWP
HS1 High Speed 1 High Speed 1, legally the Channel Tunnel Rail Link, is a 67-mile high-speed railway linking London with the Channel Tunnel. DLUHC
HS2 High Speed 2 HS2 is a new high speed railway linking up London, the Midlands, the North and Scotland serving over 25 stations, including eight of Britain’s 10 largest cities and connecting around 30 million people. DLUHC
HS2 High Speed Rail 2 Department for Transport
HSA Home School Agreements Launched 1999. A home-school agreement is a statement explaining: the schools aims and values; the schools responsibilities towards its pupils who are of compulsory school age; the responsibility of each pupils parents; what the school expects of its pupils.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2015-06-04 DfE
HSB Housing Strategic Briefing team DLUHC
HSC Health Service Circular
HSCIC Health and Social Care Information Centre NHSx Org Wide
HSCP Health or Social Care Professional DHSC
HSE Health and Safety Executive Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-12 DfE
HSE Health and Safety Executive BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
HSE high security estate prison use MoJ
HSE High Security Estate The highest level of prison, eg Belmarsh.Could also be Health and Safety Executive, so avoid acronym. MoJ
HSE Health and Safety Executive Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
HSO (civil service grade) Higher Scientific Officers DfE
HStO (civil service grade) Higher Statistical Officers DfE
HTA Hierarchical Task Analysis MoJ
HTE Higher technical education Our vision is for higher technical education (HTE) to be a prestigious choice that delivers high levels of occupational competence and supports entry to skilled employment, for those seeking to enter industry or progress within an existing career. This means that the aims of HTQs should be to: Deliver the knowledge, skills and behaviours that are needed for an occupation(s) and valued by employers; Be understood and recognised as high-quality by employers and so have labour market currency; a... DfE
HTQ Higher technical qualifications Our vision is for higher technical education (HTE) to be a prestigious choice that delivers high levels of occupational competence and supports entry to skilled employment, for those seeking to enter industry or progress within an existing career. This means that the aims of HTQs should be to: Deliver the knowledge, skills and behaviours that are needed for an occupation(s) and valued by employers; Be understood and recognised as high-quality by employers and so have labour market currency; a... DfE
HWF Help with Fees The service formerly known as Fee Remission.Two parts, public and staff facing MoJ
HWPV Help With Prison Visits Also known as APVS (Assisted Prison Visit Scheme) MoJ
HWWB Health Work and Wellbeing DWP
HWWD Health, Work and Wellbeing Directorate
i.AI Incubator for Artificial Intelligenc i.AI is a new, high performance, agile team working across the Downing Street and Cabinet Office (CO). They are an elite team of highly empowered technical experts at the heart of government. Their mission is to help departments harness the potential of AI to improve lives and the delivery of public services. Cabinet Office Digital
I&I Innovation and Improvement Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
IA Impact Assessment DLUHC
IA Impact assessments DfE
IA immigration and asylum As in 'Immigration and Asylum Tribunal'. MoJ
IA Information Architecture IA could also refer to Information Assurance, so confusing acronym. MoJ
IA Information Assurance as used by MOJ ICT. MoJ
IA (audits) Internal audits DfE
IAA Information Asset Administrator NHSx Org Wide
IAAA Immigration and Asylum Act Home Office
IAAS Infrastructure as a Service DfE
IAASE Independent Appeals Authority for School Examinations DfE
IAC Immigration and Asylum Chamber MoJ
IAC (advisory) Interim Advisory Committee DfE
IAC (asset) Information Asset Coordinator Term no longer in use as at November 2018. New term is Information asset manager 2019-02-27 DfE
IAC (audit) Internal Audit Committee Source: Department for Education and Employment and Office for Standards in Education., (1998). Departmental Report: The Government's Expenditure Plans for 1998-99 Cm 3910. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN 0101391021] DfE
IAD (departmental organisational unit) Internal Audit Division Year(s) active (where known): 1999Source: Department for Education and Employment and Office for Standards in Education., (1999). Departmental Report: The Government's Expenditure Plans 1999-00 to 2001-02 Cm 4202. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN: 0101421923] DfE
IAG Information advice and guidance services Information, advice and guidance (IAG) is a term for the various levels of advice and help that learners receive from public agencies and providers. DfE
IAGTP Independent Advisory Group on Teenage Pregnancy DfE
IAL Indicated Admissions Limit Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-31 DfE
IAMS Information Asset Management System NHSx Org Wide
IAN Indicated Admissions Number Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-31 DfE
IAO Information Asset Owner NHSx Org Wide
IAO Information Asset Owners The Security Policy Framework states that organisations should appoint and train Information Asset Owners (IAO) for each of their information assets. Their role is to protect and manage information held by the organisation, and ensure that its value to the organisation is fully realised. The IAO is responsible and accountable for an information asset in terms of: identifying risks associated with the information asset managing and operating the asset in compliance with policies and standar... DLUHC
IAO Information asset owner DfE
IAO Information Asset Owner Somewhat of an equivalent to a SIRO - related to information security / accreditation MoJ
IAPS Independent Association of Prep Schools The Independent Association of Prep Schools (IAPS) is a schools association with 700 of the worlds leading prep schools in membership. Schools must reach a very high standard to be eligible for membership, with strict criteria on teaching a broad curriculum, maintaining excellent standards of pastoral care and keeping staff members professional development training up to date. Although each of our schools is independent, and has its own ethos, they are all committed to delivering an excellent... DfE
IAR Information Asset Register DLUHC
IAR Information Access Representative Admin staff based at a prison to collect information for a SAR MoJ
IAS Internal Audit Services
IB Incapacity Benefit DWP
IBBY International Board on Books for Young People DfE
IBO International Baccalaureate Organisation DfE
IC Homes England's Investment Committee DLUHC
ICA Initial Categorisation Assessment MoJ
ICAEW Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales DfE
ICE Independent Case Examiner DWP
ICES Information on Children Education and Schools Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-31 DfE
ICF Intelligent Client Function DfE
ICFP Integrated curriculum and financial planning Integrated curriculum and financial planning (ICFP) is a management process that helps schools plan the best curriculum for their pupils with the funding they have available. It can be used at any phase or type of school. ICFP involves measuring your current curriculum, staffing structure and finances, and using the data to create a 3 to 5 year plan.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2019-12-23 DfE
ICJU International Comparators Joint Unit BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
ICL Interim contingent labour DfE
ICO Information Commissioner's Office DLUHC
ICO Information Commissioners Office DfE
ICS Integrated Care System NHSx Org Wide
ICS Institute of Customer Service The Institute of Customer Service is the independent, professional membership body for customer service. Founded in 1996, and formally incorporated in February 1997, we help our members improve their customers experience and their own business performance.Source: {ICS website|} accessed 2019-06-11 DfE
ICT Information Capture Tool
ICT Information and Communications Technology DfE
IDA Identity Documents Act
IDA identity assurance Verifying digitally who someone is. There is a programme currently running (Jan 2014) in Government Digital Service, known as 'IDAP' which is implementing a way to verify the identity of citizens and business digitally so they can use government services online. MoJ
IDACI Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index IDACI 2007 IDACI is the Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index provided by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG), released in December 2007. The index is based on Super Output Areas (SOAs) in England. Each SOA is given a rank between 1 and 32,482 where 1 is the most deprived SOA. IDACI is a subset of the Income Deprivation Domain of the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2007 and shows the percentage of children aged under 16 in each SOA that live in families that are i... DfE
IDAM identity access management approach The approach initially taken by the common platform programme, for applications like Rota. They are now moving to use the GDS created identity system IDAP MoJ
IDAP Government Digital Service's identity assurance programme MoJ
IDeA Improvement and Development Agency DfE
IDP (inclusion) Inclusion Development Programme DfE
IDP (intrusion) Intrusion Detection and Prevention DfE
IDPC Used in Defence request MoJ
IDQ Informatica Data Quality Used to execute data quality against defined data sources and can be used to build a library of data quality scores and reports. primarily contains the business rules framework data and stores profiling information in its underlying repository.Source: {Informatica website|} accessed 2021-02-10 DfE
IDS Intrusion Detection System An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a device or software application that monitors a network or systems for malicious activity or policy violations. MoJ
IDTS Integrated Drug and Treatment System Reception - Unit for prisoners detoxing from drugs and/or alcohol MoJ
IEB Interim Executive Board Schools that are performing very poorly may be 'eligible for intervention'. In these schools, the Secretary of State, or the LA with the consent of the Secretary of State, has the power to replace a board with an Interim Executive Board (IEB). They have the power to pay members of an IEB they impose, if they chose to do so. Payment to IEB members should only be offered when this is in the best interests of the school and only until a full board is appointed. From: Governance Handbook: Academy... DfE
IED (departmental organisational unit) International Education Division Year(s) active (where known): 2013 DfE
IEI Initial Evidence Interview
IELS International Early Learning and Child Well-being Study The International Early Learning and Child Well-being Study is designed to help countries to improve childrens early learning experiences, to better support their development and overall well-being.Source: {OECD|} accessed 2019-06-18 DfE
iEOA International Examination Officers Association The International Examination Officers' Association (iEOA) has evolved from its foundation organisation the Examination Officers' Association (EOA) founded by Andrew Harland with a number of other teaching exam officers back in 2000. That lobby group transformed the EOA into a professional body to help represent the exams officer community in 2005 when it was registered as a charity and not-for-profit organisation. The iEOA like its predecessor remains the only independent professional organi... DfE
IEP Individual education plans For children with SEN. An IEP could include: what special or additional help is being given; who will provide the help and how often; what help parents can give the child at home; the childs targets and how and when progress will be checked. DfE
IEP Incentive/Earned Privilege (level) MoJ
IES Institute for Employment Studies IES is a leading independent centre for research and evidence-based consultancy. We provide insights on employment and human resource management topics to help improve policy and practice.Source: {IES|} accessed 2019-06-20 DfE
IESGD (departmental organisational unit) Independent Education and School Governance Division Year(s) active (where known): 2013 DfE
IETF Industrial Energy Transformation Fund A government fund that helps UK industry to improve energy efficiency and decarbonise as part of the drive to Net Zero BEIS
IEW International Education Week DfE
IF Internal Finance
IF1 Incident Reporting Form
IfA Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education Today [31 January 2019] the Institute for Apprenticeships formally adopts the name the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education after taking its responsibilities for the new T Level Programme. The Institute will assume responsibility for arranging the approval of outline content for all T Levels, for issuing contracts to awarding organisations who will develop the detailed qualifications, and for approving the final T Levels ready for providers to teach at colleges and schools th... DfE
IFAD (departmental organisational unit) Intervention Faith and Accountability Division Year(s) active (where known): 2019- DfE
IFD (departmental organisational unit) Infrastructure Funding Directorate Year(s) active (where known): 2013-2016? DfE
IfG Institute for Government Not Limited to CS
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards Civil Service Wide
IFS Interim financial system MoJ
IFTE International Federation of the Teachers of English DfE
IG Information Governance NHSx Org Wide
IGLO Impact Group Liaison Officer DfE
IICSA Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse will investigate whether public bodies and other non-state institutions have taken seriously their duty of care to protect children from sexual abuse in England and Wales.Source: {IICSA|} accessed 2016-08-16 DfE
IICSA Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse MoJ
IIDB Industrial Injury Disablement Benefit DWP
IIP (intervention) Intensive intervention projects Intensive Intervention Projects (IIP) target 1,000 of the most challenging young people every year, using the 'triple track' approach and applying lessons from Family Intervention Projects. DfE
IiP (investors) Investors in People The Investors in People Standard was developed in 1990 by the National Training Task Force, in partnership with leading business, personnel, professional and employees organisations. The Standard provides a national framework for improving business performance and competitiveness through a planned approach to setting and communicating business objectives and developing people to meet these objectives. The Standard is based on three main principles: Plan - Develop strategies to improve the p... DfE
IIS Inmate Information System The precursor to Prison-NOMIS. IIS has now been decommissioned, and data archived into HPA (Historic Prisoner Application) MoJ
IiYP Investing in Young People Strategy DfE
IL# Impact Levels [number] Shorthand for BIL#Information has an impact level, not a whole system. eg p-Nomis is IL3 is wrong.specific information about prisoners will have business impact 3 if made publicAll revised with the new Official criteria MoJ
ILA Individual Learning Accounts 2000-2001. Provided funding for individuals to take up training. DfE
ILEA Inner London Education Authority DfE
ILO International Labour Organization DfE
ILP Introduction to Leadership Programme Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-31 DfE
ILP Individual Learning Plan MoJ
ILR Individualised Learner Records Main FE collection used to pay providers etc. Often used to mean all of FE administrative holdings rather than what comes in on the ILR return.Source: Data Directorate 2019-07-22 DfE
ILS Integrated Learning Systems DfE
ILT Information and Learning Technology Information and Learning Technology (ILT) is the umbrella term used in post-16 education for computers and the other services and features that now go with them. These include networking, email, the Internet, multimedia and managed learning. Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-31 DfE
ILTHE Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education The Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (ILT) was a UK organisation set up as "the professional body for higher education staff involved in teaching and the support of learning".[1] It was founded in 2000 as a result of the reports of the National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education (the "Dearing Report"). The ILT was located on York Science Park. The founding Chief Executive was Dr Paul Clark. Its stated aims were to: accredit programmes of learning in higher educa... DfE
IM Information management DfE
IMA Independent Monitoring Authority Responsible for monitoring EU nationals post-Brexit MoJ
IMB Independent Monitoring Board Part of Prisons service MoJ
IMC Information Management Consultant Often used as a term specific to Records Management function. DfE
IMD Index of Multiple Deprivation DfE
IMF International Monetary Fund Civil Service Wide
IMG Inter-Ministerial Group BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
IMS Information Management Strategy The Departments Information Management Strategy (IMS) was developed with the help of schools and Local Authorities (LAs) to aid leadership teams, teachers and support teams in their efforts to raise standards in the classroom. Important IMS principles include: minimising demands on schools collecting only essential information collecting information once and using it many times storing and transferring information electronically automating information collection; one-button solutions improvin... DfE
IMSG Information Management Sub-Group Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-31 DfE
In January 2002 as part of the Department's Information Management Strategy the ASC was expanded to become the Pupil Level Annual Schools Census (PLASC) which is supplied electronically from each maintained school's Management Information System. The Census continued to collect school level data about classes being taught and staff in schools but it also collected pupil level information for the first time from Maintained Primary DfE
INCA International Review of Curriculum and Assessment Frameworks DfE
InCiSE International Civil Service Effectiveness Index Civil Service Wide
InfoX MoJ
INSET In-Service Education and Training DfE
INSI International Network for School Improvement DfE
INSTEP In-Service Training and Educational Panel DfE
Interventions This term in the prison system means courses that prisoners can attend that address behaviour such as drug misuse, domestic violence, etc MoJ
Interventions Manager A system that records prisons interventions services MoJ
InVision A system used in prisons to detail staff. Also known as CSR (Corporate Staff Rostering) or My Detail MoJ
IO Intelligence Officer Civil Service Wide Counter Fraud
IO (civil service grade) Information Officers DfE
IOD Information Operations Division The Information Operations Division are responsible for:- Records Management - Managing the department's corporate record- FOI Act compliance - Ensuring FOI requests are dealt with in accordance with the Act.- Knowledge & Information Mgr - Building good Information Management and Knowledge Sharing- Information Assurance - Building Information Assurance against HMG mandated standards and developing a culture of good information handling- Data Protection Act Compliance - Ensuring personal data ... MoJ
IOE University of London, Institute of Education DfE
IOP Instrument of Payment
IoT Institutes of Technology 170 million of new capital funding to establish prestigious Institutes of Technology Responsible for delivering higher level technical education in STEM subjects across all regions. This is part of a new system of technical education which will replace thousands of qualifications, many of which are low quality, with just 15 core technical routes. The routes will be designed specifically to respond to the needs of industry and will help equip learners with the skills in demand from local emplo... DfE
IP Intellectual property DfE
IP Investment Panel (VTF) BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
IPA Infrastructure and Projects Authority The Infrastructure and Projects Authority is the United Kingdom government's centre of expertise for infrastructure and major projects. The IPA sits at the heart of government, reporting to the Cabinet Office and HM Treasury. Civil Service Wide Project Delivery
IPAFFS Import of Products, Animals, Food and Feed system Defra APHA
IPAFFS Imports of Products, Animal, Food and Feed, System Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
IPCC Internet Protocol Contact Centre
IPD Independent Professional Development Independent Professional Development (IPD) is the joint professional development service of Headmasters and Headmistresses Conference and Girls Schools Association; it also has links with SHMIS. IPD exists to provide high quality training and development opportunities for members and their staff in almost 500 schools through national conferences and school-based training days. It has long been acknowledged that it is the responsibility of schools to identify, plan and seek to provide continui... DfE
IPM Independent Panel Member BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
IPO Intellectual Property Office The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) is the official UK government body responsible for intellectual property (IP) rights including patents, designs, trade marks and copyright. IPO is an executive agency, sponsored by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2016-08-01 DfE
IPR Intellectual Property Rights DfE
IPT Insolvency Practitioners Tribunal Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-31 DfE
IPV Intimate Partner Violence MoJ
IQ Intelligence quotient DfE
iQTS International qualified teacher status The Department for Education (DfE) has developed proposals for a new international teaching qualification, International Qualified Teacher Status (iQTS). DfE will use your responses to ensure this qualification gives teachers the opportunity to: * train to high-quality, English standards worldwide * provide more opportunities for English teacher training providers to expand into the international teacher training market This new qualification, based on English standards and training methods, ... DfE
IR Intelligence Report A method of reporting intelligence information to the Security department via the Mercury system (generally done electronically, but paper versions are available to those without computer access) MoJ
IRA (reading) International Reading Association Objectives and Mission: Dedicated to promoting high levels of literacy for all by improving the quality of reading instruction, disseminating research and information about reading and encouraging the lifetime reading habit, the IRA has affiliate groups located in over 99 countries throughout the world and a network of 350 000 members. To promote literacy worldwide by improving the quality of reading instruction through the study of the reading process and teaching techniques To serve as a cl... DfE
IRAS Integrated Research Application System BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
IRaT Incident Response and Tuning Live product support at MoJ Digital. MoJ
IRC Immigration Removal Centre MoJ
IRIS Integrated Risk and Intelligence Service
IRIS Integrated Risk, Issue & Opportunity Management Software BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
IRIS (research) Institute for Research in Schools Our vision: a transformation of the student and teacher experience of science. Being involved in real science inspires young people and is the best professional development for teachers. Thanks to ever more powerful technology, today's school students can access top level scientific data, collaborate with scientists around the globe, process information at lightning speed and develop innovative experimental ideas. They can put an experiment in space and contribute to scientific discovery. IRI... DfE
IRO (fostering) Independent reviewing officers (fostering) DfE
IRS Incident Reporting System MoJ
IRT (departmental organisational unit) Insight Resources and Transformation Directorate Year(s) active (where known): ?-2018/19 DfE
IRU Implementation Review Unit The Implementation Review Unit (IRU) was replaced with the Bureaucracy Reference Group (BRG) in 2010. The Implementation Review Unit (IRU) is the first ever independent scrutiny unit with a remit to cut red tape and bureaucracy in schools. The IRU is a panel of 12 experienced practitioners: heads, senior teachers and a bursar from across England, which reviews existing and new policy initiatives that impact on schools in England. Source: {Links/Further Information|https://webarchive.nationala... DfE
IS Income Support DWP
is/are denotes a description Formal term from UK Government Orange Book: Management of Risk - Principles and Concepts. MoJ
ISA (safeguarding) Independent Safeguarding Authority Previously known as the Independent Barring Board. On 1st December 2012 merged with the Criminal Records Bureau to form the Disclosure and Barring Service.Source: Home Office website as at 2013-02-04 DfE
ISA (schools) Independent Schools Association Founded in 1878, the Independent Schools Association is one of the oldest of the independent schools organisations. Since 2014, we have been a registered charity and we are proud to promote our charitable objectives. ISA provides professional support to its 513 member Headteachers. Staff of our Members schools benefit from high quality training opportunities and access to a wide range of membership services, while pupils enjoy an extensive programme of local and national Sporting, Arts and Cu... DfE
ISAAA Independent Schools Adventure Activities Association DfE
ISB (schools) Individual Schools Budget Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-31 DfE
ISB (standards) Information Standards Board DfE
ISBA Independent Schools Bursars Association The Independent Schools' Bursars Association (ISBA) is the only national association to represent school bursars and business managers of independent schools, providing them with the professional support they need to manage their schools successfully and provide a world class education to their pupils.Source: {ISBA website|} accessed 2019-06-06 DfE
ISBL Institute of School Business Leadership In 1997, the National Bursars Association Ltd was formally incorporated in response to an increasing demand for a more formal representative body. In 2008, the association commissioned a rebrand exercise and made a conscious move away from the term bursar to reflect the broader responsibilities and complexity of school business management. The National Association of School Business Management (NASBM) was born. The move to become the Institute of School Business Leadership, in 2017, is firmly... DfE
ISBU Integrated Systems Business Unit DfE
ISC The Investment Sub-Committee The Investment Sub-committee (ISC) is a sub-committee of the Executive Team responsible for scrutinising and approving investment proposals for the departmental group to ensure they achieve value for money and meet the requirements of Managing Public Money. DLUHC
ISC Independent Schools Council The Independent Schools Council brings together seven associations of independent schools, their heads, bursars and governors. Through our member associations we represent over 1,300 independent schools in the UK and overseas. These schools are ranked among the best in the world and educate more than half a million children each year. What we do at ISC ISCs work is carried out by a small number of dedicated professionals working out of our offices in Central London. We are assisted by the con... DfE
ISCED International Standard Classification of Education UNESCO developed the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) to facilitate comparisons of education statistics and indicators across countries on the basis of uniform and internationally agreed definitions.Source: {UNESCO|} accessed 2015-06-04 DfE
ISCG Information for School and College Governors Information for School and College Governors (ISCG) provides a free advice line with open access to all governors, and publishes checklists and reports on governor issues. Its representative Soundings Panel acts as a research panel on governor issues.Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-31 DfE
ISCS Income Support Computer System DWP
ISCTIP Independent Schools Council Teacher Induction Panel Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-31 DfE
ISEIC International School Effectiveness and Improvement Centre Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-31 DfE
ISI Independent Schools Inspectorate The Independent Schools Inspectorate is: - a government approved independent inspectorate for independent schools, quality assured on behalf of the Department for Education. This remit extends to independent schools which are full members of the associations which form the Independent Schools Council - a Home Office approved provider of educational oversight for private further education colleges (PFE colleges) in England, which are or apply to become a Tier 4 sponsor - an approved independen... DfE
ISIP Information Security Improvement Project Connected with the Learning and Skills Council or its later organisations. DfE
ISIS Independent Schools Information Services Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-31 DfE
ISMS Information Security Management System DfE
ISO (support) Individual Support Order ISOs are court orders only available for 10-17 year olds which can be attached to 'stand alone' Anti-social Behaviour Orders (ASBOs) and impose positive conditions on the young person to address the underlying causes of the behaviour that led to the ASBO. An ISO may last up to six months and can require a young person to attend up to two sessions a week under the supervision of the Youth Offending Team (YOT). Breach of an ISO is a criminal offence which may be punished by way of a financial p... DfE
ISP Intensifying Support Programme Piloted 20022004; ran 2004-2006? The Intensifying Support Programme (ISP) provided schools with funding and additional human resources to work with the schools leadership team and whole-school staff to raise attainment and accelerate childrens progress, to improve teaching and learning for all children, and to develop the school as a professional learning community. DfE
ISP Indeterminate Sentence Prisoner MoJ
ISR (school) Individual School Range Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-31 DfE
ISR (student) Individualised Student Records Replaced by Individualised Learner Records (ILR) in 2000.Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-31 DfE
ISS (internet) Internet Security Systems DfE
ISS (support) Integrated Support Service Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-31 DfE
ISSEN Inclusive Science and Special Educational Needs Inclusive Science and Special Educational Needs (ISSEN) is a collaboration between the Association for Science Education (ASE) and National Association for Special Educational Needs (NASEN). It was established to provide support for teachers and others working with students with special educational needs in both mainstream and special school settings. Through the development of a communications network (with some of it based on the Internet) the sharing of resources for supporting this area o... DfE
ISSP (schools) Independent State School Partnerships The independent/state school partnerships programme was set up by the Department for Education and Skills in 1998 to provide a structure and funding for cooperation between the sectors. Partnerships have had several aims, including the breaking down of barriers between the sectors, the sharing of professional expertise and the raising of standards.Source: {The National Archives| DfE
ISSP (supervision) Intensive supervision and surveillance programme Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-31 DfE
ISSS Information and System Support Services MoJ
ISTA Independent Schools Travel Association Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-31 DfE
ISWP Information Systems Work Programme Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-31 DfE
IT/ICT Information technology/Information and communications technology Civil Service Wide Digital
ITA Initial Teaching Alphabet Initial Teaching Alphabet, alphabet of 44 characters designed by Sir James Pitman to help children learn to read English more effectively. The Initial Teaching Alphabet is based on the phonemic (sound) system of English and uses the Roman alphabet, augmented by 14 additional characters, to represent each distinct sound with a separate symbol. It evolved from the phonotypy of Sir Isaac Pitman (grandfather of Sir James) and the Nue Speling of the Simplified Spelling Society of Great Britain. Th... DfE
ITA Initial Technical Assessment BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
ITA Internation Trade Advisor 3rd party advisors contracted with UKTI offering business around business development. MoJ
ITB Industrial Training Boards History Industrial Training Boards were first established following the Industrial Training Act (1964) to cover 26 sectors of industry. They represented positive intervention by the Government after it became clear that voluntary training effort by employers would not be sufficient to avoid recurring skill shortages. A succession of reviews in the 1980s/90s found that many ITBs had not made sufficient impact to justify their continuance and most Boards were wound up. However, the constructio... DfE
ITCE Information technology communications and electronics Source: Department for Education and Employment and Office for Standards in Education., (2000). Departmental Report: The Government's Expenditure Plans 2000-01 to 2001-02 Cm 4602. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN: 0101460228] DfE
ITD Information Technology Directorate
ITHC IT Healthcheck Penetration and security testing for services before they are released for public consumption. The ITHC must normally be re-done for each major system change - adding new external API lookups to a previously secure system, for example. Services are not considered 'live' or 'accepted into service' until the ITHC has been completed. Partial ITHCs exist, where a service already passed ITHC and a focussed change has been made. MoJ
ITIL ITIL, formerly[1] an acronym for Information Technology Infrastructure Library, is a set of detailed practices for IT service management (ITSM) that focuses on aligning IT services with the needs of business. MoJ
ITITO Information Technology Industry Training Organisation DfE
ITM Improving the Training Market Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-31 DfE
ITN Invitation to negotiate Confusing acronym - as more commonly used for Independent Television News. MoJ
ITO Industry Training Organisation Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-31 DfE
ItP Instruction to Proceed DfE
ITQ Information Technology Qualifications ITQ (Information Technology Qualification) is a National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) designed to help people develop the ICT skills they need for their job role. [No date]Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-31 DfE
ITSM Information Technology Service Manager
ITT (teachers) Initial teacher training DfE
ITT (tenders) Invitation to Tender Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-05-31 DfE
IUC Interview Under Caution A compliance interview DWP
IWP Integrated Word Processor Used within classic Prison-NOMIS Application. Template documents that pull data through from the database. Examples include case management documentation and release licences MoJ
IYA In-Year Award BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
IYY International Year of Youth (United Nations) On 18 December 2009, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution A/RES/64/134 proclaiming the year commencing on 12 August 2010 as the International Year of Youth: Dialogue and Mutual Understanding. The Year will coincide with the 25th anniversary of the first International Youth Year in 1985 on the theme Participation, Development and Peace. The resolution A/RES/64/134: {UN|} accessed 2019-06-14 DfE
IZ Investment Zone DLUHC/HM Treasury
JAC Judicial Appointments Commission MoJ
JACCS Job Career Change Scheme 1992/unknown DfE
JACQA Joint Advisory Committee for Qualifications Approval JACQA was established in December 2008 to review the funding eligibility of accredited qualifications and make recommendations to the Secretary of State based on the administrative criteria for public funding. It was jointly supported by QCDA and YPLA and has now been dissolved. DfE
Jaggaer Jaggaer Departmental contract and grant management system. Jaggaer replaced Redimo2 from October 2019. DfE
JANET Joint Academic Network Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-06 DfE
JAQSB Joint Audit and Security Board DfE
JAR Joint Area Review The Children Act 2004 provided for a single Framework for Inspection of Children's Services, to guide all inspections of such services; and for multi-inspectorate joint area reviews (JARs) of children's services at local authority area level. JARs drew together a range of evidence and inspection findings, to assess how services taken together contribute to improving the well-being of children and young people in a local authority area. Ending of JARs The Local Government White Paper indicate... DfE
JASP Juvenile awareness staff programme The juvenile awareness staff programme (JASP) was a modular staff development programme for staff working in the secure estate with children and young people. Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-06 DfE
JAWS Job Access With Speech JAWS, Job Access With Speech, is the world’s most popular screen reader, developed for computer users whose vision loss prevents them from seeing screen content or navigating with a mouse. Not Limited to CS Digital, Accessibility
JC Justices' clerk Legally-trained member of staff in a magistrates' court, who advises the mags (who are volunteers) on tricky questions about the law. MoJ
JCDU Joint Combating Drugs Unit A new cross-government unit set up to help end illegal drug-related illness and deaths. Civil Service Wide
JCP Job Centre Plus DWP
JCP Jobcentre Plus DfE
JCQ Joint Council for Qualifications The Joint Council for Qualifications is a membership organisation comprising the eight largest providers of qualifications in the UK. The JCQ provides a single voice for its members on issues of examination administration and, when appropriate, qualification and wider education policy.Source: {JCQ website|} accessed 2019-03-06 DfE
JCVI Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation Independent expert advisory committee BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
JD Job descriptions DfE
JEGS Job Evaluation and Grading Support BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
JES Job Evaluation Scheme MoJ
JESP Job Evaluation for Senior Posts Source: Department for Education and Employment and Office for Standards in Education., (1998). Departmental Report: The Government's Expenditure Plans for 1998-99 Cm 3910. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN 0101391021] DfE
JESP Job Evaluation of Senior Posts BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
JHA Justice and Home Affairs One of the policy areas of the Council of the European Union MoJ
JID Joint Intelligence Desk DWP
JIG Job Interview Guarantee Source: Department for Education and Employment and Office for Standards in Education., (1997). Departmental Report: The Government's Expenditure Plans 1997-98 to 1999-2000 Cm 3610. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN: 0101361025] DfE
JIO Joint Intelligence Organisation
JIP Joint Investment Programme DfE
JIS Job Introduction Scheme DfE
Jisc Joint Information Systems Committee Jisc are the UK higher education, further education and skills sectors not-for-profit organisation for digital services and solutions.Source: {Jisc|} accessed 2016-11-23 We have been known as Jisc since 2012 but, historically, JISC stood for Joint Information Systems Committee.Source: {Jisc|} accessed 2019-06-17 DfE
JIT Justice Impact Test Process to evaluate impact of new legislation on Ministry of Justice MoJ
JR Judicial Reivew when a public body is challenged in the High Court for legality/rationality of its processes and decision-making. Civil Service Wide
JR Judicial Review Judicial review is a type of court proceeding in which a judge reviews the lawfulness of a decision or action made by a public body. MoJ
JRS Judgement Recording Statement DfE
JS JavaScript Computer code used predominantly in Web browsers to provide enhance user interaction. MoJ
JS Jury Summons MoJ
JSA Job Seekers Allowance DWP
JSA Jobseekers Allowance DfE
JSAPS Jobseekers Allowance Computer System DWP
JSC Justice Select Committee MoJ
JSG Jobseekers Grant Source: Department for Education and Employment and Office for Standards in Education., (1998). Departmental Report: The Government's Expenditure Plans for 1998-99 Cm 3910. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN 0101391021] DfE
JSON JavaScript Object Notation A simple, lightweight data format. MoJ
JSR Joint Service Reviews DfE
JV Joint Venture DLUHC
JVT Joint Vaccines Taskforce BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
K2S Key to Success Application providing schools with information to improve performance. 2019-08-01 DfE
KBD Key Business Decisions MoJ
KCN Kids Clubs Network DfE
KCSIE Keeping children safe in education Statutory guidance is issued by law; you must follow it unless theres a good reason not to. This guidance applies to all schools and is for: headteachers, teachers and education staff governing bodies, proprietors and management committees It sets out what schools and colleges must do to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people under the age of 18.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2015-09-25 DfE
Key Traka See: Traka MoJ
KEYPAS Key Stage Performance Analysis System Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-06 DfE
KGB KIM (Knowledge and Information Management) Governance Board DfE
KHUB Knowledge Hub
KILO Knowledge and Information Liaison Officer Responsible person/people in a team/department for responding to Freedom of Information Act requests. MoJ
KIM Knowledge and Information Management policies DLUHC
KIM Knowledge and Information Management DfE
KIM Knowledge Information Management BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
KIT Keeping in touch (day) NHSx Org Wide
KIT Keeping In Touch
KIT Keep in Touch Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-06 DfE
KITT Keeping in Touch with Teaching Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-03-06 DfE
KLOEs Key Lines of Enquiry BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
KM Knowledge Management
KM Knowledge management Involves the acquisition, storage and transfer of knowledge within an organisation. DfE
KMI Key Management Indicator
KML Keyhole Markup Language MoJ
KPG Key Performance Groups
KPI Key Performance Indicator NHSx Org Wide
KPI Key Performance Indicators DfE
KPI Key Performance Indicator Civil Service Wide
KPI Key Performance Indicators MoJ
KPI Key Performance Indicator DLUHC
KS1 Key stage 1 5-7 year old pupils. DfE
KS2 Key stage 2 7-11 year old pupils. DfE
KS3 Key stage 3 11-14 year old pupils. DfE
KS4 Key stage 4 14-16 year old pupils. DfE
KS5 Key stage 5 16-18 year old students. DfE
KSF Keep Separate From Used on a PER (Person Escort Record) MoJ
KW Key Worker MoJ
KWO Key Work Objective Civil Service Wide
L&D Learning and Development DfE
L&D Learning and Development Civil Service Wide
L&D Learning & Development MoJ
L&D Learning and Development Defra Major Projects & Digital Delivery
LA Local Authority DLUHC
LA Local Authority Not Limited to CS
LA Local authorities DfE
LA Local Authority DLUHC
LAA Local Area Agreements Local area agreements (LAAs) were three-year action plans for achieving better outcomes, developed by councils with their partners in local strategic partnerships. Their abolition was announced in October 2010. DfE
LAA Legal Aid Agency The new LSC MoJ
LAAC Local Authority Accelerated Construction programme £450 million Local Authority Accelerated Construction (LAAC) programme was launched to help unlock public land and increase the speed of delivery on local authority housing schemes. The funding will be used by the local authorities to invest in infrastructure and enabling works. DLUHC
LAALAA Legal Aid Agency Legal Adviser API API for finding Legal Providers for specific categories of law close to a physical location (postcode or address). MoJ
LAAN Local apprenticeship ambassador networks The national apprenticeship ambassador network is also supported by local apprenticeship ambassador networks (LAAN) throughout England. The chair of each LAAN is also a member of the national AAN.Source: {GOV.UK|} accessed 2018-01-17 DfE
LAC Looked after children DfE
LACA Lead Association for CAtering in Education Previously known as the Local Authority Caterers Association Since inception in 1989, LACA has set out to inform, develop, represent and support its members through a range of initiatives and services. The Association became a Company Limited by Guarantee in 2009. The Association represents the School Food Industry and membership is open to all parties who make a contribution to this market sector - providers (public and private sector) client officers, consultants, suppliers and manufacturer... DfE
LACSAB Local Authorities Conditions of Service Advisory Board DfE
LACSEG Local Authority Central Spend Equivalent Grant Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-17 DfE
LACVP Local Authority Co-ordinated Voluntary Aided Programme DfE
LAD Learning Appliance Device (Server)
LAD (learning) Learning Aim Database The Learning Aim Database (LAD) contains information about all Learning and Skills Council (LSC)-recognised learning aims offered by providers who return Individualised Learner Record (ILR) data to the LSC. It includes learning aim information required to complete ILR data returns, as well as funding and statistical data. The LAD holds data for three teaching years. Data amendments The information in the LAD is updated monthly. Aims are added/amended based on details received from a variety ... DfE
LAD (local) Local authority districts Used for statistical purposes to cover district councils and unitary authorities. DfE
LAF Land Assembly Fund The £1.3 billion Land Assembly Fund, will be used to acquire land needing work and get it ready for the market, making it less risky for developers to invest in and start building. Outside of London this work will be carried out by Homes England. DLUHC
LAF Learning Assessment Framework
LAIEF Local Authority Information Exchange Form
LAO (departmental organisational unit) Legal Adviser's Office DfE
LAP Learner Advancement Portfolio DfE
LAPP Lower Attaining Pupils Programme Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-17 DfE
LARS Learning Aims Reference System DfE
LAS Live Activity Schedule
LASCH Local Authority Secure Children's Homes A Local Authority Secure Children's Home (LASCH) is a children's home, run and managed by Local Authorities, which is 'secure' in that the young person is not able to leave. They hold between 6 and 36 young people, both boys and girls, who are under 16 years old. LASCHs replaced local authority secure units (LASUs).Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-18 DfE
LASPO Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 Essentially this act 'reformed' the scope of what legal aid was available for (decreased the scope). When talking to subject matter experts at the level of granting legal aid funding, you may hear reference to phrases such 'Schedule 1' of the act, which describes what cases are 'in scope' or 'out of scope' for legal aid. LASPO gave rise to the need for Exceptional Case Funding (ECF) to ensure that human rights were not breached by cutting the scope of legal aid MoJ
LASS Learning and Skills Council Application Security System DfE
LAT Learner Achievement Tracker The Learner Achievement Tracker (LAT) was a piece of software for tracking learner progress that the LSC made available to all its providers. Part of the measures of success initiative, the LAT was intended to help providers measure qualification success rate (QSR), recognising and recording progress and achievement (RARPA) and value-added/distance travelled (VA/DT).Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-17 DfE
Law Law officers (AGO, Office of the Advocate General for Scotland)
LBs Living Blocks MoJ
LCB Local Competitiveness Budget Source: Department for Education and Employment and Office for Standards in Education., (1999). Departmental Report: The Government's Expenditure Plans 1999-00 to 2001-02 Cm 4202. London: The Stationery Office [ISBN: 0101421923] DfE
LCC Leicestershire County Council DLUHC
LCM Legislative Consent Motion Civil Service Wide
LCN Learning City Network The Learning City Network uses learning to promote social cohesion and economic development. It develops partnerships to stimulate and respond to the demand for learning. Learning cities and communities are also helping to support the governments priorities for modernising local government, tackling social exclusion, regenerating urban areas and achieving best value. The rapid expansion of the Learning City Network shows that the approach is working and that it offers real potential. DfE
LCW Limited Capability for Work A grouping for UC claimants based on their condition [Lower Group] DWP UC
LCWRA Limited Capability for Work and Work Related Activity A grouping for UC claimants based on their condition [Higher Group] DWP UC
LDA (deprivation) Least Deprived Area DfE
LDA (London) London Development Agency The London Development Agency (LDA) is one of the Governments nine Regional Development Agencies for England. Chaired by the Mayor of London, the LDA works to deliver the Mayor's vision for London to be a sustainable city with strong, long-term economic growth, social inclusion and active environmental improvement. The LDA is responsible for formulating long term strategies and for implementing the Governments competitiveness agenda in London. In addition, the LDA is charged with encouraging ... DfE
LDD Learning Difficulties and Disabilities Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-17 DfE
LDD Learning Difficulties and Disabilities MoJ
LDM Learner Data Mart DfE
LDO Like, Duh!... Obviously! MoJ
LDS Learner Data Service DfE
LDU Local Delivery Unit Probation MoJ
LE Lead Engineer DfE
LEA Local Education Authorities DfE
LEAFEA Local Education Authorities Forum for the Education of Adults DfE
LEAP London Economic Action Partnership DLUHC
LEATGS Local Education Authority Training Grants Scheme DfE
LEAWARDS Local Education Authority Awards System Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-18 DfE
LEC Local Enterprise Company Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-18 DfE
LECT League for the Exchange of Commonwealth Teachers LECT's mission was to support teachers and promote excellence in education throughout the Commonwealth. LECT joined the education charity CfBT Education Trust in October 2007. Its records have been transferred to the Institute of Education.Source: LECT website as at 2014-07-23 Additional information below from The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-18 The League for the Exchange of Commonwealth Teachers (LECT) connects teachers and educators throughout the Commonwealth. They promote excellence in edu... DfE
LED Licence Expiry Date MoJ
LEDS Law Enforcement Data Service MoJ
LeGSB Local eGovernment Standards Body Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-18 DfE
LEO Longitudinal Education Outcomes Data sharing between the DfE, DWP, HMRC and HESA provides a unique insight into the destinations of graduates and, by combining these sources, we can look at the progress of higher education leavers into the labour market.Source: Data Directorate 2021-03-30 DfE
LEP Local Enterprise Partnership DLUHC
LEP Local Enterprise Partnerships In the coalition agreement, the government committed to establishing local enterprise partnerships to replace the Regional Development Agencies. In June 2010 we invited businesses and councils to come together to form local enterprise partnerships whose geography properly reflects the natural economic areas of England.Source: {GOV.UK| DfE
LEP Local Employer Partnership
LETTOL Learning to Teach Online Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-18 DfE
LFE Learning From Experience BEIS UK Vaccines Taskforce
LFS Labour Force Survey DfE
LFW Legal Framework Reference data used in civil legal aid. It's a bunch of interlinked spreadsheets and it's used by CCMS. MoJ
LGA Local Government Association Formed on 1 April 1997, the LGA is a voluntary membership body with 422 member authorities covering every part of England and Wales. Source: {LGA website|} accessed 2015-06-05 DfE
LGA Local Government Association DLUHC
LGC Local Government Chemists
LGDC Local Government Delivery Council The Local Government Delivery Council is a new joint central and local government strategy body set up by the Cabinet Office designed to co-ordinate policy to improve local services. The delivery council includes representatives from 14 local authorities; various stakeholder bodies such as the Local Government Association; and three key central government departments whose policies affect local government Department for Communities and Local Government, Department of Health and Department for... DfE
LGE Local Government Employers Local Government Employers (LGE) was created by the Local Government Association and represents the interests of 375 Local Authorities in England and Wales as employers and has a key role in providing the main interface between employers and trade unions for consultation and negotiations on pay, pensions, workforce issues and advice and social partnership. The employment groups within LGE's remit include: local government staff teachers school support staff firefighters coroners police and p... DfE
LGFS Litigators Graduated Fees Scheme Fee scheme available to Solicitors who work on Crown Court cases MoJ
LGMB Local Government Management Board DfE
LGNTO Local Government National Training Organisation Source: The Knowledge accessed 2019-04-18 DfE
LGO Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman We look at individual complaints about councils, all adult social care providers (including care homes and home care agencies) and some other organisations providing local public services. We are a free service. We investigate complaints in a fair and independent way - we do not take sides.Source: {Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman website|} accessed 2020-06-29 DfE
LGPS Local Government Pension Scheme Collective name for pension schemes of local governments DLUHC Local Govt
LGR Local government reorganisation DfE
LGS Loan Guarantee Scheme 1986/unknown. Replaced by Enterprise Finance Guarantee.Source: Business Link website as at 2011-01-20 DfE
LHN Local Housing Needs DLUHC
Lib (civil service grade) Librarians DfE
LIBRA Case management system used by Magistrate Courts only to record case details, hearing dates, applicant details etc. Note that this system is not used by Crown Courts. MoJ
LIDS Local Inm